
COP28 and our Environmental Future

COP28 has just concluded in Dubai and there at the very last minute, after an extended session a compromise agreement to “transition away from fossil fuels in energy systems” was ironed out. However, the deal doesn't compel countries to take any concrete action, nor any timescale is specified. Still, it is a major step in the realization of the global warming issue and moving from the bickering in the previous conclaves. Phasing out of fossil fuels which is already causing drastic changes in the weather is essential, but a question remains are we adequately prepared?

Before going into our preparation to transition from fossil fuel, let us clearly understand what COP28 is. The COP stands for "Conference of the Parties", where the "parties" are the countries that signed up to the original UN climate agreement in 1992. The number after COP is an indicator of the serial number of the annual conference. This year in their 28th conference there were over 80,000 delegates in attendance.

Everyone can clearly see that fossil fuels are causing the climate change besides polluting our environment, except for the die-hard sceptics who refuse to believe it. But still our fossil fuel consumption and demands are ever increasing all the time. We have added many new gadgets, toys, TVs, devices, and now the electric cars (EV) are putting more demand on our energy supplies. Besides owning vehicles and driving more automobiles, airplanes, and ships are also fueled by fossil fuels such as gasoline, jet fuel, and diesel. The Carbon Dioxide (CO2) released from the burning fossil fuels and methane (CH4) leaking during their production are causing climate change. In order to make a genuine climate impact we need to look into following:

1. Reduce demand for energy through conservation and education
At present we are taking energy availability for granted. As a result, we are leaving our rooms and homes with lights on and TV on. This is an unnecessary energy wastage, which we need to stop. We have become too dependent on our comfortable personal transportation vehicles such as automobiles and are driving those even when not essential. Their easy availability has resulted in easy options being picked over walking or biking. Lives have become sedentary as a result. We need to start grassroot level conservation education. This needs to be started at the elementary school levels so that it is firmly ingrained in our psyche. We celebrate World Environment Day, but we need to really double down on the ideas and schemes to be implemented.

2. Reducing dependence of fossil fuels for power generation
Our primary source of power generation is fossil fuel and coal; both of these are big contributors in global warming. The other sources of power generation include wind, solar, hydro, and nuclear. All of these other sources of power generation also come with their own handicaps. For example, wind and solar are dependent on the weather, wind to generate wind power, hydro power generation is dependent on location and steady availability of flowing water. Nuclear energy has issues related to safe storage and disposal of spent nuclear fuel. So, we all need to reduce dependence on fossil fuels for power generation. Then for other sources of power generation we not only need to increase their share in power generation, but also implement plans to mitigate the handicap of these sources.

3. Increase the power generation from other sources of generation
The other sources of power generation have been discussed above. Those sources that do not contribute to global warming their power generation share should be enhanced through incentives, subsidies, and suitable location so that the transmission losses are minimized.

4. Reducing Power generation, transmission, and distribution losses
Some of the power generation plants are very old, based on technologies of the past that are not very efficient by today’s standards. Similar is also the condition of power transmission and distribution lines. So, we need to do upgrades to these existing infrastructure facilities to cut power losses. Also, some of these distribution lines are illegally tapped into and power being pilfered out can be stopped. This will help the power companies stop the drain and also help with their bottom line as well.

5. Restart of mothballed Nuclear Power Plants
Many nuclear power plants have been mothballed at the end of their plant life cycle or even earlier. Besides, some other plants were mothballed out of concern of accidental radioactive radiation after some plant accidental mishap. The concern is valid, but it has to be weighed against the industry safety records, which are very impressive. So, mothballing has not been a pragmatic solution and that decision not only needs to be reversed, but additional nuclear power capability needs to be added in order to meet power needs.

6. Discourage use of personal automobiles
Here the government policies and development of roads with pedestrian and bike lanes, plus tolls on their usage should be designed in such a fashion that single person usage of vehicles is discouraged. This can also play a significant role in abetting global warming.

