
India Shining with AKAM & Amrit Kaal

Some time back, an accomplished professional with illustrious career in the World Bank/other institutions in the past and now the Managing Director and CEO of Invest India, Deepak Bagla, while addressing an elite audience of professionals, businessmen and industry made certain observations about the recent progress and success story of India. Among other things, he mentioned that India achieved its first one trillion US$ economy in 67 years, second trillion in eight years and third in just about five years. Currently, it is 5th in GDP in world ranking with an ambitious target to reach around 10 trillion US$ by 2030. Then before and after the Covid-19 pandemic, it has also registered as the fastest growing economy in the world. Further, the country has received around a total of 950 billion US$ as FDI since 1947, of which nearly 532 billion was received in just about last eight years with India leading every day with new start ups in the world that also inter alia reflects the trust of world nations in India’s future, leadership, opportunities, entrepreneurship and partnership. Needless to mention, these are just few indicators and glimpses, but it indeed appears true that the country has risen like a phoenix with a new confidence and hope during the last 7-8 years. In the present piece, the author would endeavour to briefly analyze and explore the Indian success story


AKAM and Amrit Kaal


During the recent two successive NDA governments headed by Prime Minister, a host of measures and schemes have been undertaken for the inclusive development and groeth of all sectors and communities. For over a year now, the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsava (AKAM) and Amrit Kaal have remained as buzz words in the media and political circles in India. While for the present government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi the AKAM is an initiative to celebrate and commemorate seventy-five years of independence as also the glorious history of India’s people, traditional culture, sacrifices and achievements, the opposition considers it as more of a show off to hide failures on various fronts. Similarly, on the eve of AKAM the Prime Minister has also unveiled a roadmap for the country’s next twenty-five years calling it as ‘Amrit Kaal’ to emerge as a developed country by the year 2047. Here again the opposition constantly laughs at it so much so that the Gandhi scion, more famous for superfluous and often snobbish statements, recently ridiculed it as ‘Mitr Kaal’ implying that it is to pass on benefits to rich and close industrialists with nothing for the poor and unemployed in the country.


The AKAM has been dedicated to the people of India who have been instrumental so far in bringing and sustaining India in its evolutionary journey and hold the power and potential to strengthen Prime Minister's vision of galvanizing India 2.0 with the spirit of Aatmanirbhar Bharat (self-reliant India). Officially, it was commenced on 12 March 2021 which started a 75-week countdown to Bharat’s 75th anniversary of independence on 15 August 2022 and thereafter concluding post a year on 15 August 2023. Five key themes adopted at the occasion are freedom struggle, ideas@75, resolve@75, actions@75 and achievements@75. The term Amrit Kaal has been derived from the Vedic astrology, which implies the critical span of time when the gate of greater happiness is opened for the humans and supernatural beings as the most auspicious time to undertake any new task or work.


Whatever negative way the opposition parties leaders and a section of media/intellectuals portray it within and outside world, the fact is India has made rapid strides in nearly all walks of life, particularly during the last 8-9 years under Mr Narendra Modi’s leadership. The aim during the Amrit Kaal is to derive the best in every field, making it imperative for all Indian citizens to make sincere efforts and contribution in the nation building. Needless to mention that the objective of all this is to improve and better the lives of all countrymen, minimize the divide and prevailing gaps between the rich and poor, urban and rural areas, also reduce the government interference in the public life and adopt and acquaint the latest available technologies in the country. In an endeavour to achieve this, Prime Minister Modi has personally assured the countrymen to strive for minimum government and maximum governance with simultaneous reduction of overlapping compliances which is essential for the ease of doing business in India.


The term Amrit Kaal has been derived from the Vedic astrology which implied an auspicious time slot when the more auspicious and greater opportunities are opened equally for the divine, supernatural and human beings to undertake new task(s). While christening the next twenty-five years as Amrit Kaal, Prime Minister Modi envisioned it as the period of maximizing the development with absolute accomplishment in terms of every village having roads, every family with a bank account and a house, and every eligible person having health insurance, cards and gas connection. This could be achieved only through a strong commitment to hard work, austerity and sacrifice. The theme of freedom struggle includes commemoration of various milestones in history while simultaneously acknowledging the contribution of many unsung heroes. Some of the important AKAM programs included Birsa Munda Jayanti (as Janjatiya Gaurav Diwas), Declaration of Provisional Government of Free India by Netaji, Shaheed Diwas etc.


