Mar 16, 2025
Mar 16, 2025
Long ago there lived a hard working, honest but poor Indian who had four sons. He had assigned very peculiar names to his sons Kabbaddi, Hockey, Kho-Kho and Gilli-danda. Individually his sons were highly talented in their fields and had the capacity to give people of other countries a run for their money.
The ambition of the Indian was that his sons become popular in the world and earn a lot. His poverty was acute and hence had to rely upon “big brothers” staying in other countries for his living. He was unable to find a favorable outlet for his sons to conquer the world. The thrust of the “British” society prevented his four sons to exhibit their talents. They were not even given the desired platforms. They were quite de-motivated.
One night the Almighty came in his dream,
“Change the name of your sons for realizing your wishes”.
“Why should I”, reverted the Indian, “they have their own identity, they themselves will not want this”.
“At least ask them”, said the Almighty and vanished.
The Indian woke up, summoned his sons and asked them their opinion.
"Change my name! No way, I am Kabbaddi, the best in the world in my field and there is no reason I would change my name” quipped back the eldest son.
“You are jobless sons”, the society of this “English” world has not earmarked any space for you in it”, pleaded the feeble father.
“We will carve our own niche some day, father” promised Kabbaddi, Hockey and Kho-Kho. The younger son “Gilli-danda” kept silent. He was the dumbest of the four.
The father did not argue further. He did not even try to pester his younger son Gilli-danda, as he was the weakest of the quartet. The four sons then left for their individual ventures.
Days passed by, the Indian started searching his sons when they did not return home. One day while returning from the farm, he saw a motorcade approaching him. His saw his youngest son Gille-danda being the centre of attraction in the huge car decorated with flowers, with praises showering from all around.
The Indian was flabbergasted.
“Arre you Gilli-danda, what is all this”, cried the baffled Indian.
“Hey you old man, the name of this star personality is Cricket, what is this stupid name you are calling him with” shouted almost the entire crowd.
Gilli-danda had changed his name.
The Indian remembered the Almighty and started searching his other three sons. The search is still on……...
Can anyone help the Indian please?
More by : Nikhlesh Mathur