Mar 11, 2025
Mar 11, 2025
by V. Sundaram
'A Hindu nation founded on Sanatana Dharma ought to be the cherished goal of all the Hindus in India today and not a fraudulent nation founded on pseudo-secularism'.
Hundreds of holy sites of the Hindus, famed in song and legend and the scriptures dating back to the dawn of history – be they in Ayodya, Mathura, and Kasi, or in Ujjain, Dwaraka, Devagiri, Patan, Ajmer, Kangra, Thanesar or anywhere else – are being trampled down till this day under monuments of victory erected by alien invaders. We have not been able to liberate them. Even our inherited, inalienable, indivisible, inexorable and immutable historic right to liberate them has not been conceded by the pseudo-secular Indian State after our independence. On the contrary, the Indian Parliament passed a law that 'any attempt to liberate them would be construed as a serious criminal offence'.
The greatest treasure and the finest heritage which India possesses is the Sanskrit Language. Sanskrit is a most wonderful language. Friedrich Schlegel, the great German Indologist who established the first Chair of Indology in Germany at Hanmoben paid his tribute to Sankrit language in these words: 'Justly it is called Sanskrit, that is 'Perfect and Finished'. Sanskrit combines these various qualities possessed separately by other tongues: Grecian copiousness, deep-tone Roman force, the divine afflatus characterizing the Hebrew tongues. Judged by an organic standard of the principal elements of language, Sanskrit excels in grammatical structure and is indeed the most perfectly developed of all idioms, not excepting Greek and Latin.'
The Government of India under the stranglehold of the Congress Party starting from August 15, 1947 has been systematically trying to edge out Sanskrit, the sacred language of the Hindus from the days of the Vedas and the Upanishads, with professional thoroughness and political vendetta. Most of the State Governments have taken 'effective'(!) steps to even throw it out of the school curriculum. By contrast, Urdu which is primarily the language of Muslims, which is written in a foreign script, which is the official language of Pakistan and which had played an important role in fanning Muslim separatism ever since the creation of the Muslim League by Lord Minto in 1906, is being blatantly and unabashedly encouraged through a subtle process of State-sponsored incentives and grants. To quote Abhas Chatterjee in this context: 'Today Urdu is made the official language of some States, tomorrow it is recognized as a medium of examination, the day after it becomes the language of Doordarshan and so on'.
If any citizen in India wants to start a school to impart education in Islamic or Christian theology, the Central and State Governments will come forward enthusiastically to give grants to them. In certain cases, they may even be willing to meet the entire expenditure connected with the running of school on many fronts. But if you were to start a school where you want to educate your children about Hindu Dharma and Culture, teaching them the Bhagavat Gita with invocations to Goddess Saraswati, neither the Central Government nor the State Government will be willing to fund such a school. The UPA Government is capable of coming out with a Hitler or Stalin type legislation completely prohibiting the teaching of ancient Indian scriptures like the Bhagavat Gita, the Vedas and the Upanishads!
I am constrained to say this because one of the text books produced by NCERT described Ramakrishna Paramahamsa as 'a mentally unbalanced man'. The minions of pseudo-secular Arjun Singh in the NCERT may not be aware of the fact that Romain Rolland (1866-1944), who was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1915, had this to say about Ramakrishna Paramahamsa:
'Ramakrishna Paramahamsa with his intuitive genius for souls, for whom time was not, and who could discern in the twinkling of an eye the whole flood of the future, believed, that he had seen his great disciple Naren, later to become Swami Vivekananda, in the womb of the elect before he met him in the flesh. His judgement was a sound one. He needed a strong body, arms to turn over the earth, legs to journey over it, a bodyguard of workers and the head to command them, in addition to his great heart charged with love for the whole world. Ramakrishna has to be commended for seeing at once in this wavered tormented and storm-tossed adolescent, as Narendra then was, the future leader, exactly the Evangelist he was expecting.'
