
The Charade of Climate Change and other Western Fables

US led West will use any trick to maintain its hegemony and will find many collaborators. In the past Europeans were on a civilizing mission and saving souls for Jesus Christ. How they civilized the East, West and South through colonial exploitation after carrying out genocides!

After the collapse of the Communist USSR and the Fall of the Berlin Wall, trillions of dollars worth of wealth was transferred to the West under the charade of bringing in capitalism and globalization. From Russia alone between $400 billion to a trillion was taken out if not more.

Now that western economies are going down hill, a new charade of Climate Change is being erected, under which US, which has not built a single nuclear power plant in decades hopes to build new units in India. During Hilary Clinton's visit she even cited Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh for the US projects. And of course US will supply Uranium fuel taken out from its now defunct weapons after its agreements with Moscow. Of course Washington can stop supply of the fuel as in the case of Tarapore and hold India's strategic options hostage to US objectives.

Carbon Tax –New West Weapon

But the new weapon will be the carbon tax to be imposed on emerging economies and the sale of technology to Asia and Africa to ease the warming of the planet earth. Of course the West will not pay for the criminal pollution of the universe by their industrialization; civilian and military.

A few years ago a former British minister of environment had complained that US wasted as much energy as the total energy used by Japan, the 2nd industrial state in GDP.

Paul Krugman of The New York Times, for example, has aready advocated imposing a carbon tariff on China to help the country curb their growing carbon output. It was supported by consumer advocate Ralph Nader, but who opposed a market based carbon-trading system.

"A tax on CO2 emissions - not a cap-and-trade system - offers the best prospect of meaningfully engaging China and the U.S., while avoiding the prospect of unhinged environmental protectionism," wrote Nader and Toby Heaps in a December 2008 issue of The Wall Street Journal. "An effective, harmonized tax on C02 emissions must stabilize the growth of atmospheric concentrations of GHGs [greenhouse gases] by no later than 2020. The tax must also be adjusted annually, by a global body, according to this objective.

These carbon tariffs proposals were met with outrage in USA, not the first time. Last July, the United States Chamber of Commerce spoke out about the prospect of taxing imports from polluting countries.

Indian Pachauri Tool of Climate Change Western Agenda!

A panel of Indian scientists to study the Himalayan glacier melting in an exhaustive study of the region, after analyzing 150 years of data by the Geological Survey of India from 25 Himalayan glaciers, concluded that while Himalayan glaciers had long been retreating, there was no acceleration of the trend and nothing to suggest that the glaciers would vanish.

When this panel's report was released in November 2009, the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) head, R K Pachauri, dismissed it as "voodoo science" and called the findings "school science". Accusing Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh of arrogance, Pachauri said that such skeptical claims were reminiscent of "climate change deniers".

It has now been proved that the health of glaciers which was a cause of grave concern for the IPCC's alarmist position that they would melt by 2035 was not based on an iota of scientific evidence, reiterated minister Ramesh.

This has aroused considerable debate on India's corporate channels. Arnab Goswami, a somewhat better anchor than the hysterical men and babbling women hogging other channels, first appeared pissed off at the charge of chicanery at India's latest Nobel Laureate, but finally felt enough disturbed to find out the truth. With London's Times exposing Pachauri and others, it became quite clear that apart from him another villain. The claims of shrinkage were based solely on a speculative remark made by a little-known Indian scientist formerly at Jawaharlal Nehru University, Professor Dr Syed Iqbal Hasnain, in 1999 during an interview with New Scientist magazine.

Dr Hasnain's replies on TV channel were vague and droll proving what Poet AK Ramanujam said that Indians don't seem to have a sense of absolute. They place everything in some context or another. And, depending on the context, what the rest of the world would regard as being wrong in absolute sense, becomes quite all right in India. But then most research institutions are being headed by ignorant experts appointed by village yokels and urban riffraff now appointing personnel based on caste, region and party affiliation consideration.

