
The Sweet Secret

A man of the untouchable caste as per the deliberate labeling of the clever and privileged for their dominance, superiority, and prestige, fell in deep thoughts. He was a man of principles: liberty, equality, and fraternity. All thoughts flowed in an endless stream in his mind, pinching all times:

"Constitution says that all are equal... Okay... where is equality? Where is liberty to enjoy equality? Where is liberty to celebrate fraternity? These are the unanswerable questions haunting me all the time. Do the questions show any answer appealing to all the good hearts?"

"The people talk of enfranchise to say that all are equal in all respects."

He felt that he was living in society in a free country with unseen manacles of social evils to mark disparities and differences between man and man.

He was none other than the Dalit scholar, Mahendra by name to mean ‘Indra’, the ruler of heaven. He should be Indra on earth. His father as a man of social consciousness had named him so, expecting him to rise and break the shackles of man: caste system, created by fabricated stories in its support. He rose to the level of studying a lot and doing research like those of the privileged class. He did his outstanding research in sociology on human values and human relations.

Mahendra had the life ambition to teach a bitter lesson to the people of ill feelings of superiority, pride, prestige and so on. His father did not mention the caste or category of his son for any purpose.  He got "Forward Caste" written in the caste and sub-caste columns in all applications.

Despite all such steps taken by his father, the people called him Dalit. He did not like that false label, as he wanted to come up like others by means of not only his toil and perseverance but also his skill and brilliance. He came up virtually by means of his extraordinary qualities and unrivalled abilities.  He made all possible efforts in pursuit of his goal, but the people never called him treating him equally at any cost in any place.

Mahendra failed to bring about a change not only in the people for treating him as a low caste fellow but also in their thought process. He felt like running away to a place where he decided to live happily without humiliation and marginalization in the name of caste or any. He thought that it was the real way of living. He welcomed the thought whole-heartedly. He travelled from the north to the south and reached the place where the north meets the south. He made up his mind to settle and settled in the far-off place. He wanted to come up in life without using any sociological grounds that enabled all to look at him with prejudices. He proved himself a scholar. He never let others know his origin. Whenever others enquired about his caste:

"I don't want any tail or tag to say I belong to so-and-so caste. It is humiliation and utter shame to the race of humanity and class of humans."

"They've surname and family respectable history and lineage for their posing and keeping their heads high when others have to bow their heads for their low birth."

In the new place, all thought that Mahendra belonged to the forward caste as per the data available in his certificates. They thought of him in their own ways in the new place of the south.

Some class of people thought that he belonged to their forward community. They were happy as most of the scholars belonging to their community.

The people of some other class assessed his caste by means of intelligence. He surely belonged to their high community. They felt no doubt about it.

Some thought that he belonged to the Traders' community, as he didn't look bright.

They had their own assumptions about his caste in their own ways, but they had no authentic information about Manendra's birth.

Mahendra thought that he entered the new world. He expected to enjoy equality, liberty, and fraternity as the principles of humanity. He was taking rounds on the Tank Bund, watching the statues of prominent people, erected as a mark of equality. Numerous ideas coursed through his mind:

"The caste-system is there for the benefit and credit of the clever people who always look down upon others. People never think of the early man and his caste, race, class, creed in the long past. It's a system followed blindly, creating differences and disparities between the people of one created caste and those of another created caste."

Mahendra became very popular as a lecturer in the city university. All had a lot of reverence for him. He was the advisor for the students' unions.  


A famous political leader of Reddy community, called Samarasimha Reddy, thought of Mahendra to be Mahendra Reddy. He wanted the guidance of Mahendra in political matters. He thought that he was the worthiest man to be in his family to promote the splendors of his powers.  He wanted a political heir to be there in his family in the political field.

Like that, other prominent leaders of other communities thought of him to be a worthy leader. They dreamed of him as the member of their families.

Samarasimha Reddy was a rich Zamindar.  He was a Deshmukh, a family of high splendors. The people respected him highly. Many worked in his fields and lands as servants because he had vast tracks of land. They thought that he was there for their welfare.

Samarasimha Reddy had a beautiful daughter called Shalini. She was the apple of his eyes. She completed her studies. She fell in love with Mahendra for his impressive abilities and communicative capabilities. She liked his way of addressing huge gatherings as the chief guest. She loved him very much for all such affable qualities. She did not reveal her love for him to anyone nor did she reveal it to him. It was safe in the heart of her heart.

While Mahendra was speaking, she heard his speech. She got engrossed in his excellent lecture covering various aspects with varied examples. After the speech, she went to him from the crowds,

"Hearty congratulations," said Shalini.

"Thank you very much," said Mahendra

"You excel many eminent speakers I know..." said Shalini.

"I see...," said Mahendra

"It's an excellent presentation, my model speech...," said Shalini.

"I'm happy that I've impressed you," said Mahendra

"I appreciate you from my heart. The speech is so hilarious that I want to record in my mind to recall it in times of happiness and the moments of pleasures," said Shalini.

"You talk of the art of speaking…I hope you love the art of speaking. It's the best art by which we can impress the listeners," said Mahendra.

"Would you please give your nice autograph?" said Shalini.

Mahendra happily gave his autograph to Shalini. He felt privileged to do so.

"Your writing is fine...Your speech is excellent...You're a scholar...What not...," said Shalini.  

"I thank you from the bottom of my heart," said Mahendra.

