
Four Fold Menace - 8

A nexus of enveloping evil - 8

Organized evil exists in the world not to create despair but fearless activity. – Malthus

The silent influence of books is a mighty power in the World; and there is a joy in reading them known only to those who read them with desire and enthusiasm. Silent, passive and noiseless though they be, they yet set in action countless multitudes and change the order of nations. The recently published book 'NGOs, Activists and Foreign Funds: Anti-Nation Industry' edited by Radha Rajan and Krishen Kak is bound to have a decisive impact upon government policies relating to the functioning of NGOs in India and the flow of foreign funds to the NGOs sector.

George Thundiparambil's essay titled Closing Word: Who is afraid of the Hindu nation? has given a graphic description of how many NGOs in India function as instruments of hate and fratricide. To quote his appropriately lethal words in this context: 'For Indians who are aware of the anti-Hindu agendas of Christian, Islamic and Communist organizations in India and abroad, it is neither shocking nor surprising that numerous NGOs have sprung up throughout the Country, which act as sole-agent for these alien and hostile organizations.'

The password to international success in the World of NGOs is to choose the flag of Anti-Hindu. Start your career by unleashing a tirade against the Hindus and Hindu civilization. In order to become an effective and successful mercenary, start an NGO and visit the USA and tell the Christian fundamentalists there what they want to hear: How evil and backward, how superstitious and ignorant the unconverted pagan Hindus are. Compare them with Nazis and then on the way back home, make a stop over in Pakistan and talk 'peace' and mention the 'atrocities' committed by Indian soldiers in Kashmir. As George Thundiparambil hilariously puts it: Punch the Hindu on the nose whenever you can, and if you have accrued enough points, you will start winning international awards. When the NGO accounts are in the mess, close shop and start another NGO. Nehruvian secularists with Hindu names are preferred for the NGO Industry. The Password is Anti-Hindu.'

Nirupama Rajan and Radha Rajan in their essay 'Asha Projects: Where does all the money go?' have carefully and critically analyzed the available descriptive and statistical data relating to 1538 projects being implemented by ASHA in India. Most of these projects appear to be vague, undefined, and mysterious. The only point of clarity is in respect of the exact amount of debasing and debauching US dollars received / allotted for each project! The FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act) Department in the Union Home Ministry in New Delhi functions as an executive arm of anti-Hindu and anti-Nation agencies like ASHA which are beyond the purview of all scrutiny by all the Enforcement Agencies of the Government of India!

Under the heading Fellowships, many Fellowships have been handed over to many people by ASHA of whom three are Pandeys. Sandeep Pandey himself, Mahesh Pandey and Vallabhacharya Pandey (page 266 of the book under review).

Year 2005 Mahesh Pandey DC chapter $ 3000. The reason for the Fellowship to Mahesh Pandey is explained as follows:

Project Description:

This Fellowship support is to allow the Fellow to focus on region's development through education, income generation, right to information, projects development and co-ordination, site visits to projects, project accounts and audits and other relevant activities in the interest of ASHA for Education.

Year 2005 Vallabacharya Pandey Silicon valley $ 3000 The reason for the Fellowship is stated as follows:

Purpose/Grant :

Fellowship of Vallabhai allows immense support of ASHA India and ASHA for Education activities world-wide. Purpose of this Fellowship is to benefit from his capabilities in Projects co-ordination, projects audits and accounting, and monitoring and evaluation activities.

Comment: While there is at least a brief account on the purpose of the above two fellowships, SANDEEP PANDEY'S own Fellowship comes with no stated purpose or description: (page 267 of the book under review) Is not Sandeep Pandey, like the king of England, definitely above the Law?

Funding info:

2001 Silicon Valley $ 800.00
2002 Silicon Valley $ 800.00
2002 General Funds $ 250.00

Total = $ 1850.00

Comment: This is what the Magsaysay Award Citation for Sandeep Pandey had to say: 'ASHA's teachers take no pay. Instead, they support themselves with sidelines such as making candles and greeting cards from hand-made paper'.

