Mar 28, 2025
Mar 28, 2025
Cinema is an optical illusion. So are TV shows, web series and the like. We get entertainment and many emotions are arisen in us which make us happy or unhappy; excited or dulled; cheered or dulled; and like.
We take these illusions shown to us as real and grieve or be joyful accordingly.
Thus, these illusions guide our emotions as long as we are tuned to them.
The same is true in our life. Our identities and relationships with persons, events in personal, social, professional, and responsibilities therein will define, decide and shape our happiness or unhappiness.
Ancient Indian spirituality says the folly. All the mental world and the actions, reactions and interactions we indulge in as our responses is our living.
All this takes place as our life evolutes in all its hues and shades.
Then we experience and exhibit various kinds of moods and actions, reactions and interactions out of tuning these to our identity as an Individual and our "Existence" or "Being" and associated dealings with the world (mental).
Both sense of our identity as "I" and the dealing with the world (within phenomenal or without physical world) are both illusional. And not real. And so, our identity, relationships, events, our actions etc., happenings and - mental world; all are our false identity as "I" - an individual and illusional mental world.
Thus, our life is an illustration out of illusional identity and tuning of this falsehood with another unreality, the phenomenal mental world.
Thus, illusion forms us and our life in all its variety.
More by : Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam