Mar 10, 2025
Mar 10, 2025
Pakistan is imploding as a result of the policies and lack of policies of the Pakistan Army. Pakistan is not imploding as a result of civilian governance of Pakistan as the Pakistan Army has throughout the history of Pakistan never allowed democracy and civilian government to strike roots. Now when Pakistan is headed towards ending up as a “nuclear weapons failed state” there is international concern about the implications of this implosion. Pressures are being built up on India by the USA and West and seconded by many strategic experts within India that India should take initiatives to retrieve the situation by making concessions on Kashmir so that Pakistan Army’s fears about India are lessened. This amounts to supporting the “Devil” that is the Pakistan Army which lies at the root of all evils in Pakistan. The world must note that Pakistan’s likely implosion cannot be pre-empted from without; Pakistan’s impending implosion can be pre-empted only by the Pakistan Army by reorienting its strategic orientations. The onus of making peace with India lies squarely on the shoulders of the Pakistan Army which despite the embattled security environment on both flanks of Pakistan has still not given up its Proxy War and terrorism against India.
To those who advocate that India should sup with the devilish Pakistan Army, let me put some facts straight:
More by : Dr. Subhash Kapila