Feb 10, 2025
Feb 10, 2025
by Sachin Mehta
We have seen the basic concept behind arrays in general and also one-dimensional arrays. Now we see the handling of more than one-dimensional arrays.
Two-Dimensional Arrays
The discussion so far has been in listing of values stored under a single name. However, sometimes it becomes to store a table of values. Now we all know that a table comprises of rows and columns. Consider the following data table
x1 x2
y1 100 200
y2 300 400
The above table consists of 2 rows and 2 columns. Now it is necessary to store this kind of data in programs, where the column represents variation of one quantity and corresponding to each column we have the row values varying as above we have x1 and varying of y from y1 to y2.
C allows us to define such table of items by using two-dimensional arrays. The table discussed above can be defined in C as
Here the first bracket value indicates the number of rows which is 2 in this case, and the second bracket is the column size (2 in this case).
In general the declaration of two-dimensional arrays is as follows
type array_name [row_size][column_size];
The type can be any data type inbuilt or user defined. C & C++ provides the easiest techniques to to declare arrays.
The representation of memory storage of two-dimensional arrays can be visualized as follows
column0 column1
[0][0] [0][1]
Row0---- |___100_____|____200 ___|
[1][0] [1][1]
Row1---- |____300____ |____400___|
Initialization of two-dimensional arrays
Similar to the one-dimensional the two-dimensional arrays are initialized. For example
int array[2][3] = {1,2,3,4,5,6};
In the above case elements of the first row are initialized to 1,2,3 & second row elements are initialized to 4,5,6.
The initialization can be done row wise also, for the above example it is
int array[2][3] = {{1,2,3},{4,5,6}};
If the initialization has some missing values then they are automatically initialized to 0.
For example
int array[2][3] = {{3.4},{5}}
In this case the first two elements of the first row are initialized to 3,4 ,while the first element of the second row is initialized to 5 & rest all elements are initialized to 0.
Multi-Dimensional Arrays
C allows arrays with more than two dimension, to the limit depending on the compiler.
The general form of a multidimensional array is
type array_name[s1][s2][s3]....[sm];
The total number of elements in any dimension of arrays is the product of all sizes included in the declaration. So it will be s1*s2*s3*....*sm.
For most applications, two dimension arrays suffice. Three dimension is maximum that you can expect to go in normal applications. Still higher dimension arrays are required in the field of scientific computing, weather forecasting, time-space analysis, etc.
More by : Sachin Mehta