Feb 24, 2025
Feb 24, 2025
Reinventing the Raj
Writing on the Oped page of the subservient Indian Express C. Raja Mohan, a former leftist sold out to neo-liberalism, exhorts that an emerging India has everything to gain by deepening its British and Anglo-Saxon connections, with Cameron being just the right interlocutor for India.
That security vision in turn must have two elements. … the emphasis must be on returning India and Britain to the Raj tradition of keeping the global commons secure and open for all. This would involve India and Britain pooling their resources to keep open the sea lines of communication in the Indian Ocean and beyond. … As Britain cuts its military expenditure, downsizes its armed forces and limits its political objectives amidst a big resource crunch at home, India should take the opportunity to propose a comprehensive partnership between the defence industries of the two countries.
India on the other hand needs partners who can ease its path to a larger international role. The people, resources and institutions of Britain are India’s welcome force multipliers. Delhi and London, then, have every incentive to pool their resources — in other words reinvent the Raj — for mutual benefit.
Raja Mohan, always on some US endowed chair or the other is a perfect example of Indians available for a price like many others in India and abroad to promote Western cause.
More by : K. Gajendra Singh