
Parliament Elections Results 2024

Most of the predictions of media and some public have different take. It is perceived as waning  charisma and invincibility of PM Modi in public. On the other hand, projections of some political pundits, it is fresh opportunity offered to Modiji to show his political astuteness and competence and in turn fail the critics.

Last minutes showing up of poll results are essentially misinformed and misguided white lies which were successfully driven to public. They are Agniveer and abolition of reservation. Agniveer issue is projected as most horrondous to Agniveers and to the society. It went very well particularly in the last phase of elections specially in UP and neighboring states. It saddens any sensible citizen.

First Agniveer provides employment to able bodied young people a well-disciplined training of skill development with handsome emoluments during service and after retirement. On end of term 15% to 20% of Agniveers are absorbed into defence services on regular basis and remaining are given employment in central & state governments and about 100 odd PSUs. Release of first batch of Agniveers is 2 to 3 years away, well within the governance period of the Modi government. The Modi government will prove success of the schemes and shames opposition for their opportunistic white lies.

Reservation issue will undergo similar fate. In fact, some of the members are staunch supporters of both the issues to MODI government earlier. But now shouting at top of the voice. It is outright political opportunism. Sane voice of NDA were drowned the in the loudness of lies of opposition lead by congress. They will have pay for propagating the white lights in future elections.

Farmers rally in perceived as arrogance of farmer leaders and their financial clout. Support from antinational elements, public display of lawlessness on highways and over insistence on issues were abhorred by law abiding , tax paying middle classes. Steadfast stand of Modi government against the arrogant farmers agitation is well appreciated by the nation for holding to values in public life and not surrendering. Similar such anti national agitations by urban gorillas in the guise of students was peacefully handled and brought to book by Modi government earlier. Its very well apricated by the law abiding citizens but oppositions particularly in congress is most unhappy.

First Modi government in 2014 performance is well beyond public expectations in general. Initially doubts were lurking in foreign and Defence matters as they were totally new to Modiji. Foreign affairs were dealt with great aplomb and elan assigning new dimensions to Indian foreign policy. Defence issues were handled with newer confidence and exposing the chinks in the enemy’s armour, uplifting morale of defence personnel and the whole nation in general. Pakistan no longer believes in direct confrontation. Instead, they opt for proxy wars through terrorism and friendly (Indians) insiders. China got taste of Indian response. New respect, honour and financial strength brought to the nation and its people.


More by :  Dr. Somasekhar Rao

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