Mar 28, 2025
Mar 28, 2025
by P C K Prem
As I Know: The Lord of the Mountains – Shiv Purana: 147
The procedure of consecration of the disciple is a right path to attainment of blessing of the great lord
Consecration of a disciple is significant. On an auspicious day, the act of consecration at a sacred spot sans any flaw or defect is necessary and a guru should ensure consecration and sanctification of ‘samaya’ – time, the right moment, the monk told. After examining the spot – its smell, colour, taste etc, one should construct a path and decorate it properly based on science of architecture. He speaks of the material required for the purpose. Paddy or rice mixed with seeds, flowers and druba grass, water jar of gold, silver, or copper etc should be there. Purity of material is important. It shall contain different scents, flowers, aksatas, kusha, druba, white cloth and material of worship, which need proper arrangement. Therefore, the monk defines each and everything required for purposes of consecration of a disciples for the attainment of Shiva.
Afterward, he speaks about the rules that govern Shaivite’s initiation. A guru must perform the purification ritual of the path. However, before that, he ought to know the ability, aptitude and proficiency of the disciple so that liberation from the shackles of bonds is possible. Kala, tattva, bhuvana, varna, pad and mantra are six paths.
He speaks about the nature of pathway of kala and the principles Shiva-tattva. Rituals of consecration need careful attention only then a guru of pure heart, intellect and knowledge can initiate a disciple properly and is fit to receive any dakshina or gift. Competence of guru and shisya is necessary, the great monk emphasised. Whatever goes in the mind if shared with a guru, it speaks of the purity of mind of disciple. Even dreams if shared with the preceptor is good. This sharing of imaginings etc is the best in the morning. In the next discourse, monk Upamanyu told Krishna about the purification of six paths toward attainment of objective.
Almost the entire conversation relates to the disciple and preceptor, who wish to attain the great lord, and ultimately, total liberation from the bondages of worldly life. Upamanyu speaks about the duties and obligations of a preceptor toward disciples. Based on the questions of inquisitive Krishna and answers of monk Upamanyu one can infer that the conversation is the gist of divine words exchanged between lord Shiva and goddess Parvati and therefore, reveal the nature of rituals and depth of knowledge and wisdom a guru should have so that he can educate disciples rightly. One should adhere to rules as Upamnayu details out if one wants to attain liberation.
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