Mar 16, 2025
Mar 16, 2025
by T. A. Ramesh
Continued from Previous Page
Remembrance Day!
Remembrance day is followed in gratitude to departed souls
For rendering remarkable service to us to survive, sustain and succeed;
Our beloved mother, father, wife, aunt and friend dear and near
How can be forgotten and their image ever fresh in mind sure!
When this is so with elders like me, how it would be for a child
Who loves truly and near the loved ones most of the time here;
Unbearable indeed the feeling to bring into control and change
As the mature elders do in the everyday life of the world ever!
What we are today is what they have inculcated like the seed
That has grown into big tree to give flowers and fruits freely;
I see effect whenever I see grand children or loving souls here;
Remembrance day is the best way to pacify hearts of them sure!
Birthday is joyful to celebrate but remembrance day is
better to show gratitude;
Those two day surely tames human emotion by joy and sorrow
to all good humans here!
We are Born to Enjoy Life in the World!
Education has no end in Nature and life experience continues lessons;
Lessons of Nature and life are reflected in literature by authors and Poets;
What is missed and left out by World history are covered by literature;
Dreams, Ideas and Realities are wonderful to read and muse on new ideas!
Physical pleasure, aesthetic pleasure, intellectual pleasure and mystical pleasure
All have to enjoy in world life to forget drawbacks and sorrows in Nature ever;
Naturally the ideas that generate in heart, mind and soul will flow in Poems new;
There is no end for the flow of literary river till it mingles with ocean of philosophy!
Life experience has no end, literary expression has no end and life goes on green pasture;
The path of Nature leads to paradise to enjoy love, joy and peace till bliss is attained;
Thereafter living in harmony with Nature it's more than heavenly bliss one can enjoy;
Worries of world and woes of ocean disappear in mystical union of heart and Nature!
We are in the world to enjoy life and achieve greatest things beautiful and good;
All worries and woes will vanish like the mist in the bright Sun light of knowledge!
Hot and Cold World Life!
Squirrel noises have become silent and cries of crows too stopped;
It's all happening due to fast rise of temperature in the Summer now;
Within two hours more than five degrees increases and remains so till night;
All seek the asylum of AC to have cool breeze till Sunset to be free!
Likewise everyday is going on though weather department says of some rain;
But rain comes only once in a blue moon in this sea shore town in the South;
Tourists throng to this beach town to enjoy week end holidays every week;
Their joy is the consolation that weather will change bringing rain sooner!
Water has become a rare commodity due to pollution and people buy water;
Whether people carry luggage or not, each one surely carries a mineral water bottle;
Butter milk each drink available in petty milk shops here and otters take chill beer;
Their joy is our joy or else, there is no fun to enjoy in this hottest Summer time!
Whatever be the Summer's heat, people manage themselves but not bitter Winter cold;
Shade of trees with fruits and flowers attract many, but biting cold snow all abhor!
Let Us Live Free Life!
World life is full controversies and joviality, tragedy and comedy to cry and laugh;
Contradictions in politics, religion, society and system make knock our own heads;
Individual liberty and rights are only in name's sake in Constitution;
It makes true the famous Jean Jacques Rousseau's saying even in democracy!
"Yes, we are born free, yet we are chained everywhere" in the world life;
Our freedom and liberty are in jeopardy if we are not alert and careful;
Rowdies, rascals, rogues are playing games in all walks of life in the world;
If we don't filter them out, we will be in soup to deal with all silly things!
Only if world becomes a big knowledgeable society united to live as one big family,
The present sort of calamity will prevail everywhere collapsing all walks of life;
Expose of drawbacks in all walks of life have to be done to make people alert;
That way only good, innocent and sincere ones can pull on the days sans falling in chaos!
The hard earned freedom and liberty should never become comic piece;
Without those ways of life, it is useless to live any kind in the world sure!
Value of Gold Increases Only Ever!
All efforts taken never seem to make any remarkable achievement even after long;
If succeeds comes, it is due to luck only after long, long time in the world;
Luck clicks only after fast moving of papers to get the approval of God finally;
In the world by giving something papers can be moved but there only truth wins!
True work of art is gold whether it is worn as ornament or kept in the safety locker;
If truth comes out, it is appreciated but it becomes hidden treasure only time reveals;
Till the apt time comes, no body can know or say anything about it earlier in life;
Delay makes the concrete get stronger by immersed in water anywhere sure!
Even if one never shakes, the body does they say about such matters in the world;
It is all in the will of God we have to believe and proceed with next step on and on;
In the long run, truth will speak louder to the world and show who is real and who is not;
The world is a great mixture of good, bad and ugly and each has its own time to play!
By efforts only we learn lessons in human life and experience makes one shine as gold;
If after long, the value of gold never comes down but only increases day by day!
Live as Angels in One World Paradise!
This world is home of Nature and belongs to Nature none can change;
Whatever things man does to harm it, Nature every time manages itself;
The strong dose medicine Nature gives is unbearable to all living beings;
What to do the careless handling by man has led to natural disasters!
By such treatment only, a new life is again is given to the Earth every time;
But man doesn't believe all that and goes on his exploitation of Nature;
If he recycles natural resources, man can live getting rich dividend ever;
Will he realize the great significance of Nature and do the needful for good?
