Mar 10, 2025
Mar 10, 2025
Breaking news are coming out as this column is being written of the press conference being held by the Mumbai Police Commissioner on the cracking of the case pertaining to Mumbai 7/11 train bombings by terrorists which resulted in the horrific deaths of 200 innocent Indian citizens and nearly 800 wounded.
The Mumbai Police Commissioner based on the evidence that has been collected and the interrogation of the arrested people has directly pointed to Pakistan's complicity in this dastardly inhuman act against humanity.
Details given out by the Mumbai Police Commissioner at this press conference on September 30 2006 are as under:
Mumbai 7/11 train bombings were masterminded by Pakistan's intelligence agency, the ISI.
The terrorist bombings were executed by the Pakistani jihadi organization Lashkar- e ' Toiba terrorists with the help of the Indian Muslim banned organization, the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) and other local accomplices.
A total of 11 Pakistani terrorists along with local accomplices actually planted these bombs on trains at Churchgate Station.
The terrorist plot was hatched at Bhawalpur in Pakistan and the plan finalized there by March 2006.
Of the 50 people or so arrested in this case , 15 are directly involved in the 7/11 bombings/ Out of this 15 , 7 persons had gone to Pakistan for training.
All conspirators are linked to Lashkar-e-Toiba and Jaish-e-Mohammad.
The 11 Pakistani terrorists were brought to Mumbai in May 2006. Five Pakistani terrorists came via the Bangladesh route, two came via the Nepal route and four through the Gujarat route. They were aided by Indian accomplices to reach Mumbai.
Their local modules within the Indian Muslim community arranged for their stay in various parts of Mumbai. They also arranged chemicals and pressure cookers required for the bombs in Mumbai. RDX required for the bombs was brought from Pakistan.
Quartz timers were used to detonate the bombs.
Money in lakhs of Indian Rupees was arranged by Pakistan using Hawala routes from Dubai and Saudi Arabia.
Al Qaeda linkages in terms of training and financing have also emerged.
The mastermind has escaped back to Pakistan and two prime suspects have managed to flee to Bangladesh.
In view of the above the following main conclusions emerge:
Pakistan continues to be actively engaged in terrorist attacks against India despite all the assurances given by General Musharraf to the contrary and so accepted by our Indian Prime Minister in all his strategic naivety.
The fringe elements in the Indian Muslim community stand subverted by Pakistani intelligence and jihadi terrorists organizations. It is a reality which cannot be swept under the carpet by the political establishment.
Indian intelligence and police agencies can do a magnificent job if their hands are not tied by the political leadership on grounds of minority vote bank considerations. The Mumbai Police and agencies have done a magnificent job with precision even though the Prime Minister and the Congress President were making a case that a particular community should not be targeted. Would they now like to say as to what the police should do if all leads go in that direction because of acts of commission.
The Indian Prime Minister would be well advised to be more reticent when giving clean chits to the Pakistani General on terrorism as done recently at Havana or stating at New York in September 2005 that he trusts Musharraf and that he can do business with him.
Lastly, India -at-large expects that the political leadership ensures that Fast Track Special Courts are set up to try these terrorists and exemplary punishments are given including the Death Penalty where due. India does not want to be a shameful spectator to a Congress Chief Minister pleading that the death penalty should not be given to the main accused sentenced to death by hanging on October20 in the Parliament House terrorist attack case because it has political implications in Kashmir Valley.
The politicization of terrorism in India for narrow political gains by its political class must end as India stands incredibly enraged on Pakistani sponsored terrorism against India.
More by : Dr. Subhash Kapila