
Shiva Purana: Rudra Samhita: War - 10

As I Know: The Lord of the Mountains – Shiv Purana: 95

Continued from Previous Page

Birth of Andhaka – a mighty daitya as Parvati closes eyes of Shiva …a horrible looking figure (Asura Andhaka) emerges out of the drops of Parvati’s perspiration …Kumara listens to the charismatic and wonderful tale of Andhaka, a devotee …and a son of Hirayanaksa, again a devotee of Shiva…later, Hirayanakasipu arrives to avenge the death of relations

Delusory powers of lord Shiva mystified and astonished men of wisdom and severe tapa. They claimed they understood it but it was not so. Each time, sagely men discerned a prototype and design of Supreme lord it resulted in absolute failure. Kumara watched sage Vyasa closely and revealed the amazing character of Andhaka, a great daitya and a devotee of lord Shiva. Once he had a violent and fierce war with Sambhu but he overwhelmed and pleased the lord with the enormity of power of sattvic qualities and turned out to be a great devotee. Vyasa curiosity increased and so he wanted to know the mystic and yet so straight, simple and unmistakable character of asura-Andhaka.

Ages back, the beloved of devotees and lord of gods, once with a desire to enjoy life, went to Kashi with Parvati while numerous ganas accompanied the divine couple as guards. He made Kashi the capital and appointed Bhairava as the chief of security guards. After sometime, they went to Mandrachala and spent time in leisure. Parvati was in light mood and continued to watch beloved Shiva for some time and out of love and affection, in joyful moments closed eyes of Shiva that caused extreme darkness.

Touch of Parvati’s hands caused some heat and a few drops of passion-saturated water took the shape of an embryo as if in a womb and very soon, a horribly looking being emerged, who looked dreadful and angry, ungrateful, blind, ugly, jutted-hair and black in complexion with a disfigured body. He uttered harsh and curt words. Parvati feared this weird creature. However, Shiva told godly beloved that it happened because she had closed his eyes. Parvati wanted to know the rationale of such a repulsive created being. He took birth out of the drops of perspiration and the lord ensured rather wanted that goddess Parvati and her noble friends take care of him.

During severe winter, on the inspiration of his spouse, Hirayanaksa, a powerful daitya came to the place and undertook rigorous tapa with intent to have a son. He pleased Maheshwara, who appeared and blessed him. The mighty daitya was happy, folded hands, praised the lord, bowed head and said, “O lord, I belong to a rich and powerful dynasty but I do not have a son and so I undertook severe tapa. Bless me with a powerful son.”

Shiva said, “You will not get a son born of you i.e. your semen, and it is the writ of destiny. I will give you a son. He is my son whose name is Andhaka. He would be as powerful, invincible and wise as you are and may be more than you are. You abandon feelings of anguish and sufferings and accept him as a son.”

Later, the most powerful daitya secured victory over all the gods of heavens and other worlds and began to govern with a strong hand. He carried the earth to the subterranean world. Varaha as incarnation of Vishnu made passage through earth, reached subterranean world, slaughtered many daityas, and at last, killed Hirayanaksa and brought earth back to its original location and began to serve heavens and the worlds. Thus, Varaha performed an arduous task and this made all holy souls, sages and lord of heavens happy. Indra was very happy and he made Andhaka the king of daityas.

Kumara further told sage Vyasa, “Death of brother Hirayanaksa disturbed Hirayanakasipu. He was very annoyed and furious. He was already angry with Vishnu and therefore, he permitted his soldiers and generals to destroy land of gods and kill godly beings without waste of time. The wicked daityas ruined land of heavens, killed gods, took possession of the property, and made lives of gods of heavens miserable, who left heavens and wandered about on earth and other worlds in incognito to escape death and destruction. Hirayanakasipu consoled his brother’s wife and relations, thought deeply and then resolved to become invincible, impregnable and immortal, and wished to govern the entire cosmos including heavens and the three worlds and therefore, firm in determination, he left for Mandranchal and undertook austere tapa.

Intense bhakti of daitya distressed and agonised gods of heavens and holy souls and tortured them and therefore, to save lives, they left heavens, sought shelter at Brahmaloka, and narrated tales of woe and desolation before Brahma. Brahma, Bhrigu and Daksa and other gods arrived at the ashrama of daitya. At that time, heart and mind of daitya were pure. Brahma asked him for a boon.

Hirayanakasipu was happy, wanted to become immortal perhaps, and so said, “I wish nobody whether of heavens or earth or subterranean world with any astra-sastra of whatever nature and ferocity it is, should be able to hurt or kill me.” He had further made it obvious that ‘no created being including gods, daityas, sages, siddhas should be able to eliminate.’

Brahma granted the boon, blessed and returned. Hirayanakasipu had achieved what he wanted and so thought of destroying the three worlds. He went against the tenets of dharma and engaged gods and other holy souls in a ferocious war, caused massive loss to gods, conquered celestial lands, and secured victory. Suffering gods held consultations and later, appeared before Vishnu and appealed before the lord to grant sanctuary and protect them from the atrocities and dictatorship of mighty daitya. Vishnu assured gods and celestial beings. He transformed into a figure of a frightful incredible being that was half-lion and half-man – Nrisimha, who stirred fears. It looked as if blistering fire of annihilation. When daityas looked at the strange creature, they attacked him.

Nrisimha killed wicked daityas in no time and created immense terror. When the king of daityas asked, Prahalada his son, a devotee of Vishnu told that the strange creature – ‘half-man and half-lion’ was the infinite lord it appeared, who had changed into the figure of Nrisimha and now, had entered the city. “O great father, there is no warrior equal to him in the three worlds. You please bow before the lord, pay obeisance and then, enjoy pleasures of kingdom.”

It was annoying for the king of daityas Hirayanakasipu and therefore, he devised various plans to eliminate him but his warriors failed and Nrisimha reduced everyone to ashes. Ultimately, Vishnu’s incarnate Nrisimha took care of the boon daitya had from got Brahma and killed him. After the death of daitya, Prahalada appeared and stood with folded hands. With the blessing of Vishnu, he took over the reins of the empire of father daitya Hirayanakasipu and governed the vast empire and pursued principles of truth and righteousness and ensured peace, prosperity and harmony.

Continued to Next Page 


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