
Congress Government Fiddles While India Bleeds

The latest terrorist serial blasts in Tripura at the extreme eastern-end frontiers of India painfully indicates that the Congress Government in New Delhi fiddles while India bleeds at the hands of Islamist terrorists. These blasts are no isolated incidents but the handiwork of Pakistan's intelligence agencies exploiting the fringe elements of the Indian Muslim Community and working on a well devised strategy. The United States after 9/11 rose as an enraged nation under the leadership of President Bush and carried the war on terrorism directly into the lairs of those who bled the United States. The Congress Government in India has not only failed to provide firm leadership to prosecute India's war on Islamist terrorism but is apologetic and in a state of denial on the origins of the present terrorist strikes that are bleeding India with recurrent frequency.

The Congress Party right from its President down to the Congress Government have not issued any stern warnings on Islamist terrorism nor by any Governmental actions indicated their firm determination to strike hard at the groups perpetrating the bloody carnage. In fact within the Congress Government there are divergent voices even on the major terrorist strikes in New Delhi only a couple of weeks ago.

The Indian Police establishment fighting this scourge of terrorism with their one hand tied by their political masters, are allowed by the Congress Government to be crucified by the political establishment, the Indian media and India's fake intelligentsia for resorting to fake encounters even when Indian Police 'brave-hearts' sacrifice their lives fighting the terrorists.

The Congress Government fiddles when it comes to terrorism because it has enough evidence from its intelligence agencies which indicate that the sustained terrorism campaign against India for the last couple of years is being perpetrated by Islamist groups from within the Indian Muslim Community who stand irretrievably subverted by Pakistan or groups under their control. The Congress Government fiddles because it knows that its return to power in next year's General Elections can be jeopardized if it becomes vocal about the indigenous brand of Islamist terrorism and launching a determined counter-terrorism campaign against them.

The Congress's fiddling stances are picked up in a copy-cat fashion by its political coalition partners. Two political stalwarts of the present coalition from the Hindi heartland and with prime ministerial ambitions are on record that SIMI should not be banned even when the Government took the plea in the Supreme Court that it should be banned. The end-game is the same in that these political impulses of the Congress Government coalition partners arise from similar concerns of protecting their captive vote-banks within the Indian Muslim electorate.

Congress spokespersons in TV debates to deflect the Congress Party's and Congress Government's fiddling on the terrorism issue in a blatant and unashamed manner resort to the ridiculous comparison of equating Islamist terrorism with the political activism of the Hindu groups like the Bajrang Dal. It is nobody's case to defend Bajrang Dal activities but it is everybody's case to mock Congressmen who cannot differentiate between' religious terrorism' and 'religious activism'.

The Congress Party's fiddling on terrorism is avidly picked up by India's electronic media which organizes debates with the same agenda to mute the increased finger-pointing at the indigenous elements of Islamist terrorism. One newspaper sought to make out a case after family background checks of the recently arrested terrorism suspects that their family backgrounds did not suggest that they could have become terrorists. It is conveniently forgotten that when they are away from their homes they become susceptible and vulnerable to be recruited to the Islamist terrorism causes by the sleeper cells and modules that now abound all over India.

The Congress Party claiming to be India's oldest political party has no right to mortgage India's national security and the lives of its innocent citizens to terrorism bullets and explosive blasts for the mercenary aim of safeguarding its minority vote-banks to ensure its return to political power.


More by :  Dr. Subhash Kapila

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