Mar 28, 2025
Mar 28, 2025
by Hema Ravi
“My husband and I stopped using voice assistants. We learned to communicate better and have more privacy….” This small article caught my attention.
Boxes were packed and labeled as ‘Kitchen,’ ‘Clothes,’ ‘Library” and more. The couple made a conscious decision to leave behind all their ‘virtual assistant’ devices, in other words, none of the ‘artificial intelligence’ was to ‘cross the pond.’ Even though the house was quiet, their relationship became better-they started having more meaningful conversations, much like their early days of courtship.
Good Luck, I uttered loudly.
How many of us can make such a conscious decision to stay clear of gadgets, at least for a few hours, and instead, spend time with close ones- Caring, Sharing, and Empathizing, not just Providing?
A friend of mine often shared that during the time of floods, there was no electricity for nearly three or four days. Family members interacted, laughed, chatted, and shared many concerns and joys during that period, which was never the norm at other times.
Video ‘Shorts’ of a child waiting patiently for quality time with the parent who is forever staring at or talking on the mobile are viral; the videos religiously shared, and then, that’s all!
Why have we forgotten to enjoy the simple joys that human company can offer?
Reflecting on this may not be a pleasurable experience, for, we have moved too far to enjoy the company of machines than with Man.
Nevertheless, we still have the cognitive ability to mindfully discern the course of navigation in the digital era, by understanding the distinct difference between technology and human interaction.
What boundaries and limits can we set for ourselves that would bring us fulfillment and purpose in our lives?
More by : Hema Ravi