Sandeep Pandey is the Fuehrer of ASHA. Sandeep Pandey is to the funds of ASHA what Sonia Gandhi is to the funds of the Congress Party. Radha Rajan pays her inimitable tribute to this pseudo secular, anti-Hindu, anti-Nation cosmopolitan and global Leonardo Da Vinci of India in these words', Sandeep Pandey is a man of many parts, all of them skin-deep and each of them carefully and calculatedly crafted to feed his gargantuan appetite for Mammon. American greenback Mammon, that is. He walks, he talks, he writes, he protests - for his version of 'peace' against Indian mukes, for Kashmiri and other terrorists, for the terrorist state of Pakistan, against Hindus and their nationalism, against Coca-Cola and for the 'poor' 'destitute' children of India who don't go to school which fact this IIT graduate confesses in an interview to the Milli Gazette, he came to know late in his life, only during his years in the US from a book published by MIT in 1991 titled 'The Child and The State in India' Sandeep Pandey has so far picked only those issues for his money-making activism which will keep him in media limelight. As I said, each one of these many parts of Sandeep Pandey is intended to make money from anti-national disruptive activism.

Skin-deep San-Deep's activism is intentionally anti-Hindu and anti-Hindu nation which is why the US and its client States, were willingly deceived into patronizing the man with awards, media attention, with talking tours in foreign universities and with Magsaysay award. Only now the US establishment has come to know that he is a stooge of the Communist party. Sandeep Pandey, the pseudo educationist, the pseudo social-activist, the peace-activist, the pseudo anti-nuke activist – all of these pseudo-beards disguise from public gaze – Sandeep Pandey, the committed and vocal supporter of Marxist-Leninist Naxal terrorism. And skin-deep Sandeep is mortally afraid the false beard may fall off and that his Naxal proclivities may come under the US State Department scanner. That is why Radha Rajan concludes that he is a communist in Blue Funk. Sandeep Pandey by his extraordinary success in the field of activism of NGOs Industry has proven Winston Churchill right who said - A Master Craftsman indeed!! Craft is common both to skill and deceit'.

The following dangerous conclusions emerge from the point of view of National security from this highly incandescent book 'NGOs, Activists and Foreign Funds: Anti-Nation Industry' edited by Radha Rajan and Krishen Kak :

a) The network of anti-Nation, anti-Hindu, NGOs and activists comprising Marxists, Nehruvian Secularists, Muslims and Missionaries is well-entrenched in the US, particularly American universities.
b) There is a powerful network of donor agencies which include foreign Governments, Foundations, Trusts and other Church Charities which work with Marxist and Christian Indian NGOs in India with well-defined political objectives among the Dalits, women and tribal communities within Hindu society.
c) The Indian Government's Home Ministry through which all foreign funds must be routed has no fool-proof mechanism to inspect and verify if the projects mentioned by NGOs on paper exist in reality and also to check whether the foreign money received has been used for the purpose for which it was brought in and for no other anti-Nation and anti-social purposes.
d) The Indian Government has not cared to haul ASHA or Sandeep Pandey over hot Coals for such vaguely mysterious and poor maintenance of their accounts clearly brought by Nirupama Rajan and Radha Rajan .
e) A safe general inference can be drawn that most of the other dubious NGOs will be no different from ASHA in respect of maintenance of accounts and utilization of funds.
f) All these anti-Nation and anti-Hindu NGOs only talk of grassroots activism, which in many cases is only a fig-leaf for political activism. Persons like Sandeep Pandey, Harsh Mander and Aruna Roy, besides the hundreds of Christian and Marxist NGOs associate themselves with several political parties and political agendas, essentially anti-Hindu in character. Foreign funds cannot be used for political activism and there is a Constitutional ban on receiving foreign money for political activities.
g) If head-count on the basis of religion can be thought of in regard to the Armed Forces, the same approach can also be thought of in regard to the NGOs officially approved by the Union Home Ministry under the FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act) for purposes of State- sponsored Pseudo-secular Evangelism in India. This head-count will surely bring to the broad sunlight the murky nature of political scoundrelism of the anti-Hindu and anti-Nation UPA Government in New Delhi.

The Government of India must immediately ensure that a strong and effective organizational machinery is created to keep a continuous watch over the anti-Nation and anti-Hindu NGOs and their cohorts. But to do that, we require a strong, effective and well-meaning patriotic Government ?? not the ever faltering and surrogate UPA Government ?? that does not depend on these NGOs to campaign in its favor and against its political opponents.     

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