
Judgements on India

A report has come from International Labor Organization that young Indians are more likely to be unemployed if they are educated. 

Economic Times has written, "A recent ILO report highlights a significant unemployment issue in India, particularly among the youth and educated demographic... 

In India, higher educated young people are more likely to be unemployed than those without any schooling, according to ILO... 

Unemployment in India was predominantly a problem among youths, especially youths with a secondary level of education or higher, and it intensified over time..."

Such damning reports do India no good. By inference, we can conclude that India should stop educating its youth as education spreads unemployment. Only a fool can say such things. But when it comes from big organizations with data and percentages, it shakes our confidence in our efforts. 

Had they said that parameters of education are unrealistic, it would have made sense. Had they said that education ought to be more practical and need-based, it would have made sense. The report and reporter ought to prove that they wish India well. Sitting on a high pedestal and pronouncing nonsensical judgements should be avoided at all costs. Our government and countless educators are working day and night to educate and sensitize masses. Such reports dampen our spirits and spread falsehood.

Our government and various other agencies and organizations are trying hard to increase gross enrollment ratio and rightly so. We have to bring maximum number of Indians into the ambit of formal education. At such a juncture when NEP 2020 is making a marked difference in the educational scenario, to suggest the futility of Indian education system as such is almost criminal. The creators of the report seem to have missed the difference between primary literacy and high-end education. They also seem to have missed the difference between education and skill. 

There is enough room for improvement in our education system, no doubt. High end intellectual and scientific pursuits have to be taken up by the few. Education as a form of mental exercise, theory and precepts formation is a rare exercise. On the other hand, to prepare informed, scientific, and sensitive youth is the work of mass education and it must go on with gusto. 

The report also erroneously belittles small jobs like those of delivery boys and courier service providers. Wherever they see scope of engagement of youth, they condemn it. To provide well paid, formal, white-collar job to everyone is not possible.

India will have to form her own notions of meaningful employment and positive engagement. Farming, service providing, care taking, and social work have to be included in the definition of employment and work. The means to sustenance has to come from the very place where the youth is standing. Local and logical approach is needed to solve these issues. 

We certainly do not need sermons from those who do not understand or do not wish to understand the Indian context. Indian scholars must start Indian standards of happiness, employment, gender parity, social cohesion, sense of security and family values. Based on levels of isolation, mental disorders, adolescent insecurities, gun violence, sense of aggression and various other parameters, India must pay back these organizations in their own currency. To a nation which is striving to find her place and potential, these sudden, demeaning reports do no good. 

Recently, University of Zurich rejected global educational rankings. It is a healthy move. When the norms are set outside the country and when the norms do not match local realities, gibberish from the so-called international organizations cannot be accepted. Indian academia cannot accept this one-sided attack which questions it's very being. 

We may ask ILO as to what it suggests. Should we close down an educational system that spreads unemployment? The absurdity of the pronouncements of ILO is too evident to be missed. 

We have to improve ourselves. We are doing that. We should also assert ourselves. We should serve our standards and norms to the global community. That would be a job well done.

Our Agnivir scheme was criticized in this vein only. There are millions of Indians working in traditional works of wood, copper, brass, leaves, fruits and crops. There are social ambassadors promoting and performing local arts and crafts. There is a huge informal sector of tuitions. Many Indians earn via part time activities as well. This is a very complex scenario. It cannot be described by extreme, black and white brushes. Old age care, and household help are again huge areas and they are expected to grow exponentially. India has to work out her own ways in matters of employment and meaningful engagement of the youth.

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More by :  Prof. Shubha Tiwari

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Views: 3600      Comments: 14

Comment Madam you have pointed out very important issue timely. I very much agree with you at every point. Being an eminent educationist, Professor and Vice Chancellor your analysis has shown mirror to ILO. Most of the international agencies are influenced by the western diaspora who are predominantly against India. Report is solely wrong as to how any one can say that cause of unemployment in India is due to increase in educated youth rather need of skill. ILO report is solely biased and unfair.

Dr H S Tripathi
01-Apr-2024 01:48 AM

Comment Madam you have pointed out very important issue timely. I very much agree with you at every point. Being an eminent educationist, Professor and Vice Chancellor your analysis has shown mirror to ILO. Most of the international agencies are influenced by the western diaspora who are predominantly against India. Report is solely wrong as to how any one can say that cause of unemployment in India is due to increase in educated youth rather need of skill. ILO report is solely biased and unfair.