Mahendra was not able to forget Shalini, her charms, her full-bloomed smiles. Her love for him was quite evident in her conversation with him after the speech. He started to like her. Like newborn rays, love for her dawned in him to shine brightly. Both were in love, waiting for their expression of their union like the rivers for their communion to flow into its ocean.   

One day Shalini spoke to Mahendra on the mobile phone with all love and affection, saying,

"Good morning ... I'm Shalini..."

"I've recognized your sweet voice. It's like the cuckoo's song coming to my garden to please my heart," said Mahendra.

"Wow! Thanks for your compliments… In fact, I’m the admirer of your speech. I want to hear you...your excellent speech," said Shalini.

"Most welcome...," said Mahendra.

"I want to let you know the sweet secret hidden in my heart...," said Shalini.

"The sooner, the better...the happier for me," said Mahendra.

"I love you from the heart of my heart," said Shalini.

"I too love you in equal spirits. My love for you was silent as it was not expressed to you. Now it's open to the Eden of our love," said Mahendra.


Samarasimha Reddy was all alone in the drawing room. Shalini appeared suddenly, wishing him,

"Good morning, daddy"

"Very good morning, my dear daughter," said Samarasimha Reddy.

"I've come up with a proposal," said Shalini.

"Very good...most welcome…," said Samarasimha Reddy.

"It's my proposal," said Shalini.

"Your taste and my taste are similar...," said Samarasimha Reddy.

"I hope you love...," said Shalini.

"I love...," said Samarasimha Reddy.

"Who is that?" said Shalini.

"Nobody else," said Samarasimha Reddy.

"Mahendra... I love him very much," said Shalini.

"He's the person I like," said Samarasimha Reddy.

"What a coincidence...," said Shalini.

Samarasimha Reddy's happiness knew no bounds. He wanted to introduce him to his near and dear. He called them. In their presence, he introduced Mahendra to them, saying happily,

"Hello, my close associates and intimates... my well-wishers and supporters, my near and dear. Today I spring a surprise to you by introducing a new person. This is Mahendra Reddy, my near and dear...He'll occupy the second position in my family in the field of politics... Moreover, I would like to tell you the most important thing... My daughter, Shalini is in love with him. They're going to unite in their marriage on an auspicious occasion soon. Mahendra Reddy will contest the forthcoming assembly elections, and I'll contest the ensuing parliamentary elections. This is the information I want to give you my near and dear, my supporters. You should extend your full support to my would-be son-in-law as you extend to me."  

All the people clapped in happiness. They welcomed the view in their hearts as they had soft corner for Mahendra.

In due course, Samarasimha Reddy celebrated the marriage of Mahendra Reddy and Shalini in a grand manner. They contested accordingly and won the elections.

Samarasimha Reddy got a portfolio in the state rank to assist the cabinet minister in the central cabinet.

Mahendra Reddy got the thumping majority. He got the highest number of votes as the landslide victory in the history of elections. All the elected members of Assembly chose Mahendra Reddy Chief Ministerial candidate. He was sworn in as the Chief Minister of the state. He addressed the gathering including his wife, Shalini, Samarasimha Reddy and his associates,

"All esteemed members, His Excellency the Governor of the state, elected members, the voters and presspersons and so on, I would like to thank all who are behind my success. I vow a deep sense of gratitude to all of you."

 Claps went on in appreciation for a long time.

"As a leader, I feel that I’m for the people and their welfare. I've chosen the path of people's welfare. I believe in Lincoln's concept of the government that’s for the people, of the people and by the people,” said Mahendra Reddy.

Claps went on in appreciation. Mahendra Reddy continued his speech.

"I love liberty, equality and fraternity as the principles of life. I welcome no caste discrimination, no humiliation and marginalization. I'm a Gandhian to treat untouchability as a sin, the sin of sins. Nowadays, we find many incidents of violence: rapes, murders, kidnaps, ragging and so on. I'm against all such evils and acts of violence. We should find peace everywhere."

Claps went on in appreciation again.

"I want love for mankind to establish human relations through good hearts and help the deserving get whatever he or she deserves. Priority is on a merit basis. There will be no recommendations... no partiality."

Claps went on in appreciation again.

"There will be rewards and awards for the worthy."

Claps went on in appreciation once again.

"I'm for the poor and the downtrodden. I encourage them to come up in life and do wonders. Credit goes to them when they have talents and skills."

Claps went on in appreciation again.

"I solemnly promise to present peaceful and successful governance as Mr. Clean to be a model to future generations."

Claps went on in appreciation once again.

"I came up from a poor family. My father was a principled man living on his profession. He used to feel sorry for the humiliation meted out to him. He didn't like social evils. He was a cobbler, but he educated me as a forward caste boy without enjoying the rights of reservation system. Although he was a cobbler, he never bowed his head to anyone on false grounds. He believed that man should keep his head high. My compliments are due to him on his success...I promise to fulfill your desires by my actions but not by my words,” said Mahendra Reddy expecting the same response.

A few clapped in appreciation and others kept silent. Though their strength was less in number, there was a sense in their applause. It all sounded so.

Samarasimha Reddy and others were shocked to hear that Mahendra was not Mahendra Reddy, but he was an untouchable, and his father was a cobbler, shoemaker, a beefeater. He was not a Reddy to belong to the forward caste. Somehow, they recovered from their shock slowly as it was a sweet secret not to harm anyone of them. They started to hate prejudices. They talked of the principles: equality, liberty and fraternity but failed to implement them in the realm of practice.

Mahendra set all the prejudiced people right within a short time. The people were happy for his successful governance and smooth administration.


More by :  Dr. K. Rajamouly

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