The baggage of every Hindu who lands today at the Airports of Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh, Tehran, etc. is searched. If it yields even a small portrait of a Hindu God or Goddess, a copy of the Bhagavat Gita or Satyarth Prakash, or a locket of Sri Ram, the objects are pulled out of the bag, broken and violently consigned to the trash bin. Government of India does not consider this as an affront to the dignity of Indian culture. Nor does it care for the dignity and self-respect of individual Indians.
According to Government of India, all non-Hindus by birth, by definition and by law – including the most dreaded and known terrorists – are Indians. Not all the Hindus are considered as Indians either by birth or by definition or by law. This is the quintessence of the fraudulently malicious superstructure of pseudo-secularism erected by the Congress party after independence, taking advantage of the colossal ignorance of myriad millions of India.
Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo declared that the Hindu nation is rooted in Sanatana Dharma. Sanatana Dharma does not mean 'Varnashrama Dharma'. Those who interpret Sanatana Dharma as Varnashrama Dharma are either steeped in Himalayan ignorance about Sanatana Dharma or are interested only in communal vote bank politics for getting into positions of pelf and power in the India of today. The wisdom of inspired Seers and Sages is recorded in various Samhitas, Sutras, Smritis and other fragments. The corpus of all these is 'Sanatana Dharma', Eternal Order or Dharma. Through millennia, Hindu society has been molded by it. Though necessarily Indian and Hindu in garb, its principles have a timeless relevance to any society, anywhere, any time. As Annie Besant and Bhagavan Das, who jointly authored an Advance Text Book of Hindu Religion and Ethics entitled 'Sanatana Dharma' in 1898, rightly observed:
'The religion based on the Vedas, the Sanatana Dharma or Vaidika Dharma, is the oldest of living religions and stands unrivalled in the depth and splendor of its philosophy, while it yields to none in the purity of its ethical teachings, and in the flexibility and varied adaptation of its rites and ceremonies. It is like a river, which has shallows that a child may play in, and depths which the strongest diver cannot fathom. It is thus adapted to every human need, and there is nothing which any religion can add to its rounded perfection. The more it is studied and practiced, the more does it illuminate the intellect and satisfy the heart.'
A Hindu nation founded on Sanatana Dharma ought to be the cherished goal of all the Hindus in India today and not a fraudulent nation founded on pseudo-secularism.
All the Roman Catholics have their own nations. All the Protestant Christians have their own nations. All the Muslims have their own nations. The Hindus have been the primordial citizens of Akhand Bharat from the beginning of pre-history and they cannot be denied a spiritual and physical space of their own in their own native land. The saddest part of the story is that the dastardly policy of pseudo-secularism has made all the peace-loving Hindus neglected, sidelined and discarded refugees in their own native land. In this context, Sri Aurobindo spoke for all the Hindus for all time on April 18, 1923 when he said:
'I am sorry they are making a fetish of this Hindu-Muslim unity. It is no use ignoring facts; some day the Hindus may have to fight the Muslims and they must be prepared for it. Hindu-Muslim unity should not mean the subjection of the Hindus. Every time the mildness of the Hindus has given way. The best solution would be to allow the Hindus to organize themselves and the Hindu-Muslim unity would take care of itself; it would automatically solve the problem. Otherwise, we are lulled into a false sense of satisfaction that we have solved a difficult problem, when in fact we have only shelved it.'
In my view Sri Aurobindo was no less patriotic than Sonia Gandhi, Arjun Singh, A.R. Antulay and Dr. Manmohan Singh!
To routinely dismiss all Hindus as fundamentalists or fascist as the pseudo-secular politicians in India do today, in my view, is a gross abuse of language. To conclude in the beautiful words of David Frawley (better known as Vamadeva Shastri):
'What Hindus need is to wake up and unite, to recognize their common spiritual heritage and work together to manifest it in the world today, just as modern teachers like Vivekananda and Aurobindo demonstrated through their lives and teachings. Such teachers did not speak of Hindu fundamentalism. They recognized Hindu backwardness, but sought to remedy it by going to the core of Hindu spirituality, the spirit of Unity in recognition of the Divine in all, not by trying to cast a shadow on Hinduism as a whole'.
More by : V. Sundaram