Mar 10, 2025
Mar 10, 2025
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted warmly with the Indian diaspora that gathered to welcome him at Wilmington, Delaware on September 21, 2024. This is his first visit to the U.S.A. in his third term as Prime Minister of India and tenth visit since 2014.
The way Indian diaspora chanted ‘Modi’, ‘Modi’ is seen to be believed. He has graciously interacted with them and warmly reciprocated their love and admiration for him. As one who has visited different countries and made academic presentations across continents extensively, I have personally seen the growing stature of Indians across the world. Today, if Indians are able to walk holding their heads high and are treated respectfully all over the world, it is certainly on account of charismatic Modi at the helm of affairs from 2014.A strong leader extends grace and glory to his country and countrymen in the world.
Politically astute, diplomatically well poised, personally warm to everyone, Narendra Modi has endeared himself to all surmounting barriers of faith, region and language. Certainly a tall leader in Asian context, he has made emphatic impact in Asian-Pacific region. That he has been asked to mediate in Ukraine-Russian conflict validates recognition of his undisputed acumen and aura in forging bonds and dismantling barriers. His master craftsmanship is sought to be utilized in resolving conflicts in the zones surrounding Israel serving as a definite indicator to the fact that he is one of the most eminent leaders globally.
Though Pandit Nehru was also globally venerated, the dreamer that he was, he could not gain approval of all nations. Functioning in the days of cold war, his leaning towards the Russians did not do him any favor nor elevate stature of his countrymen to any privileged level. Tactfully he combined forces with Abdul Gamal Nasser of Egypt, President Tito of Yugoslavia besides able support of President Sukarno of Indonesia in forming the NAM, Non Aligned Movement. That offered him a platform to stand upon and make his presence felt. Of course, newly liberated colonies and emerging economies rallied around him in their own interest for survival and surge ahead economically. On diplomatic front the futility of the then followed strategies is conspicuous now. Nehru had charisma but not flint like will power. He was always conscious of his own image.
By the time Narendra Modi came to power national and global scenario underwent a sea change in all aspects. Dexterously he utilized all opportunities that came his way and left a mark of his own without fear or favor. The way he garnered support from diverse sections of people in India steadily and judiciously ensured that he was elected Prime Minister of India for the third term. Bolstering Defense sector, Science and Technology arenas, efforts to alleviate plight of poverty ridden rural Indians have all been conceived pragmatically and executed exceptionally well by dedicated group of administrators.
His deft handling of the crisis during early stages of Ukraine-Russia conflict in bringing home all the stranded Indian students in war zones safely won him more encomiums and quietly announced the emergence of a global leader. The way India produced vaccine and globally supplied required quantum of doses during Covid 19 period established India as an undeniable force to reckon with.
Narendra Modi adopted the strategy of encouraging youth and children to think out of the box. Economic reforms dear to him have been implemented in a systematic and convincing manner. Internal squabbles have been tackled discreetly. Political leverage is undoubtedly on the upward swing The bulldozing approach visible to some elements during his early days as Prime Minister has been softened to look milder and convincing now, which has paid rich dividends.
Sports persons, individual achievers, those who slog and serve in silence across India have all been rewarded adequately, and a new and heart-warming culture of recognizing the actual performers is going to make future of India firmly nestled in the able hands of future generations.
The present visit to the U.S.A. will elevate Narendra Modi to further higher level and declare to the world in unequivocal terms the emergence of a remarkable political stalwart, who is going to offer direction and shape destinies of nations in days to come. It should be remembered by all that here alone lies the dignity and respect of all Indians across the continents. An able leader projects positive picture of his country to enhance his fellow countrymen’s stature and dignity.
More by : Dr. T. S. Chandra Mouli