The IPCC's credibility was called into question late last year after e-mails hacked from computer servers at the University of East Anglia showed climate researchers discussed keeping some scientific papers out of an IPCC report. The ensuing scandal, dubbed Climategate, led skeptics to suggest that environmental scientists were willing to use fake evidence to back up their claims. Claims by Pachauris or World Health Organization's (WHO) alarmist claims of threat posed by the H1N1 virus, or swine flu, to sell the vaccines, perhaps because of links between members of WHO's vaccine board and big pharmaceutical companies have eroded the credibility of west controlled institutions.

"IPCC Report: Millions At Risk Of Hunger And Water Stress In Asia Unless Global Greenhouse Emissions Cut" reported a April 2007 headline in the Science Daily. As late as December last year, an Agence France-Presse article headlined "Melting Himalayan Glaciers Threaten 1.3 Billion Asians" cited the IPCC figure.  Environmentalists are now suggesting that Pachauri should resign over the burgeoning scandal. He has promised to clear the air soon.

It may be recalled that Pachauri and Al Gore were feted for the Nobel Prize awarded last year. It is quite common practice that third world personnel can be bribed by gifts or awards like the Nobel Prize. Indians fall victims easily. UN Sec General Kofi Anan from Ghana and International Atomic Energy Agency El Bardai successfully resisted US led propaganda and threats regarding US led Western agendas on Iraq and Iran.

I had written in November, 2009 comments along with a serious in depth piece on climate change by an expert posing some uncomfortable questions questioning Pachauri's integrity. It can be read at leisure. It is a very critical and almost an perennial problem.

Propaganda and Some Home Truths About Climate Change

I am reproducing a piece dated 27 Decembe, 2009 by a very respected economist and investigative journalist F.William Engdahl on Pachauri's hidden conflict of interest in this sordid affair.

PS. I could not transpose the references

UN IPCC Climate Change chief in Conflict of Interest Scandal
by F. William Engdahl 27 December 2009

Proof of massive personal conflicts of interest of the UN Climate Change chief, Dr Rajendra Pachauri, the co-winner of the Nobel Peace prize for advocating the bogus theory of global warming dangers, has emerged. Pachauri has been accused by prominent scientists and researchers of making a fortune through his personal ties to various carbon trading organizations that stand to make billions if the Copenhagen Agenda is adopted and a cap on global CO2 emissions is agreed.

Pachauri has been Chair of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) since 2002. In that role he reportedly massively altered the conclusions of the 2007 UN report from the intent of numerous participating scientists to allegedly show a universal scientific consensus on the dramatic danger of global warming from man made emissions of CO2 and other gases. That UN report is used as the "scientific" basis to create worldwide hysteria about CO2 gas, a totally harmless gas that is part of the nature process. No one in the world had more influence on the events leading up to the Copenhagen conference on global warming than Pachauri, mastermind of the IPCC 2007 report. More remarkable, given the power he has is the fact that Rajenda Pachauri is presented as a scientist, even once described by the BBC as "the world's top climate scientist." But he is a former railway engineer with a PhD in economics. He has no professional qualifications in climate science. His is a political appointment by the international interests who hope to use Global Warming hysteria to create a huge new trillion dollar carbon trade scheme.

Evidence of Pachauri's gross conflicts of interest was made public first at the Copenhagen Climate Change conference when British former Government Advisor, Lord Monckton and Australian Senator Stephen Fielding challenged the science used at Copenhagen by Pachauri and circulated an Open Letter to all member delegations detailing brazen conflicts of interest of the IPCC head.

The letter detailed that Pachauri among other lucrative interests is on the advisory board of the Chicago Climate Exchange, the largest and most lucrative carbon-trading exchange in the world, whose prime backers include the same Wall Street finance firms including Goldman Sachs who control the world oil futures markets. The Chicago Climate Exchange and its sister firms in Europe also are involved with Pachauri's own institute in India, The Tata Energy Research Institute, or TERI, in setting up an India carbon exchange.

Pachauri's Lucrative TERI Institute

Pachauri has responded in a statement to the Indian press calling the allegations "a pack of lies." He insisted that the powerful Indian Tata industrial group had severed all tied to the TERI, yet a spokesman from TERI admitted Tata still is closely tied to TERI.