Dr H S Tripathi
01-Apr-2024 01:47 AM

Comment Madam you have pointed out very important issue timely. I very much agree with you at every point. Being an eminent educationist, Professor and Vice Chancellor your analysis has shown mirror to ILO. Most of the international agencies are influenced by the western diaspora who are predominantly against India. Report is solely wrong as to how any one can say that cause of unemployment in India is due to increase in educated youth rather need of skill. ILO report is solely biased and unfair.

Dr H S Tripathi
01-Apr-2024 00:57 AM

Comment With Indian approach in this decade so many other countries not happy they just trying to demoralize India.

Pushpendra Jain
31-Mar-2024 11:17 AM

Comment An important aspect of this analysis is the reasoning that is provided by ILO for the claim that educated youths will be unemployed in India. Irrespective of this, practical and skill based knowledge is crucial for youths to prepare them for their careers.

Nutan Chaturvedi
31-Mar-2024 11:10 AM

Comment The views expressed here in comments sections by learned readers are very valuable. It shows how many educated Indians are irked by mindless commentary on India by indifferent bodies.

Thanks and regards to everyone...

Prof. Shubha Tiwari
31-Mar-2024 03:36 AM

Comment I agree with you Ma’am, these kinds of erroneous conclusions are just part of some notorious conspiracy, when India is attaining its path of glory and grooming itself from within, these narratives are propagated to devalue us.
The article is a befitting response in absolute terms. This must also be probed who are the researchers who are belittling our fastest growing prosperity, I am sure there is some Mir Qassim or Jai Chand, as always.

Nripen Bhatt
31-Mar-2024 00:39 AM

Comment The point here is about the unacceptable norms of this society which says INDIA is loosing but they forget that INDIA is the one who gave world many scholars and leaders but still we lack beacuse of increased competition which is one way in 3-4 specific areas and the need of the hour is it should be distributed to lessen so that an individual can choose where to go but we are required to work on it instead of giving judgements as it is well said. IF WISHES WERE HORSES BEGGARS WOULD RIDE

Vandita sharma
30-Mar-2024 23:20 PM

Comment The views of Sri Umanandan Misra are valuable. The Indian youth must leave the next door job syndrome. Academia- industry interaction must increase. Certificate and diploma courses alongwith the main degree are of great value. Two to three years after the degree, the student must be ready for internship and on-sight learning.

The main point of the blog is that you earn your right to comment on India only when you know India. The Indian context, local mind, needs and scope are essential.

Prof. Shubha Tiwari
30-Mar-2024 23:19 PM

Comment Its partially welcoming that the GLOBAL EDUCATION RANKING has been rejected by Zurich university....but as mentioned we can't stop our youth educating not just bookish knowledge but over all Example IITs provide every needs for a student to grow. Aiims famous medical college is also an example as when we go for checkup we would be choosing best right?? So global ranking is good as it creates an environment of growth which will be beneficial for student and it will help institute to improve them

Vandita sharma
30-Mar-2024 23:10 PM

Comment We are the most populous nation in the world. There never will be enough government or corporate jobs to cater to this population. The economic Times report has probably not counted so many small time entrepreneurs that India has seen in the last decade. We should question their ways and research and counter them. Good article!!

Dr Sonal Dixit
30-Mar-2024 22:21 PM

Comment All these international organisations don't want India to rise and become one of top economic country in the world.
Ground reality we know living in Bharat. It's not only the government job or job in MNC. Youth in India today have so many avenues to earn. We don't need sermons from other countries.
Yes these so called intellectuals sitting on high pedestal pronouncing nonsensical judgements.
Mera Bharat Mahan

Rajendra Nath Misra
30-Mar-2024 22:11 PM

Comment It's a kind of demoralizing Indian academia by the utilitarian views of ILO. Education has a deeper meaning and scope, in Indian context, than the rest of nations think of. However, Its one of the many more aspects is to create employments. Prof. Shubha Tiwari has nicely answered to the ILO's rubish report on the prospect of Indian Education. India is leading well to achieve her goals by addressing the issues of employment at various effective levels and directions.

Dr. Shashi Kant Tripathi
30-Mar-2024 22:10 PM

Comment Dr. Shubha, I tend to agree with your views. My personal comment is that though immediately after Higher Education, students mostly don't meet expectations of employers. However, if they do some short certification training, 100% they get job. However new generation has some unreasonable expectations like that their employer shifts next to their house.

Uma Nandan Misra
30-Mar-2024 21:34 PM

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