7. Encouraging use of public transportation
This goes hand and hand with discouraging the single person automobile or vehicle. This also helps with tiding over parking problems and solving problems like road congestion besides easing air pollution. These public transportation vehicles get to use dedicated high occupancy lanes and can move faster than the regular bumper to bumper traffic moving at snail’s pace.

8. Use of alternative fuels for automobiles
Most of the world’s fleet is fossil fuel based which is not only causing global warming, but also causing air pollution. With the usage of alternative fuels as hybrid and electric vehicles (EV), the impact of global warming can be slowed. With EVs the issue of materials required to make them, availability of these special metals, mining, extracting, processing. life cycle, recharging range, are still the issues to be worked out. Besides, there are issues related to charging, availability of public charging stations, time required for recharging are some other challenges that need to be worked out.

9. Electrical Grid reliability related issues
The rapid and increased demands of power on the electrical grids have made them very stress prone and vulnerable to trips during surges in peak power demands. This has been experienced in Texas where the consumers have been advised to avoid using power during the peak demand hours. So, the higher power demands necessitate upgrades and additional capacity needs.

10. Energy Security
Energy has become an essential ingredient of modern lifestyle, so having an energy security which cannot be shuttled by enemies in a war situation is essential. We have seen this harsh reality recently unfolding in Germany during the Ukraine war when Russia stopped, and throttled the supply of natural gas, forcing Germans to scramble for power and keeping themselves warm during the winter months. So, energy security is essential in planning the power and energy strategy of cities and nations.

11. Planting more Trees
Although these are not directly related to energy needs but indirectly, they are very important, as the trees convert CO2 to O2. With human deforestation we have already significantly reduced the trees’ land coverage, and forests who were doing that job. Now this effort needs to become an essential part of fighting air pollution and climate change.

We can blame the fossil fuel industry for the precarious situation that we find ourselves in. But we need to look at who is fueling this fossil fuel demand? It is all of us and when we point the finger at them it is pointed at us as well. Our fuel consumption is growing at an unprecedented rate. They are trying to fulfill that demand and looking at it from a business angle at the cost of environmental concerns. The onus is on us as well as on them as this can determine if we all can survive in the changed environment or not. So, the need of the day is not just energy conservation, curtailing our ever-ballooning demand for energy together with promoting alternatives.

One model pie chart with a fixed percentage for each energy source will not be pragmatic. The model and mix for each area, state, and nation will be unique based on their geographical location, availability of raw materials, national security concerns, natural resources such as sunshine, wind, flowing water (hydro) etc. will determine the pie chart. The past behaviors of corporations and nations will have to change. The new mantra needs to be cooperation, help, sincerity, support, and sharing of resources including expertise. One important ingredient is that the new model will have make the transition smoother, so that the population accepts the new model and adapts it. If the model is not compatible with the aspirations of the people, it could result in a bigger mess than the one we are currently faced with. Let us all work together and make this transition a reality and avoid a disastrous outcome.

Images (c) istock.com


More by :  Bhupinder Singh

Top | Environment

Views: 3576      Comments: 3

Comment Thank you for promoting environmental issues.

Harbans Lal
18-Dec-2023 16:19 PM

Comment An amazing summary of what we should do to reduce the impact of fossil fuels and greenhouse gases to reduce global warming by taking actions on an individual basis. Climate change is obvious and we have to take actions by following the steps mentioned in this article.

Gajindar Singh
17-Dec-2023 16:19 PM

Comment Dear Bhupinderji,
It is a nice overview of the topic. You touch on several important things.
Certainly some of the fossil fuel companies deserve blame for spreading information. But the reality is that would not not have changed anything. The fundamental science and economics of fossil fuel vs green energy are the problem. I believe the majority of the global population needs to make a change by becoming climate pragmatists and driving robust policies.

16-Dec-2023 15:42 PM

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