
The Silent Erosion of Sanatan Dharma

Unveiling The Dark Deeds

Have you ever wondered why the land of Sanatan Dharma, India, feels increasingly foreign to its own heritage? Why have policies and actions seemingly targeted Hindus while favoring others? These are not just fleeting concerns but pressing questions that demand our attention. 

The Shadow of Partition: The Birth of Pakistan & Bangladesh

The partition of India in 1947, resulting in the creation of Pakistan, was predicated on religious grounds – a nation conceived "only for Muslims." The secession of East Pakistan to form Bangladesh in 1971 was similarly driven by religious and ethnic divisions. These events not only divided the sub-continent but also sowed seeds of discord that continue to impact the socio-political landscape of South Asia.

Article 370: A Special Provision or a Divisive Tool?

Article 370 granted special autonomy to Jammu and Kashmir, a region with a significant Muslim population. While its initial intent might have been to integrate the region into India smoothly, its long-term effects included reinforcing religious segregation and limiting the full integration of this critical state into the Indian union.

Minority Favoritism: Policies & Institutions

A series of policies and institutions appear to have been established primarily for Muslim benefit:

  • Minority Bill:
    This legislation aimed at protecting minority rights, has often been perceived as disproportionately benefiting Muslims.
  • Muslim Personal Law Board:
    Governing Muslim personal laws, this body underscores the separate legal framework for Muslims.
  • Ministry of Minority Affairs:
    While intended to support all minorities, its actions often suggest a focus on the Muslim community.
  • Waqf Board:
    Managing significant properties and funds, ostensibly for the welfare of Muslims.
  • Minority Universities:
    Institutions like Aligarh Muslim University receive special considerations that are not extended to Hindu-majority institutions.

The Economic Divide: Funding Disparities

The financial implications of such favoritism are stark:

  • Hajj Subsidy:
    Historically, the Indian government subsidized the pilgrimage for Muslims, a policy criticized for using taxpayer money predominantly from a non-Muslim majority.

  • Places of Worship Act:
    Aimed at maintaining the status quo of religious sites, this act has often been seen as limiting the reclaiming of historical Hindu temples.
  • Seizing Temple Offerings:
    Reports suggest that funds from Hindu temples are sometimes diverted to support Muslim madrasas, raising questions about fairness and equity.

The Legislative Battles: Anti-Communal Violence Bill

The introduction of the Anti-Communal Violence Bill, which faced opposition primarily from the BJP, was seen by many as another attempt to favor Muslims. Critics argued that its provisions could have been used to target Hindu communities disproportionately, potentially leading to further marginalization.

The Silent Conspiracy: Towards an Islamic State?

Some believe that there is a silent conspiracy to transform India into an Islamic state, leveraging policies that weaken Hindu unity while offering reservations to keep Hindu society divided. The introduction of the Hindu Code Bill, seen as a move to reform Hindu personal laws, adds another layer to this narrative of targeted changes aimed at Hindu society.

Conclusion: A Call to Awareness

As we reflect on these issues, it is crucial to ask ourselves: Are we aware of the silent erosion of Sanatan Dharma? Are we prepared to address these concerns and ensure that India remains true to its pluralistic ethos? The journey ahead requires vigilance, unity, and a collective effort to safeguard the cultural and religious fabric of our nation. Only by staying informed and proactive can we hope to preserve the heritage of Sanatan Dharma in India.


More by :  P. Mohan Chandran

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