
Four Fold Menace - 7

A nexus of enveloping evil - 7

Richard de Bury brilliantly observes: 'Books are masters who instruct us without rods or ferrules, without words or anger, without bread or money. If you approach them, they are not asleep; if you seek them, they do not hide; if you blunder, they do not scold; if you are ignorant, they do not laugh at you.' The best of a book is not the thought which it contains, but the thought which it suggests; just as the charm of music dwells not in the tones but in the echoes of our hearts. There is a kind of physiognomy in the title of books no less than in the faces of men, by which a skilful observer will know as well what to expect from the one or the other. Helen Keller welcomed the arrival of a new book in these words: 'Truly each new book is as a ship that bears us away from the fixity of our limitations into the movement and splendor of life's infinite ocean'. I would like to welcome the new time-bomb book titled 'NGOs, Activists and Foreign Funds: Anti-Nation Industry' edited by Radha Rajan and Krishen Kak in the same manner and with the same enthusiasm.

Radha Rajan, Krishen Kak have thoroughly exposed the Himalayan fraud of the NGOs Anti-Nation Industry and the despicable men and women who plague this industry – many of them international liars who often make falsehood appear like truth and end with making truth itself appear like falsehood. Samuel Johnson said, 'fraud generally lights a candle for justice to get a look at it, and a rogue's pen indites the warrant for his own arrest'.

Radha Rajan's expose of VIP men and women in the NGOs industry clearly brings out the blazing truth in Samuel Johnson's observation.

This book ferries all the patriotic and enlightened citizens of India who are deeply concerned about the very survival of India as a nation across the muddied and swirling waters of anti-nation and anti-Hindu activism of NGOs, mainly funded by foreign funds and operating under the devilishly chosen banners of 'Social Equality, Peace, Democratic Rights, Human Rights, Emancipation of Women, Gender Rights' and 'Religious Freedom'.

Radha Rajan in her bold essay titled NGOS and Activists Singing for their Supper clearly proves that the primary objective of some of the foreign-funded NGOs and other activists is to keep the Hindus in a continuing state of disempowerment, to de-Hinduise and de-nationalize the Indian state. She describes the anti-Hindu coalition of Marxists, Muslims, Missionaries and Nehruvian Secularists, lists the organizations that belong to this coalition and also reproduces word for word what these activists have written and said about Nationalism, Hinduism, the RSS, Partition, Indo-Pak relations, the Gujarat riots, India's nuclear programme and of course, Jammu and Kashmir.

She neatly brings out the fact that the Indian State and India's civil society are threatened by three inimical international terrorist groups – Islamic Jihad, Evangelical Christian Terrorism in the North-East and Communist/Marxist/Maoist/Naxalite Terrorism. These organized terrorist forces can be dealt with only by a determined State and a strong and well organized society both of which are non-existent in India today.

Radha Rajan demonstrates through established facts and figures that anti-Hindu and anti-India activism of certain NGOs and individual activists thrives and grows only in the context of Hindu powerlessness.

Radha Rajan declares: 'This chapter (Essay) will feature, among others, Martin Macwan and his white Christian patron saint Kathy Sreedhar, Arundhati Roy, Sandeep Pandey, Akhila Raman, Praful Bidwai and his tweedledee Achin Vainik and Nirmala Deshpandey and her tweedledee Admiral Ramdoss. Much as I would have liked to have similarly profiled Shabnam Hashmi (sister of Safdar Hashmi) and her two Organizations first Sahmat and now Anhad, Ram Puniyani and Teesta Setalvad and her Communalism Combat, I have chosen to focus attention on those who have been bestowed foreign awards and why I think they were thus rewarded'.

The anti-Nation, the anti-Hindu 'Peace and Human Rights' activists have the same contempt for all Hindu organic and traditional social structures and group identities as they have for the nation and national borders. So they denounce family, varna, jaati, kula, religion and nation 'upper caste' and patriarchal constructs. The main aim of NGOs activism is to prise apart important segments of Hindu Society like women, tribals and the so-called Dalits from their family, community and cultural, religious and national moorings. The ultimate intent of their activism is to damage the Hindu social fiber and weaken social cohesion by de-Hinduising large segments of Hindu society.