Similarly, the theme on Ideas@75 revolves around the programmes and events inspired by ideas and ideals that shaped Indians in the past and would continue to guide them through the next twenty-five years. This includes popular and participatory initiatives highlighting India’s unique contributions to the world such as Kashi Utsav committed to Hindi literary exprts and Post Cards to Prime Minister with tens of lakhs children sharing their vision of India 2047 as well as the unsung heroes of the freedom struggle. The themes of Resolve@75 represent India’s collective resolve and readiness to shape the destiny of the motherland with the contribution of the individuals, groups, government institutions, civil society, and so on. Although it’s a constant and continuous process; however, some of the thematic initiatives include celebration of the Constitution Day and Good Governance Week.


The Action@75 actually translates and highlights actions being taken to implement the policies and programmes to actualize commitments and achieve India’s rightful place in the new world order. Broadly, the Modi Government’s inspiring call of Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, Sabka Prayas speaks about it all encompassing the Government policies, schemes and programmes, action plans including with the commitments from the businesses, NGOs, civil society, and so on, for collective and seamless implementation and actualization of ideas and resolves. Among the umpteen such initiatives, one good illustration could be the programme of Gati Shakti - National Master Plan for Multi-modal Connectivity. Then the Achievement@75 is basically showcasing of the evolution and progress being achieved in various sectors, which includes India’s collective achievements of 75 years of independence with the legacy of over five thousand years of well known ancient history.


Amrit Kaal: Campaign & Comprehensive Outreach


For the critics and ignorant people, the aforesaid AKAM and Amrit Kaal may appear as mere propaganda and showcasing but the following inputs and analysis would briefly reveal as to how much has actually been done and what all is intended to achieve during the next twenty-five years making best use of the collective wisdom and efforts for the inclusive development of the country. It wouldn’t be exaggeration to quote Prime Minister Modi as the precursor of the vision, mission and engine of the futuristic growth. He calls the aforesaid five themes as ‘Panch Pran’ and the following nine campaigns with peoples’ participation as critical themes for intended growth and development of India to regain its rightful place in the new world order. These themes include Atmanirphar Bharat (self-reliant India), Cultural Pride, Unity, Women and Children, Tribal Empowerment, Water, Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE), Health and Wellness, Inclusive Development.


1. Atmanirbhar Bharat


Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan i.e. self-reliant India campaign is the ultimate vision of futuristic development and growth, a clarion call for which was given by none other than the prime minister himself in May 2020 while the country was struggling under the coronavirus wave. The underlying objective of this call was to endeavour making the country and people independent and self-reliant in true senses identifying key areas or five pillars including Economy, Infrastructure, System, Vibrant Demography and Demand further amplified and supplemented with the reforms and enablers including the supply chain reforms for the agriculture, rational tax systems, simple and unambiguous laws, capable human resources and strong financial system for the realization of the goals set under the campaign of Aatmanirbhar Bharat.


Unlike the traditional approach of the incremental changes under economy, a quantum jump has been envisaged with a target of five trillion US $ economy by 2025 and ten trillion by the year 2032. The infrastructure sector has received continuous attention with massive successive yearly resource allocation, clear and unambiguous futuristic plan and one of the most capable and efficient cabinet ministers steering and managing the development plan and progress of the sector. During the current NDA regime headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the last nine years, the technology enabled systems have received maximum attention, push and priority. Two other most important and powerful areas and assets remain; the one as vibrant demography comprised of the world’s largest young and professional manpower with a blend of highly skilled and unskilled nature, and the other being the power of huge demand generation and supply chain.


Some of the crucial parameters and indicators of self-reliant India are the progress and milestones of infrastructure and their impact on overall growth and self-reliance (Aatmanirbharta); youth and entrepreneurship leading to a number of startups that inter alia include cohort based learning and mentoring opportunities, competitions and pitches etc., many innovative startups contributing to global growth and progress; digital initiatives contributing towards self-reliance such as payment applications, grocery shopping, food ordering, tele medicine, tele laws, and so on. Several sectoral reforms such as impact assessments, campaigns for change and reform, ease of doing business, skill development and training of human resource, new career options and choices, etc. too are significant indices towards the campaign of Aatmanirbhar Bharat. Reduction in imports, increase in exports and grassroot campaign of ‘vocal for local’ are other focal areas towards making India self-reliant. Some time back, Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself had urged people to buy local products during the festive seasons.


