Literary Shelf

Hymn to Durga by Nobo Kissen Ghose

Hymn to Durga is one of the most representative poems of Nobo Kissen Ghose (1837-1918) who as Ram Sharma wrote the poems when many of us would not have dared to in as alien tongue, as the times were different and the age too was not so as we take to it today, see it. An Indo-Anglian poet, he was basically a poet of the nineteenth century. The present poem has been included in The Bengali Book of English Verse selected and arranged by Theodore Douglas Dunn, published in 1918. Ram Sharma has followed Kasiprasad Ghose to some extent and the poem reminds us of the festivity of the autumnal time when we worship her with so much love, respect and reverence.

Devi Durga, the Mighty Goddess, the Universal Soul, he hails, invokes, prays to and seeks blessings, whatever be the nature of the motherly consciousness and in whatever existence her spirit can be felt. He does not what she is inherent in as, if she is in the form of power, love, fate or illusion. She is Time, Space and Being. She is the seed of creation as well as the womb of it. Can we think of creation if her blessings get it not endowed upon?

The autumnal sky is saying that Bhagabati is coming, the Divine She, Devi Durga. Flowers and blossoms, all are saying, talking of the mystic arrival, supernatural presence, mythical narrative of Bhagabati. Skies are clear. Some sort of greenery with crops is speaking of plentitude. Nameless beauties keep adorning the around.

Let there be peace on earth, in every home. Let there be happiness. Let the families live in peace and conciliation. Let Lakshmi and Saraswati bless us.

From her, the Trinity, Brahma Vishnu Maheshwara. All have their origin from the primordial energy. What does it not emanate from you? Everything it is but you have made it. She is the Origin as well as the End of the universe. She is the blue sky hanging upon, lurking around. She is green vegetation. She is harvest to be done. Fruits, corns hanging onto and blossoms, all keep speaking it about.

What to say it about her bounty and power? She is the whirlwind’s blast sand the lightning’s dazzle sand glow taking over.

She is benign Bhagabati, she is also Kalratri and Katyayani. She is blissful, bountiful as well as dreadful too. To see Bhagabati is to feel her bounty. How benign and benevolent is she! She is seated on a lion.

It is Lakshmi for whom we get the things in a plenty. Golden Lakshmi smiles like the morning. Her lap is covered with the golden ears of corns. She can turn a terrain into a paradise. Saraswati is the goddess of music and other arts. Without her, music will not break so melodiously tuned; sound and speech will not break. Where do letters come from, what do they represent? She with a lute appears to be lovely.

Let the coming of the Aryan goddess bring joy and celebration. Let the festive occasion give joy to all.

Come you down, come down to earth from your abode. High above the mountains, snow-capped and frozen, live you with Kartika and Ganesha. Kartika’s attendant stands guard of, and Ganesha so dressed in a sober way woos philosophy to his breast.

The poem is a lovely penetration of the Durga Puja.

HAIL Mighty Goddess ! Universal Soul !
Power or Love, Fate or Illusion sweet !
Whate'er thy name, O mother, whose control
All nature quickens — humbly thee I greet !
Hail ! ten-armed Goddess of the lion-throne,
Whose power Time and Space and Being own !
 The seed of things was in thy mighty womb,
Their source prolific, and their final doom !
From thee the mystic Trinal Unity —
Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha — one in three —
All sprung, thou primal dread Divinity,
Thou great First Cause of all and End to be !
The wondrous glories of yon azure sky,
The nameless beauties that around us lie,
The whirlwind's blast, and lightning's dazzling flame,
All — all thy pow'r and providence proclaim.
Descend, great Deity ! from thy cloud girt seat
Amidst the changeless, everlasting snows
Of lofty Himmala, where at thy feet
Time's self doth lie like Passion in repose.
And Kartikaya on his star-eyed bird.
As fits the war-god, bravely keeps his guard ;
And Ganesha, in sober vesture drest
Wooing Philosophy to his loving breast.
And golden Lakshmee, smiling like the morn,
And bright as when she rose from the ocean foam,
Her lap adorn'd with golden ears of corn,
Emparadises still thy mountain home.
And lovely Saraswatee — lute in hand —
Attended by the Arts — a witching band —
Awakes ethereal music midst the snows,
And all the place with rapturous ardour glows.
The Aryan world prepares for social mirth
By acts of lovingkindness to mankind ;
May universal love pervade the earth.
And charity fill every heart and mind !
May brother brother clasp in close embrace,
And pleasure beam in each familiar face,
As friend meets friend around the festive board
And tells of pangs endured or triumphs scored !
Come, Mother come, all clothed in holy light,
The sun and moon both shining at thy feet.
O bless our hearths and homes ! O bless our sight
With visions of the glorious Infinite !
In varied names we worship only thee ;
In vain, the creeds veil thee in mystery :
For God or Goddess, it is all the same—
In every form we worship but thy name !
Come, Goddess bright, O come, Supernal Power,
In beaming smiles and loveliness arrayed,
Our only hope in dark misfortune's hour,
Our sole support, and never-failing aid !
O bless the land with Peace and tranquil Joy !
May no distressing ills the Year annoy !
O come with all thy radiant progeny,
Durga, Durga, Durgatinashini !

Come, come, you Bhagabati. Come, come you, Anandamayee Bhagabati. You are some supernatural power, some mystical force just to be felt within, never to be explained.

You come and bless us. Enlighten us mystically, supernaturally. Let you bless us with the knowledge of the self. Let the better times come to us.

Your names are many, but you are the same felt by us. If she does not come, who will during misfortune?


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