When Non-Resident Hindu and Nationalist Indians were organizing themselves and gaining considerable social status in the US after 1998, Coalition Against Genocide was created in USA by a group of anti-Hindu Yankee Indian Leftists to work against the interests of the rising tide of Hindu nationalism. In order to counter the nationalist appeal of The Pravasi Bharatiya Divas organized by the NDA Government to encourage NRIs to visit India in December/January of every year, The Promise of India led by evangelists like Raju Rajagopal moved to organize their own conference of pseudo-secularists in India every year in January. Promise of India organized a conference 'Linking Peace and Development in January 2004. Known Hindu baiters like Raju Rajagopal, Nirmala Deshpande, Admiral Ramdas, Aruna Roy, Harsh Mander, Tarun Tejpal, Professor Imtiaz Ahmed, Swami Agnivesh and Father Cedric Prakash participated in the conference. The second conference was dedicated to the theme 'Making Peace With Diversity and Development'. Radha Rajan comments with sarcasm - You cannot accuse these worthies of originality. They recycle the same words, the same ideas and same issues in new permutations and combinations. Known pseudo-secular chewing gum of the mind heart and soul indeed!! Socrates said that religion is MAN'S dialogue with his soul. For these mercenaries of pseudo-secularism religion is man's sodomy with himself!!

The Indian Muslim Council (IMC) USA is one of the organizations of the Coalition Against Genocide. This organization rewards or gives awards mainly to anti-Hindu pseudo-secular Hindus. The IMC-USA crowned Shri.Kumar Poddar with the Bahadur Shah Zafar Award - for promoting pluralism and community harmony in India. The mind-boggling 'Peace' and 'Human Rights' Industry in USA is as big as the 'For Profit' Arms Industry that creates the conditions for conflict resolution in the first place round the world.

The popular misconception about the Magsaysay Award is that it is an Asian Award. It is not. It is an American Award for Asians constituted in the late 1950's by the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation in memory of Ramon Magsaysay, the former President of the Philippines. The Magsaysay Awardees Gallery includes the following anti-Hindu pseudo-secularists :

1) Aruna Roy (2000)
2) Martin Macwan
3) Sandeep Pandey (2002)
4) Nirmala Deshpande and Admiral Ramdas (2005)
5) Arvind Kejriwal (2006)

Admiral Ramdas, Nirmala Deshpande and a retired General of the Pakistani Army, one Karamat Ali, founded the Pakistan India People's Forum for Peace and Democracy (PIPFPD). This Peace Organization conducted several Conventions in the cities of India and Pakistan and issued 'Declarations' at the end of every Convention. The Peshawar Declaration stated that the Indian Army was guilty of raping Kashmiri women in Kashmir. Overnight Admiral Ramdas and Nirmala Deshpande became national heroes in Pakistan. They are greater heroes in the eyes of UPA Government today than Shri Bal Gangadhar Tilak or Aurobino Ghosh. Nirmala Deshpande has taken more Avatars than Mahavishnu. Harijan Welfare, Womens Welfare, Education, Peace and Democratic Rights, Rural Development – you name it and you have it. She calls herself a Gandhian. She is basically anti-Hindu and pseudo-secular and with a little amount of luck she should get the award of Bharat Ratna in the near future!!

Sandeep Pandey got the Magsaysay Award in 2002. Only after he got the Award, the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation came to know that Sandeep Pandey was a Communist. Radha Rajan brings out his capacity for deception, dissimulation and prevarication. He heads the grisly gang of pseudo-secular anti-Nation and anti-Hindu VIPs fully documented by Radha Rajan, Krishen Kak and others.

Arundhati Roy is known for her fervent patriotism. The communal Bal Gangadhar Tilak said that Swaraj is my birthright. To turn to the deathlessly inspiring words of Arundhati Roy: 'I am no flag-waver, no patriot, and I am fully aware that venality, brutality and hypocrisy are imprinted on the leaden soul of every state'. A great and a noble soul indeed in the line of Saint Theresa of Avilla.

To sum up, all these unreasonable if not treasonable, self-styled leaders of India proclaim the following casual and cavalierly revolutionary views on Jammu and Kashmir in one voice:

1) 'Nation' is a patriarchal construct
2) 'National Borders' are negotiable and irrelevant
3) 'The Territory' of a nation is a mere real estate
4) 'Defending' the nation's territorial integrity is 'Territorial and Militant' nationalism
5) Muslims of Jammu and Kashmir have the right to self-determination which includes the right to secede
6) The people of Jammu and Ladakh do not have the right to self-determination which asserts that Jammu and Ladakh are an integral part of the Indian nation.
7) While the Sunni Muslims of the Kashmir valley have the right to self-determination leading to secession from the Indian nation, the people of Jammu and Ladakh do not have the right to self-determination seeking separation from the valley and integration with the rest of India.
8) Kashmiri Hindus have no right to self-determination seeking full integration of Jammu with the Indian Union.
9) For the Sunni terrorists of Jammu and Kashmir, their demand for secession must be viewed as an integrate demand including the voices of the Hindus of Jammu and the Buddhists of Ladakh. This vital Jihadic principle is not applicable to the rest of India.

Are not these NGOs acting as the main conduits of hate and fratricide?     

 – Continued

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