 Some other significant indices of Aatmanirbhar Bharat are emphasis on strong financial system which inter alia include teaching finance to kids through gamification, managing money programs for women, rural target groups and others, technology and cyber security camps and outreach, etc. The initiatives and programs breaking down silos between sectors, industries, institutions to achieve better efficiencies of resources and output too are part of the aatmanirbharta campaign. The call of being a global manufacturing hub too is part of the aatmanirbharta campaign, the latest example being the made in India iPhones. True to the ancient Indian spirit of the Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, India offering a helping hand to other countries without much media attention is another significant indicator of a confident and self-reliant India, the latest being 3.9 billion US$ credit/assistance to bail out neighbouring Sri Lanka from the current economic crisis.


2. Cultural Pride


It’s beyond doubt now that India is the oldest surviving civilization in the world, with more than five thousand years of credible ancient history with a blend of many customs and traditions reflecting rich culture and heritage of the country. The country takes pride in its rich cultural heritage and variety in customs and traditions appropriately reflected in the popular Hindi aphorism ‘Kos-Kos Par Badle Paani, Chaar Kos Par Baani’ that defines India’s true linguistic diversity. In a multi-ethnic land, the theme of unity in diversity of culture is the most critical and significant unifier with magnificent heritage monuments, numerous traditional cuisine, regional languages, dialect, and attire. During Amrit Kaal, the government has planned to focus on and promote the regional publication organizations, increased awareness about the Indian languages and their impact on languages of other countries, awareness about historical libraries, etc.



Traditionally, art, folklore, music and dance forms of India are the intangible and rich cultural heritage since the ancient age that should be revived and showcased as an important cultural heritage of India. Centuries of invasion and exploitation by foreign elements have deep impact on the Bhartiyata (Indian identity), the younger generation is gradually learning it with revival of interest in preserving the rich cultural heritage since ancient age. Under the same campaign and using the phraseology ‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat’, efforts are on to preserve and promote regional languages through visual media such as multilingual signs, film festivals, make-shift festivals, local language short films, etc. The other propagation sources include app-based learning, speed learning, writing, speaking and listening activities. Spreading the aware about the diverse geography and space is also a part of cultural pride as India is one country that boasts of snowy mountains of Himalayas and great desert on one part while rainforests, tropical jungles, river valley and coastal plains, islands and beaches on the other side.


3. Unity


As already referred to earlier, India has traditionally been a land of diversity with an array of cultures, rituals, languages, food, attires, festivals, and so on yet the people and land are united together for the last many millennia together through a common cultural bond. This unity in diversity is a unique force and foundation as well of a self-reliant India. This distinct attribute has inspired the Prime Minister Modi led government to adopt unity as one of the significant campaign during the Amrit Kaal. This unity in diversity is also a unifying force to move together as one nation towards celebrating the progress of coveted 100 years of independence. Some of the steps taken to revive glory of the socio-economic and cultural history of the nation and campaigns such as developing and strengthening the border villages and remote areas of the Country, concept of Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat, recognition of the freedom fighters and unsung heroes, development of the tribal communities, rural artisans, sports, cinema and music etc., youth and nation building, outreach campaigns around daily activities are likely to more unite people and communities across the country.


4. Women and Children


Prime Minister Modi’s vision inter alia lays a key emphasis on investing in the women and child development for a better future of the nation. The women undoubtedly are a critical metric for measuring the development and progress of any nation while the values, health and education of children have direct impact on the socio-economic environment and global standing of any country. The combined efforts of the central and state governments, voluntary organizations and NGOs and more so even individual women’s own consistent efforts and courage have not only significantly improved women’s condition over a period of time but also been useful in changing the fabric of India. However, a systematic campaign is required throughout the Amrit Kaal for children’s unhindered access to civic, social and moral education; health care services as well as reasonable exposure to the latest developments and innovations in the scientific, technological, cultural, arts, educational and other areas.



