
A Sip of Tea which is Not Normally My Cup

June 4, 2024, turned out to be a historical day. 

After the feverish election campaigns for the parliament, the results are out in the open. There are two surprising things for me. The psephologists' predictions and hype about BJP’s success proved to be erroneous on the whole and they have failed to fathom the psyche of the Indian population, particularly in some states. 

The election also proved beyond doubt, that the population made of different faiths reiterated that they would not be carried away by a particular religion or God. They have their preferences be it a Hindu or some other religion. It also proved that earlier elections cannot be taken as standards. Like seasons, people are quite unpredictable and also keep changing their preferences and views. 

My observations are as below.

  • The much publicized and glorified Ram Lalla’s temple seems to have received the least support from the public because in Ayodhya itself BJP is defeated. 
  • In Tamil Nadu, one can never even dream of replacing the Dravidian parties at any point in time. It also established that AIADMK is no different from DMK or any other Kazhagams and they are the same with different leaders. National parties can never enter here. 
  • The Tamil population, in general, cares very little about religion (preferably read Hindu) as the Hindu community itself has a host of subdivisions and animosities within them. 
  • The ego of each politician irrespective of the party banner is supremely high and most of them show their hubris which is lapped up by the masses.
  • The new generation which might have emerged mostly during this election seemed to have completely different views about Indian politics.

  • The biggest surprise is the poor show of the ruling party in Uttar Pradesh, the one always the deciding factor in Indian elections threw a great not surprise but shock. It proves that some other invisible factors played a major role in influencing the minds of the UP population than the ruling BJP’s performance and expectations. Those who worked for that orchestration silently had the last laugh. Now it is for the ruling BJP to find out what is that factor and how it has worked.   


More by :  G Swaminathan

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