Mar 28, 2025
Mar 28, 2025
Work is the only way to attain success in our endeavors. The following are some of the important items:
1. If you are poor--- Work.
2. If health is threatened ---Work.
3. If disappointments come ---Work.
4. If you are rich --- Continue to Work.
5. If faith falters and reason fails ---Work.
6. No matter what ails you ---Work.
The above enumerated items lead the way to success.
Ingenuity Indeed
Teacher to Student: What steps would you take to determine the height of a building using an Aneroid barometer.
Student (who was short on knowledge, but long on ingenuity) Sir, I would lower the barometer from the top of the building by a string, and then measure the string.
More by : Dr. Frank S. K. Barar