While proper nutrition, health and hygiene and free access of education is particularly required for the children of the marginal classes, adequate maternal health and reproductive care awareness is equally important for women through easy access to menstrual health care products, home counseling to mothers, and adequate hygiene kits in rural areas schools as education and preventive measures about the communicable and other fatal diseases like tuberculosis, malaria, pneumonia, hepatitis, and so on. To achieve these objectives with the support of local governments and voluntary organizations, the government intends to maximize attention with focus on the areas like childhood development, school infrastructure, online learning, sports, teach-the-teachers, extra-curricular activities, digital detox, prevention of bullying, career counseling, speech and languages, specially-abled children, reducing indifference, safety and self defence, awareness about child protection legislation, prevention of child labour, children programmes on nation building, entrepreneurship and innovation, other youth-driven topics.


Similarly, some of the core activities requiring significant improvement in the women’s overall development and progress during the Amrit Kaal include menstrual and maternal care, birth control and family planning, nutrition and health, and child care. The nutrition and health care would focus on literacy about nutrition deficiencies causing ailments like anemia, reproductive health, mental and emotional health, etc. awareness and education about the legal rights of compulsory and free schooling upto certain age, counseling for the career building, awareness about the gender bias leading to female infanticide and under-aged marriage, basic defense skills against sexual harassment and self-protection, entrepreneurship and artisan skills/expertise are other identified areas for increased attention. The government also plans to work for the financial independence of women through use of banking and allied system, developing vocational skills, knowledge of financial investment and spreading awareness and importance of equal pay for equal work. Increasing awareness about the legislation and legal rights of girls and women in various areas too is part of the same campaign.


5. Tribal Empowerment


Tribal communities have been an important part of Indian culture since ancient times and many of them have even played an important role in the freedom struggle as also collectively carrying forward the rich culture and heritage of the country. According to the last census carried out in 2011, total tribal population of about 104 million represented nearly 8.6% of the country’s population. Acknowledging their role in the freedom struggle, the tribal hero Birsa Munda’s birth anniversary on 15 November was declared as the Janjatiya Gaurav Diwas under the aegis of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. Owing to constant negligence of the tribal population for the decades after independence in the northeast and other areas, several unique markers of the tribal identity faced threat not only due to socio-economic threats of urbanization but also large scale conversions owing to misinformation by the interested religious groups, which among other things have had adverse impact on their languages and dialects too.



Thanks to the initiatives taken by the present government during the last 8-9 years with the prime minister himself visiting the northeast and such other areas dozens of times during the same period, a significant change is already visible in the tribal education, entrepreneurship and sports through the Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS) and Eklavya Model Day Boarding Schools (EMDBS). Some of the accomplished sportspersons of international fame like Mary Kom (Boxing), Dutee Chand (Track & Field), Thonakal Gopi (marathon) are only few names among many bringing name and fame to own motherland. Some of the potential areas of development that the government has identified and working on include Tribal Talent Hunt, Health and Nutrition, Dialects and Languages, Art and Culture, Tribal Schools, Tribal Freedom Fighters, Tribal Livelihood Programs, and Entrepreneurship and Technology for Tribal Youth. For instance, with the government’s initiative and efforts the period 2022-2032 has been proclaimed by UNESCO as the International Decade of Indigenous Languages as also efforts are on for preserving and showcasing the cultural heritage of the tribal communities in India.


6. Water


Undoubtedly, water is the most essential life-sustaining natural resource for the human beings, and the entire animal and plant kingdom. However, the availability of the potable water resources are limited and unevenly distributed. The Government of India at the personal initiative of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched an ambitious "Jal Jiwan Mission" since the year 2019-20 to ensure that safe and adequate piped drinking water is available to every household in the country by 2024 including all rural areas. The programme would also ensure requisite source sustainability measures as mandatory elements, such as recharge and reuse through grey water management, water conservation and rain water harvesting. Under the same programme, where necessary, treatment plants, bulk water transfer and distribution network shall be created. According to reports, the states and union territories of Haryana, Gujarat, Telangana, Puducherry, Goa, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, and Daman and Diu have achieved 100% tap-water access as of January 2023.


