
Yoga Philosophy

The importance of yoga has been prevalent since ancient times. There has been a lot of discussion about Gyan Yoga in the Upanishads, Mahabharata, and Bhagavad Gita. Gyan Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karmayoga and Raja Yoga are mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita. In the Geetopadesh, Lord Shri Krishna himself describes Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Gyan Yoga while explaining the importance of yoga to Arjun.

Thousands of years ago, on the banks of Lake Kranti Sarovar in the Himalayas, Adi Yogi imparted his enlightened knowledge to his famous disciples. The Seven Sages carried this powerful science of Yoga to various parts of the world, including Asia, the Middle East, North Africa and South America. Interestingly, modern scholars have noted close parallels found among ancient cultures throughout the world. It was in India that Yoga achieved its most complete expression.

Many fossils remains and seals of Indus Saraswati valley civilization with ancestors doing yoga indicate the presence of yoga in India. Seals with idols of goddess mother, phallic symbols describe Tantra Yoga. Yoga is present in folk tradition, Indus valley civilization, Vedic and Upanishadic heritage, Buddhist and Jain tradition, philosophy, Mahabharata and Ramayana, theistic traditions of Shaiva, Vaishnava and Tantric traditions. This was a time when yoga was done under the direct guidance of a guru and its spiritual formula was given special importance. Yoga was a part of worship and yoga sadhana was ingrained in rituals.

In Vedic times, the sun was given the most importance, this may be the reason that Surya Namaskar was invented later due to the influence of giving importance to the sun. Pranayama was a part of the daily routine and it was done for dedication.

During the period of Jain and Buddhist awakening and rise, emphasis was laid on the parts of Yama and Niyama. Yama and Niyama, that is, non-violence, truth, celibacy, non-stealing, non-possession, cleanliness, contentment and penance, were more prevalent. Thereafter, Maharishi Patanjali presented the Yoga Vidhi scattered in the Vedas in a holistic form for the first time. The followers of Patanjali Yoga gave a new perspective to Yoga by giving more and more importance to Asanas, body and mind cleanliness, Kriyas and Pranayama. Swami Vivekananda introduced Yoga to the whole world with its importance by mentioning it in his historic speech at the Parliament of Religions in Chicago. Many Yogis like Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Paramhans Yogi, Raman Maharishi accepted it worldwide as a Western-based, religious principle.

Yoga is always a science of living a healthy life. It is like a medicine, which works to protect us from various diseases by regulating the functions of the body parts. Yoga works to increase peace in our body and to relieve us from all our stress and problems. It is said that - The first happiness is a healthy body.

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With the meditation of yoga, we can easily bear all the difficulties and sorrows in our life. The light of yoga never fades, the better our practice, the more brightness will be seen.

Just like planning is necessary to build a good house, in the same way yoga is necessary to live a good life. We all know this popular and old saying 'Yoga Bhagaye Rog'. This saying proved to be true during the Corona period and since then I felt that yoga is the basis of life, why not spread this Sanjeevani to the people through my thoughts. Somewhere or the other, every person has accepted that life is not possible without yoga. Because it is said that -

Thereis no greater wealth than Yoga,
There is no greater success than Yoga,
here is no greater achievement than Yoga.

In today's time, the life of common people is very difficult because every person is busy day and night, lives a stressful life, yoga is the only thing that helps in providing stability to the mind. 

Yoga works on the level of our body, mind, emotions and energy, due to this, yoga is broadly divided into four parts: Karmayoga, where we use our body; Bhakti Yoga, where we use our emotions; Gyanyoga, where we use our mind and intellect and Kriya Yoga, where we use our energy.

Whichever method of yoga practice we use, it will fall under one of these categories. Every individual is a unique combination of these four factors “All ancient commentaries on yoga emphasize that it is essential to work under the guidance of a guru.” This is because the guru can create the appropriate combination of the four fundamental paths that is necessary for every practitioner. It is believed that a good, balanced, integrated, truthful, clean, transparent person will be more useful to himself, family, society, nation, nature and all humanity. The teaching of yoga is the education of the self.

For many people, yoga is limited to Hatha yoga and asanas. However, only three of the Yoga Sutras describe asanas. Basically, Hatha yoga is a preparatory process so that the body can tolerate high levels of energy, followed by breathing, mind and inner self. Yoga is generally understood as a system of health and exercise. Although physical and mental health are natural results of yoga, the goal of yoga is considered to be more far-reaching.

Yoga is not bound by any particular religion, belief system or community, it has always been seen as an art of inner wellness that is meant for everyone. Anyone who practices yoga with dedication can benefit from it.

According to the science of yoga, Prana is an inherent radiant power. It is present in all the expressions of the material world from the sky to the earth at the level of the elements of the world. Every element of the world has pranic energy in various forms in the form of a solid object, this compressed pranic energy is present in biological form in the form of a living body. This Prana is not related to the mind, brain or body activity, Yoga science has taken Prana as a separate identity, a separate existence, different from the consciousness. There must be some knowledge about the Prana element on which Yoga wants to gain control. Prana is that human power which is present in the entire universe, it is present in all living and non-living things. From stones to plants, animals, creatures or the highest developed form of consciousness, the human body also maintains its existence due to this Prana element.

When the subconscious part of the mind becomes alert, active and conscious through various yogic activities through yoga sadhna, then that state is called subconscious mind and in this state nothing is rare for the practitioner. That state of mind remains conscious despite being subjectless.


More by :  Deepika Tiwari

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Views: 3595      Comments: 1

Comment - Integration with Modern Science: Explore studies linking yoga to neuroplasticity, enhancing cognitive resilience and stress management beyond traditional benefits.
- Yoga for Mental Health: Discuss yoga's therapeutic potential in addressing anxiety and depression, supported by growing empirical research.
- Cultural Adaptations: Address how various cultures have adapted yoga to fit contemporary lifestyles, creating rich, hybrid practices.

27-Aug-2024 10:29 AM

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