It is well said long ago that as we sow so we will reap to have a joyful life ever;
Forgetting this golden proverb, if man does only harms to Nature, only harms come;
Let us be good with Nature by showing our gratitude for all its helpful nature;
This great lesson we have learnt from experience that we shouldn't forget!
So, by living in harmony with Nature, we can live wonderful life of paradise ever;
Man can create one world of paradise to live as angels in this same world!
Creation and Destruction Go On as Process of Natural Evolution!
Creation and destruction are process of Nature to go ahead with its evolution;
If natural resources are exploited and destroyed, Nature goes wild sure;
Destruction is only for it to go ahead with new creation still more better than before;
Likewise so many living beings are created with improved features here!
Mountains have turned into oceans and oceans have turned into mountains;
This is going on in Nature and our Earth is the experimenting place in Universe;
For millions of years, creation and destruction and vice versa are going on;
With the available archaeological excavations, so many fossils surprise us!
Who knows deserts many change into fertile place after sometime sure;
By Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, entirely different feature of Earth come up;
Due to destruction many civilizations have vanished and what we have is tip of iceberg;
By observation and inference after experiments, so many facts are revealed!
Nature and Universe in Space are most formidable task to explore forever;
Yet, man is doing his level best to find out many new things possible!
The Final State of Humans!
Lopsided economic development careless of social one has triggered pollution and disease;
It all has started with education failing to give total personality development;
Total development of people should include intellectual and spiritual ones too;
That is socio-economic development of humanity all are expecting to have!
Just technological development neglecting Nature has brought in all woes of the world;
Social development in totality is possible by technology, knowledge and spiritualism;
All these things are possible only when our activities go in harmony with Nature;
For, we are born of Nature and belong to Nature as our source and destiny lie in there!
Life experience with knowledge acquired by expose in Nature reveal philosophic truth;
This kind of development is total and helps to take all wise decisions to live in joy and peace;
We are far superior than animals and by total development only we can become superman;
For, only then, it's possible to become divine beings to attain total freedom and peace!
This world is for physical life for developing spirit in Nature to achieve total liberty;
That is the final state of humans free from births and deaths in this world forever!
Turning Life Experience Feelings into Poems!
Out of life experience, feelings come often that thoughts make into words;
Ideas of those words talent turns into suitable lines of Poet's style in Poems;
Despite a lot of disturbances, flash of ideas is meaningfully composed into Poetry;
It is fate that brings darkness in poet's career but luck rare places one in high place!
Likewise Poems are turned into a bouquet of flowers like Book for public to consume;
Success and failure of Poetry Books are not in the hands of Poets but audience;
Poetry only inspires more than all other forms of literature in the world by a few words;
It is magic that creates a lot of ideas and images in the minds of readers everywhere!
Composing all ideas into a garland of Poetry is a rare talent indeed for many;
But one used to writing thousands of poem it is one's regular duty to be happy;
Like the rain comes after long that produces unique joy, Poetry does to Poet;
Catching points and beautifully arranging into lines touch hearts of many!
Many poems a Poet may compose, but all of them never stay in one's memory;
That is why many Poems a Poet can compose as and when possible sure!
Nature is Best Outing for All Groups!
Flower garden, park and green grass place of Nature attract all to visit ever;
Children crush on flowers and plants while running or playing in great joy;
Often people like to visit such places for passing time and seeing beauty of Nature;
Friends love to meet in there to discuss a lot of general matters and muse in Nature!
For all categories of people, Nature is the best place to meet and enjoy time in fun;
Even for lonely people, Nature is the best place to forget woes of the world and forget all;
If such a resort is not available what a misfortunate lot they must be sure ever;
For all Nature is the best place for fun, enjoying beauty, meeting and musing for peace!
Nature heals all sorts of wounds internal and external and gives great relief ever;
Nature keep up health, gives peace of mind and best of mood for meditating there;
Nature not only makes one strong in heart and mind but also fosters spirituality;
Such a wonderful Nature is God's creation that how can man destroy for nothing?
Without green grass and flowers growing in open lands, it's a dry land of no joy;
Even poetic mood stops seeing barren lands and roads full of traffic sure!
Total Liberation!
Nature is indeed living scientific art that inspires creative and inventive skills
Drawing colourful pictures on the sky canvas kindling creative and scientific moods;
The urge to create or invent something wonderful never stops skillful persons
And they indulge in creative and inventive activities till they achieve wonders!
Also, Nature teaches lessons of life experience urging all to express self by creative arts;
Poets with full creative moods compose poems immortal to inspire humanity;
Encouragement and enthusiasm they inspire make all perform works to top level;
Indeed Nature is mother, friend, philosopher and guide kindling high purpose of humans!
The vital feature of Nature is its power to inspire all realize divine spirit within;
Human mind in communion with Nature enjoys great bliss no one can ignore;
The divine bliss enjoyed so kindles inner spirit to realize spiritual longings;
Nature wakes man's consciousness, sub-consciousness and super-consciousness!
Mystical experience in Nature makes man to overcome all illnesses to spiritual bliss;
That is the real purpose of man in the world of Nature to attain Moksha of total liberation!
More by : T. A. Ramesh