Book Reviews

On Representation of Women in Literature and Society

India Unraveled: The Representation of Women in Literature and Society
Authors Press New Delhi 2022,
ISBN: 978-93-5529-387-9 Editor: P.V. Laxmiprasad

The soul of this edition titled “India Unraveled –The Representation of Women in Literature and Society” lies in the enduring value, right nature of tongue perceptions, intellectual stature, rhetoric and the arresting diction of the contributors. The research essays open the inner frontier of self-discovery to overcome the lapse in mental health. This volume provides a platform to exhibit their ideas and creativity and discuss relevant subjects to get space to move ahead, feel enlightened and reach the unexplored realm of knowledge, practical wisdom and tranquility. The minds and spirits have unfolded to breathe life and purpose of art into the readers. Women from varied social standing have been segregated for the analytical criticism to serve the inspirational goals and obtain motivational force. A perfect understanding of this text reveals delight on the subjects of the inner world of women.

The female heroism in Rani of Jhansi is highlighted through the transitional period of Indian history from the colonial rule of the east India to that of Queen of Victoria. The fate of Hindu wife in Nirmala unravels the intricacies of the emotional economic and social relationships among the human beings. “Art and Emancipation of Woman in Akilan’s Portrait” weaves closely the texture of the novel. The artistic realism ultimately triumphs over callous materialism. ‘A Spiritual Nightingale’ offers relevant and meaningful message dramatizing mythological episodes on the practice of self-restraint.

A question who and what a woman is, finds the definition and the attributes of unique women gifted with the creative potential are the areas depicted with the greatest amount of illumination. The religious play ‘The Sport of Allamma’ embodies the texture of Indian social cultural life; multiple traditional conventional and religious activities and spiritual inclination regenerate all these from the times immemorial. ‘Self Empowerment of Queen of Balavadi’ depicts the phases of South Indian social life its multi dimensional trends. A sheer power of her heroism dramatizes the valorous nature of a woman warrior.

The responsibility and stature of women in ancient India are settled by a choice of alternatives and possibilities of social structure, cultural norms, value system and social anxiety. Devahuti and Kardama exemplify the life of a man with virtuous features teaching mankind the subjects of men of the world of art, of living life, lost in the infected attitude of materialistic pursuits of greed, violence and self-centeredness. Divine intervention takes place when a woman is esteemed highly. The birth of Parvati and her marriage with Lord Siva captures the pictures of Supreme God, the origin of universe and the entire creation. Veerapani Chawla examines the crisis of the individual encountering deep psychological, and philosophical conflicts. A transformation makes a woman with colossal strength carrying the so called embodiments of might.

An enlightened reformer Lalithambika brilliantly depicts the strong and ideal women characters with unshakable faith in the power of art to raise the consciousness and awareness of people. Women constitute the creative dynamism in the universe. They incessantly create the world however against all odds. ‘Draupadi’s narrative as Gendered Resistance’ focuses the point of concentration of resistance and injustice surmounting over the ill fate and to strive. “A Modern Portrayal of Sita’ retelling Ramayana brings out the society, problems gender based oppression and solution from its roots.

In India since the days of independence women have registered a constant but consistent growth in all fronts of life though there have been forces against women. “An Exemplary Life of Justice Bhanumathi” of Supreme Court of India elucidates key competencies and the admirable qualities of a great woman personality revealing through her big heart and her beautiful mind. “The Untold Story of Madhavi’s Self Denial” can be found not only in Sangam literature but also in the present age woman who was a second wife treated only as conclusion and the world treats her as a woman of all virtues. “Assertion of Feminine Psyche in Gita Mehta’s Raj” by T. Eswar Rao propagates the lessons of modernity a woman learns from her childhood strengthen her in her odd times.

Modernity leads her to shatter the impediments voicing against in justice. Such themes directly influence the lines of the readers as women have pioneered at all realms. “Women Centric Relationship Dynamics in Vikram Seth’s Novels” analyses a tremendous change effected by the nuances of the characters the myriad women set in their response to the socio-political background. “Feminist Reading of Draupadi in Modern Indian Literature” makes feminist strand clothing an idea of gender and sexuality based on Indian mythological figure such as Draupadi. A soul force flows out of reading two texts – “Palace of Illusion and Krushnayam”. “ Epic Structure of Women” traces the opulence of women in the poems of the Sangam period and the three of the fine great epics of Tamil literature on the pretext of world epics highlighting the powerful parts played by women in classical Tamil Literatures.

“An Identity Shift” explains the growth of global economy affected by the empowered women. Their participation in job market accesses resources to gain identity. It goes without saying that women strengthen the dynamism of world economy and human civilization. “ An Icon of Social Service” Sudha Murthy, the harbinger of life, unifying factor in the society, an embodiment of virtues emphasizes upon the phenomena to the cause of making earth a better place to live in. Thus one can come out with the endless critical conjectures on the research essays marching with uninterrupted flow with grace. “Ordinary People and Extraordinary Lives: A Note on Saalumarada Thimmakka and Tulsi Gowda” deals with two environmentalists who stood out to make a distinct mark for themselves by committing the service of mankind.

Women constitute a creative force, dynamic force, and driving force in the universe and the Government of India has honored them with Padma Shree awards. “In the Web of Myth” relates the stories of a civilization, an institution or a person involved in historical events. Even the illiterate with grit and determination prove that they can do wonders in the world. “A Woman with Rare Insights” documents the fundamental qualities in a splendid degree with richer fertility of thoughts on Women’s contributions in public front to mould up India’s progress. A harbinger of life, Sudha Murthy is a unifying factor, a multitalented portrayed to be an inspiration for the millions. She restores people’s faith in humanity in such a grey world. The analysis of the characters is extensive and engaging to read explaining the purpose of study. “An Overview of Women Personalities” makes an earnest exercise on the picture of a completion of human personality, a fusion of scientific temperament and humanistic fervor.

The great women achievers, women of all the ages exemplify the source of intellection in every front “Reincarnation of Indian Epic Women” a feministic perspective extols the extra ordinary attributes, perceptional inspirational motivation and state dependent. The silent pillar of strength like “Valmiki’s Sita in Sudha Murthy’s Dollar Babu” highlights admirable attributes in women that make them worthy of others’ respect. “Nellutla Rama Devi: A Multi-faceted Genius” shows a measure of sobriety and perspective in women gained through continual personal growth. “Githa Hariharan as the Voice of the Voiceless” exposes the plights and predicament of women and their alienation between tradition and modernity.

The book thus claims its uniqueness through the creation of the canon of the author in the implication of values, carrying the references about what is desirable. The authors with their vision imbue the essence that constitute the harmonious way of life the book sets fresh directions on that path of pleasant journey for a better world of women empowerment. Further, the book is endowed with ever catching format that throbs with life and it is different from the other books. The editorial expertise of P.V. Laxmiprasad is possessed with organic strength, throbbing fullness, infinite variety and artistic nuances entwined with careful but judicious selection of research papers.


More by :  Prof. Dr. Lily Arul Sharmila

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Comment Very informative and research oriented book.The Representation of Women in Literature and Society nicely explain.

Jyoti Badwaik
02-Apr-2023 01:02 AM

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