Among the allegations as well are that Pachauri gives paid advice on climate change to bodies ranging from major banks such as Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank, where he received €100,000 to the Chicago Climate Change, the world's largest dealer in buying and selling the right to emit CO2. Pachauri has a worldwide portfolio of business interests with bodies which have been investing billions of dollars in organizations dependent on the IPCC's policy recommendations, including in addition to the named banks, oil and energy companies and investment funds invested in 'carbon trading', the fastest-growing commodity market in the world, estimated soon to be worth trillions of dollars a year.

TERI has admitted receiving more than $250,000 in payments over the past three and a half years in exchange for Dr. Pachauri's services from companies with a direct financial stake in climate policy, which constitutes a clear violation of conflict of interest policies of the UN, the parent body of the IPCC. The fact that the money goes to an organization that Dr. Pachauri directs rather than directly into his pocket is not relevant.

The Tata Group behind Pachauri's TERI institute is India's largest industrial group with interests from coal to steel plants which stand to reap large benefits from proposed UN carbon trading schemes and other "clean energy" subsidies. The financial reports of TERI are not public information nor is the remuneration Pachauri receives as IPCC head from the UN. In denying the allegations Pachauri seems to have got himself deeper in the muck. He issued a claim that Teri has had no "direct links" with Tata since 1999. But it was only in 2003 that the name changed to The Energy and Resources Institute from Tata Energy Research Institute, and a Teri spokesman explained that, "we have not severed our links with the Tatas" and that the change of name was "only for convenience."

A Tata Group company is still listed among Teri's corporate sponsors, several directors of Tata serve on Teri's Business Council for Sustainable Development, and one senior director serves on Teri's Advisory Board. As well, Pachauri and Ratan Tata, the head of the Tata group, both serve on the Indian Prime Minister's Council on Climate Change, advising on all aspects of national climate policy.

Pachauri's TERI has opened branches in the US, the EU and several countries in Asia. TERI Europe in London, of which he is a trustee, with Sir John Houghton, one of the key players in the early days of the IPCC and formerly head of the UK Met Office, is currently running a project on bio-energy, financed by the EU. Another project, co-financed by the UK Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the German insurance firm Munich Re, is studying how India's insurance industry, can benefit from exploiting the supposed risks of exposure to climate change. Why UK taxpayers should fund a project to increase the profits of Indian insurance firms is not explained.

Even more blatant is the role of TERI's Washington-based North American branch, TERI-NA, funded by official and corporate sponsors, including the UN; US government agencies; oil giants such as Amoco; two of leading US defence contractors; Monsanto, the world's largest GMO seed producer; and two world leaders in the international 'carbon market', between them managing more than $1 trillion (£620 billion) worth of assets.

One Hand Washes the Other

Tata Group in India reaps huge potential gains from the worldwide TERI activities and industrial ties as it is involved not just in bio-energy, renewables and insurance but also in 'carbon trading', the worldwide market in buying and selling the right to emit CO2, administered at a profit by the UN under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) set up under the Kyoto Protocol, which the Copenhagen treaty was designed to replace with an even more lucrative successor. Under the CDM, firms and consumers in the developed world pay for the right to exceed their 'carbon limits' by buying certificates from those firms in countries such as India and China which would win 'carbon credits' for every renewable energy source they develop – or by showing that they have in some way reduced their own 'carbon emissions.'

In 2008 Pachauri became an adviser on renewable and sustainable energy to the Rockefeller Foundation. He joined the board of the Nordic Glitnir Bank, as it launched its Sustainable Future Fund, looking to raise £4 billion. He became chairman of the Indochina Sustainable Infrastructure Fund, who plan to raise £100 billion. As well Pachauri is a director of the International Risk Governance Council in Geneva, set up by EDF and E.On, two of Europe's largest electricity firms. And in 2009 Pachauri joined the New York investment fund Pegasus as a 'strategic adviser', and was made chairman of the advisory board to the Asian Development Bank, which funds projects tied to CDM trading, and whose CEO warned that failure to agree a treaty at Copenhagen would lead to a collapse of the trillion dollar proposed carbon market.


More by :  K. Gajendra Singh

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