The Government has also launched multiple and unique campaigns such as Har Khet Ko Pani (Irrigation), Nadi Utsav (River Festival), Amrit Sarovar, etc. for improved produce and increased awareness about water conservation and revival. Rivers and canals have traditionally been chief sources of the potable water and irrigation in India which have an extensive network in all parts of the country. Hence several programmes such as Ganga Utsav, similarly river-based other Utsavs (festivals) are organized to make people aware about their historical and cultural significance, prevention of water pollution, communities living near such water resources and economic activities and benefits associated. Ground water and its constant recoupment is vital for the very survival of the humans, animal and plant life; hence multiple programmes are underway to increase awareness and conservation of the ancient groundwater harvesting methods through regular recharging. Similarly, sanitation and hygiene is yet another focus area to ensure availability of safe drinking water to the entire population, educate people about adverse impact of poor sanitation and impart knowledge about things like water quality, appropriate hygiene, adverse impacts of water clogging, and so on. Amrit Sarovar is yet another significant programme under AKAM to improve and rejuvenate 75 water bodies in each district of the country.


 7. Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE)


On the eve of the UN Climate Change Conference (UN CCC COP26), the mission of “LiFE (Lifestyle for the Environment)” to engage individuals in mitigating the adverse effects of climate change was introduced at the personal initiative of the prime minister. The objective of this campaign is to adopt a lifestyle that is consciously and mindfully aware and focuses on judicious and optimum utilization of resources by changing the current use and throw consumption habits in various walks of life. Yet another aim of the LiFE is to utilize strength of the social networks to carry out change in the climate landscape by creating a global army of environment enthusiasts to be known as ‘Pro-Planet People’. The three pillars of LiFE are focus on individual behaviours, co-create globally and leverage local cultures. The awareness about harmful effects of single-use plastic, awareness about the use of bicycles, e-bikes, e-cars, wastage of water, greener planet, use of wind, solar, hydraulic energy, etc. are some of the illustrations of appropriate individual behaviours. The knowledge about harmful impact of carbon-polluting industries, planet-friendly investments, smart energy consumption, etc. are examples of co-create globally; and some of the activities about leveraging local cultures include creating products from wastes, clothes recycling, hydroponics.


8. Health and Wellness


The healthcare sector is another very important area that has received sizeable investment (PM-JAY) with multiple programmes including Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana, also referred to as Ayushman Bharat National Health Protection Scheme (NHPS), which is a national public health insurance fund aimed at providing free access to health insurance coverage for low income people in the country, the beneficiaries being about bottom 50% people of the country. Ordinarily, the healthcare sector encompasses hospitals, medical devices and equipment, clinical trials, outsourcing, telemedicine, medical tourism, health insurance, and so on, including preventive care and curative actions for illnesses. Although modern medicine and surgery is largely Allopathy based but the present government is also investing and promoting the ancient systems of medicine and cure based on Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy while simultaneously endorsing Homeopathy, Unani and Siddha for the wellness and health of people.


The campaign on health and wellness during the Amrit Kaal includes various schemes and programmes including AYUSH, Wellness and Fitness with Yoga, Ayurveda for Better Health, Mental Health and Stress Management, Towards a Fitter India, Maternity Health & Childcare, Nutrition and Education, Healthcare and Sanitation, Startups in Healthcare, Playtime and Games, Medical Tourism, Childhood Obesity, Vaccination Programs, New India – Pharmacy of the World, Healthtech and telemedicine, etc. AYUSH has witnessed significant growth of late, which is focused on reviving the knowledge and application of the traditional medicines anchored in the Indian knowledge systems. Yoga and Ayurveda are now receiving global attention for wellness, fitness and better health. Similarly, many of these aforesaid programmes are outcome based targeted at specific segments of people such as women, children, senior citizens, urban working men, and so on. Only recently, India has successfully managed and carried out world’s largest vaccination programme during the Covid-19 pandemic.


9. Inclusive Development


The campaign of inclusive development is aimed at promoting fair and equal opportunities for people, regardless of their social and financial background and standing, accruing benefits to each and every segment of the Indian society. Besides, augmented facilities of certain essential services especially water, sanitation, housing, rasoi gas, electricity, etc. are particularly targeted for the underprivileged population so as to ensure inclusive development and progress of the entire nation by the end of Amrit Kaal. Some of the important identified segments for inclusive development include tribal and rural communities, physically disabled (revised nomenclature: differently abled), unbanked sector, women and some other communities. Similarly, various potential areas of the inclusive development are financial improvement, skill development, education, health and sanitation, childcare, infrastructure in rural and tribal areas, awareness about the legal rights and government schemes, entrepreneurship, and other areas and sectors suitable for inclusive growth and development.


