Literary Shelf

Akshaya Tritiya by Kasiprasad Ghose

Akshaya Tritiya by Kasiprasad Ghose is one of those poems which the poet wrote long back commemorating Indian scenes and festivals whose festivity and beauty haunt the folks still now. Akshaya Tritiya is no doubt an auspicious occasion to carry the discussion forward. We do not know the reasons behind, but some of the days are very auspicious and holy to us.

Akshaya Tritiya is a day of good hope, charity and donation. With it, one thinks of the change in climate, weather and situation with the forecast to be made. It is a day of remembering the forefathers, seeking blessings from or praying for their blessedness.

The poet describes Akshaya Tritiya as a day of incarnation, rejuvenation and immortal blessing. Written on August 4, 1830, the poet discusses the creational aspect which is the source of ever discussed narrative. 

How to restore the pristine beauty? How to celestial virtue? It was a time of immortal flowers which held by their sway. It was a day which reflected everlasting love and beauty. How did the sun, shine it? How was the earth created out? The wide creation was planned, carved out of clay. That glorious time of making and un-making the poet talks of hereunder this poem. Needless to put it before the prime time was a nascent one. A day it is of the worship of Vishnu, Ganesha and Lakshmi.

Akshaya Tritiya is a day for to feel the bliss of innocence, the goodness of virtue. How did the things start coming upon one by one and it turning otherwise? 

After a parching spell of sizzling, hot and humid summer, we wait for the showers to cool it down the temperature, for the thirsty souls to be at peace with.

The day is important from the Jain and Hindu points of view equally and has a special significance of its own.

Akshaya Tritiya:

Or a day held extremely Sacred for its being the anniversary of Creation and the commencement of the Satya Yuga or golden age.


"When was it that the glorious sun,
In bright magnificence begun,
The azure skies along,
And golden clouds among,
His first, majestic course to run,
As burst to birth,
The infant earth
Smiled out of chaos vast and dun?


’Twas on this day, this blessed day,
When formed of dark and shapeless clay,
The wide creation, planned
 By God’s omnific hand,
In pride of blooming newness lay,
O happy prime 
Of new-born time !
Beneath thy mild, auspicious sway.


Hail glorious age! when first surprise, 
And wonder, with their widened eyes, 
And admiration young,
Without expression, hung 
Over the earth, and on the skies 
In rapture gazed,
And were amazed
To find themselves so proudly rise.


Hail glorious age! when innocence, 
And rigid truth's omnipotence,
And virtue’s purest flame,
Not only known by name,
Shed all their mighty influence ;
And every heart,
From guilt apart,
Was guarded by their strong defence.

When everlasting youth and love 
Were all on earth as all above;
And ever unrestrained 
By laws severe, remained 
With youths and maidens wont to rove,
By fount or rill,
Or where at will,
The song-birds sang in shady grove


When lofty heaven’s immortal powers 
Disported on this world of ours,
Like very mortal men,
O’er hill or woody glen,
Gemmed with the fairest, sweetest flowers
As love and joy 
Without alloy,
Led on the young and smiling hours.


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