Mar 16, 2025
Mar 16, 2025
The Hari Putar Dialogues - 6
(The Tribune, 21st May.
Even a hurried visit to Washington suggests that Barack Obama has emerged as a front-runner in the race for the White House. That the Republicans are getting increasingly worried about losing the Presidency after eight years is evident from George W. Bush's below-the-belt attack on Obama, accusing the Senator from Illinois of being soft on terrorism.)
Putar: According to a story carried in the front pages of The Tribune today Barack Obama has emerged as a front-runner in the race for the White House.
Hari: That's right, putar.
Putar: Does this mean that Hillary Clinton has lost the race?
Hari: I suppose so, putar.
Putar: But she hasn't conceded defeat as yet.
Hari: That's true, putar.
Putar: Is that because she is a fighter, Papaji?
Hari: That could be the reason.
Putar: Or would it be better to refer to her as Senator Clin(g)on instead of Senator Clinton?
Hari: I don't know, putar.
Putar: The Republicans are increasingly worried about losing the Presidency this time.
Hari: That's according to The Tribune, putar.
Putar: Is it true though, as the Tribune reports that in a recent speech made in Israel, President George Bush has accused Senator Obama of being soft on terrorism?
Hari: That's correct, putar.
Putar: Do you think the Republican candidate Senator John McCain will be better at dealing with terrorism?
Hari: I'm not so sure, putar.
Putar: After all he has been a war veteran'.
Hari: That's true, of course, putar.
Putar: Is fighting against terrorism something like fighting a boxing match, Papaji?
Hari: I'm sure that there are some parallels to that sport, putar.
Putar: If a fighter starts off by being too aggressive and throwing punches right and left, he could end up losing the match.
Hari: That often happens, putar.
Putar: Tell me something Papaji?
Hari: Bol, putar?
Putar: According to the Republicans, who is the biggest terrorist of them all?
Hari: I suppose it would have to be Osama, putar.
Putar: If it was 'MCCAIN versus OSAMA' in the boxing ring, which fighter would you put your money on?
Hari: I'm not so sure, putar.
Putar: Wouldn't you give the Americans better odds if they had a different fighter in the ring?
Hari: Whom do you mean, putar?
Putar: I mean if the fight was billed as 'OBAMA versus OSAMA'.
Hari: I don't know, putar.
More by : Rajesh Talwar