
Four Fold Menace - 5

In books dwell all the demons and all the angels of the human mind. Many great books serve as an arsenal of explosives, an army of revolutions, an opium-den of reactions. A book is a powder-magazine, a dynamite-shed, a drug-store of poisons, a bar of intoxicants, a den of opiates, and an island of sirens. Books are the idea of things before things begin. Books create worlds and destroy worlds. Books are the mirrors of light and the mirrors of darkness in which the universe sees its own face. These are the rush of ideas which flooded my mind when I read the highly inflammatory, instructive and inspiring article by Krishen Kak tilted 'Scoring Against Paganism: Untangling the Manderweb' which forms a part of the recently published highly explosive book 'NGOs, Activists and Foreign Funds: Anti-Nation Industry' edited by Radha Rajan and Krishen Kak.

In this incisively polemical essay Krishen Kak exposes the shady if not wholly fraudulent track record of NGOs like ActionAid, Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS), Sahmat, Anhad, Parivartan etc. He describes in graphic detail the lives and achievements of selfless workers with an established record of shining self sacrifice and self abnegation in the NGOs Industry – global giants like Harsh Mander, Arudhati Roy and Aruna Roy, national giants like Shabnam Hashmi, N C Saxena and Shekhar Singh, the real and sacred salt of the NGO earth – and the calculated reverence with which the UPA Government in New Delhi, British Government in London and the American Government in Washington treats them. Krishen Kak raises a shout against these NGOs and their Paramatmas and seems to tell us with gusto - Consider these facts of mine! Have regard for this theory of mine founded on solid facts and figures! Let me dominate you with the magic of my logic! Let me liberate you with my imagination! Let me seduce you with my subtle impressions! Let me take you out of your dull Hindu tamasic self-complacency with my whimsies, my fancies, my humors and hammers.

Even before Sonia Gandhi joined the spiritual company of Mahatma Gandhi in 2004 after sacrificing the easily available post of a Prime Minister, a great son of India who can be ranked with Aadhi Shankara and Ramanuja, if not Jesus Christ (!) called Harsh Mander figured in a centre-page piece tilted 'Hindustan Hamara' in the Times of India issue dated March 20, 2002. This story propelled its author Harsh Mander into the very first rank of our country's conscience-keepers. Like Winston Churchill roaring in the House of Commons against the atrocities of Hitler and Nazidom during the II World War, Harsh Mander had ranted about the communal violence that had rocked Gujarat after a Muslim mob incinerated 58 Hindu children, women and men in a train leaving Godhra station. His savage remarks against Narendra Modi, Chief Minister of Gujarat and his Government acquired an unimpeachable authority because he made them as a serving senior member of the elite Indian Administrative Service (IAS) and 'Hindustan Hamara' was rapidly broadcast over the USA, the UK and the Darul Islam as an authoritative eye-witness account of the post-Godhra violence in Gujarat.

Even as Mahatma Gandhi went to London to participate in the second Round Table Conference in August 1931, this neo-Gandhi globally famous as Harsh Mander, went on a tour of the West and waxed in choking eloquence?? imitating the manner of Mahatma Gandhi ? his inner anguish for the Muslims (and Muslims only!!) who died in Gujarat. Later he declared that he resigned from the IAS on moral grounds because he was overwhelmed by the anguish following communal violence in Gujarat. He said he wanted to separate himself from an administration that he declared had sponsored the violence against Muslims. All the national English language Nehruvian-secular media made a hero of him. He was lionized especially on Muslim websites. Muslim organizations hosted and sponsored him all over the USA and he publicly declared - over the BBC his deathless infatuation for the Muslims and for all things Islamic. In all his public utterances in the West, he gave inflated figures about the hundreds of thousands of Muslims killed in Gujarat. He was theatrical and unrestrained in his use of words like 'Pogrom, Genocide' and 'Communal Fascism' and the Hindu-hating mafia of English mass media in India promoted Harsh Mander as a man of conscience, principles and secularism. Krishen Kak brings out the deeds and misdeeds of Harsh Mander in his capacity as Chief of Action Aid India, a NGO promoted and sustained by the British Government as part of its unstated but well understood global evangelization efforts under the label of 'Development'.

