Mar 28, 2025
Mar 28, 2025
by Sundar Rajan
I happened to come across an article captioned "empty nest syndrome" referring to the inmates at home, after living together for many years, moving away due to various circumstances.
I tried to relate it to my routine. As usual, I spent my day with my office family and returned home late around 8 pm in the evening. My home was obviously dark as there was no one at home and appeared as an empty nest. I unlocked the gate, switched on the lights at the gate and foyer to open the main door. I heard some steady chirping and looked around at the ceiling from where I heard the sweet voice resonating. The greeting was from the red vented Bulbul that has built its nest over the lamp shade in the foyer. It was a pleasure to receive a warm welcome after a tiring day, navigating through heavy traffic.
A smile lit my face as I opened the main door and let myself in.
As I moved upstairs, to have a wash and a change, I again heard some babbling from the balcony. I brushed the curtains aside and found the little mynahs excitedly welcoming their maa. I realized the home was not empty after all.
I was greeted every morning and evening by the chirping Bulbul and I was very touched.
As the days sped, one morning, I heard additional chirping and found two little bulbuls peeping out of the nest, bidding goodbye to their maa. The number count was on the increase.
It was one Sunday when I heard continuous chirping, without a break and having got used to these, I found this chirping as a distress call. I opened the main door and peeped out. Yes. I was right. This time there was a pair of bulbuls, perched on a nearby tree chirping away without a break. I looked up into the nest and found the baby missing. I surmised, the male bulbul had also accompanied the female this time and obviously too. After some time the chirping stopped. I came out to ascertain the reason. The parent bulbul had located the young one at the foyer floor. The two birds pecked the little only very fondly and were teaching the little one to move. After some time there was silence all around. I found the little bird perched safely on a branch of a tree.
I saw before me firsthand, the love and care extended by the parent bulbuls and how protective they were towards their little one.
I also realized very soon I will be left with an empty nest for some time.
Image (c) Sundar Rajan
More by : Sundar Rajan