Despite talks and some schemes about the welfare of tribal and rural areas by various governments in the past, any concerted efforts and integrated approach for their inclusive development was never seriously attempted during the successive regimes. For the sake of brevity, only two segments including the tribal and rural communities as also physically disabled are briefly illustrated here. The activities and steps taken for the tribal and rural people include awareness programmes about the socio-cultural facets of tribal lifestyles, educating such communities at grassroot level, access to clean water, food amenities, sanitation, electricity, internet, roads, pucca houses, and many such other necessities. Such activities and steps being taken for the physically disabled include wheelchairs and audio-visual aids, installation of ramps and tactical paths at public places, skilling for the differently abled, professional training for communicating with differently abled, sign language training, awareness programmes on inclusion of the differently abled in the society, etc.


End Note


This author finds a sharp contrast in the fundamental approach of the two major political parties, viz. the Indian National Congress and the Bhartiya Janta Party, at the national level towards their vision of inclusive development and progress of the country. The former talks about the unity but its actions are divisive with focus on the vote bank of certain identified communities and social groups under the garb of secularism and socialism while the latter, often portrayed as communal party by the Congress and other political parties, pitches for ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, Sabka Prayas, and actually works for the inclusive development of all people without discrimination as one nation. The aforesaid position could be easily validated and learnt from umpteen schemes implemented by the Modi Government during its both stints. For the illustration sake, a few such schemes are Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Jeevan Jyoti, Ujjwala Yojana, Awas Yojana, Fasal Bima Yojana, Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao Yojana, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana, Awas Yojana-Gramin, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushal Yojana, Gram Sadak Yojana, Jan Aushadhi Yojana, and Ayushman Bharat Yojana.


A large number of schemes at the national level were undertaken during the first term (2014-19) of the Prime Minister Modi led NDA government for an inclusive and systematic development of all sectors with some of them such as the Skill India Mission, Make in India, Digital India Mission, Start-up India, Stand Up India, Smart Cities Mission, etc. having a crucial role and implication in achieving the vision and mission of a self-reliant India. Many schemes have been started during his second term (2019-2024), only a few are mentioned here: Agnipath Defence Policy Reform, Startup India Seed Fund Scheme (SISFS), Ayushman Sahakar Scheme, Mission Sagar, Niryat Rin Vikas Yojana, SVAMITVA Scheme (Survey of Villages and Mapping with Improvised Technology in Village Areas), National Technical Textiles Mission, Mission COVID Suraksha, Matsya Sampada Yojana, DHRUV – PM Innovative Learning Programme, SERB-POWER Scheme (Promoting Opportunities for Women in Exploratory Research), One Nation One Ration Card Scheme, Street Vendor’s Aatmanirbhar Nidhi, Mission Karmayogi, Sahakar Mitra Scheme, Solar Charkha Mission, Aarogya Setu, etc. 


During the Parliamentary elections of 2019, the Congress aggressively portrayed their Nyuntam Aay Yojana (NYAY) as a game-changer to eradicate poverty from India in consultation with Nobel prize winner economist Abhijit Banerjee and others which essentially provided for a monthly cash payment of Rs 6,000 to people below poverty line. On the other hand, the BJP relied on empowerment of these masses by providing them pucca houses, toilet facilities, electricity, cooking gas, roads, sanitation, milestone based farm subsidy, and so on, instead of the dole scheme as offered by the Congress. Needless to mention, the majority of electorate rejected dole offers and voted with a massive mandate in favour of the inclusive development. True to commitment, Mr Narendra Modi led government has tirelessly worked for the development and empowerment of poor and under privileged during the first five-year term and more such milestone based schemes with massive investments have been added in their second term of 2019-2024 for the inclusive development of all sectors and communities with special focus on the empowerment of poor and common man. All available social and economic indicators clearly reflect the off-beat mood and optimism generated for India to achieve its rightful place in the new world order during the Amrit Kaal.


Note: Ministry of Culture, GOI official website consulted for the data and facts used here.


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More by :  Dr. Jaipal Singh

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