Action Aid, a global 'Child-sponsorship' business which is fully supported by the British Government as a charity is really a tool of its Foreign Policy. The fact that Action Aid CHEATS both its donors and its beneficiaries was revealed in 1999 by independent investigators and is now a matter of public record. Binu Thomas in his clearly presented piece, 'The Ugly Side of Child Sponsorship' exposed the sinister side of this 'Prestigious Charity' in India which included Harsh Mander's initiative and involvement in promoting in India its foreign agenda of humane (!) rascality and deceit. Krishen Kak rightly concludes 'That Action Aid has a communal agenda for our country evidenced by its complete silence over the liquidation of Hindus in the Islamic States of Pakistan and Bangladesh (in Bangladesh Hindus by Law and in practice are 'enemy') is also a matter of public record. That Action Aid's resources supported Harsh Mander's notoriously communal piece in the Times of India occasioned only a flat denial by Action Aid and Harsh Mander himself, an open letter to him notwithstanding, never publicly denied the use of these resources.'

This British NGO called Action Aid through its strategically planted subterfuge called Harsh Mander drawn from the Indian Administrative Service released vast amounts of money to network over 300 Voluntary Agencies, one private limited company and their nears and dears. According to Krishen kak, among Harsh Mander's nears and dears who benefited from Action Aid's patronage bonanza in India are his fellow adventurers and comrades in arms like Aruna Roy of the Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS) and the National Campaign of Peoples Right to Information (NCPRI), and Sekar Singh of the NCPRI, apart from Dimple and Suroor Mander.
The following facts emerge from Krishen Kak's expose of Action Aid in India and its Viswakarma cast in the mould of a Mahatma Gandhi according to his faithful admirers:

Firstly Action Aid is rabidly communal, with one standard for Islam against Hindus in Pakistan, Bangladesh and India and another standard for Hindus fighting back for the survival of their culture and religion in India.

Secondly Action Aid shamelessly intervenes in a cavalier manner in our country's national politics and its Plenipotentiary in India Lord Harsh Mander has publicly asserted its right to do so in all his public orations in India and abroad, particularly on the transcendental glory and relevance of Pan-Islamism. This inalienable right to dabble in politics claimed by Action Aid and its Indian Bearer-in-waiting, in Hindu majority India, strangely enough, is not claimed by them in Islamic States like Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Thirdly Action Aid India initiated a study to examine the social, economic and educational conditions of Muslims in India. No enthusiasm or interest was shown by Action Aid to make a similar study of the shattered and battered Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Action Aid treats Hindus of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh on a footing of equality and in the larger interest of equity (!) and natural justice (!!) as kafirs as enjoined in the Koran.

Fourthly, Action Aid, like the Communist Parties of India, always functions as an extended non-governmental arm of the Congress Party. It has never criticized communal violence let loose by the Congress Party against the Sikhs in New Delhi in 1984. It has never bothered to comment on massive Bangladeshi Muslim illegal immigration into Assam cleverly organized by the Congress Party and the consequent Nellie communal carnage.

Fifthly, Action Aid cleverly avoided giving any reply to the charge that it received a grant of Rupees Three Crores from the Congress Government of Chattisgarh even while Harsh Mander I.A.S. of that cadre was on deputation to Action Aid India.
ixthly, Harsh Mander in his capacity as country head of Action Aid India, in an International Forum in the USA, publicly supported Sonia Gandhi's eligibility to rule India.

Seventhly Action Aid was rewarded with Indian Tax-Payer Largesse from secular Congress Governments of Rajasthan, Chattisgarh and Delhi. Krishen Kak hilariously concludes that Harsh Mander was along with Teesta 'Best Fakery' Setalvad rewarded with the secular Rajiv Gandhi Sadbhavana Award by Sonia Gandhi's Nehruvian-Secular Rajiv Gandhi Foundation.

To sum up we have a foreign agency in India. promoting a communal agenda, managed by a serving IAS Officer, openly promoting the Congress Party and its Supremo Sonia Gandhi, and the return to it included an award and a financial nexus between the foreigner and at least three Congress Governments in our country. Krishen Kak brilliantly observes: 'Unstructured organizations are accountable to no one and within India the incestuous web of Manderians who promote them are accountable only to themselves. They are co-adventurers in the business of selling out our Pagan Land.'

 – Continued

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