
The Vastu Directions

Proceeding with an introduction we took up the initial steps in the application of Vastu and their purpose. We saw what features make a land propitious. It is time we familiarize ourselves with the factors behind these features. This will facilitate the understanding of the various steps that we will keep taking in all subsequent exercises. 

Vastu seeks to take advantage of the awareness of the natural forces operating in various directions. Clockwise, these directions are as follows: Northeast, East, Southeast, South, Southwest, West, Northwest and North.

The attributes of these directions form the basis of the science of Vastu. 

  • North-east (Eshan) is ruled by Sadasiva or God Himself. Hence this direction is paramount, which demands keeping it scrupulously clean, open and highly receptive in a welcome "mode" always.
  • East is ruled by Indra, the chief of the gods, giver of pleasures. The direction also represents the realm of the rising Sun projecting ultra-violet rays, so essential for health in several ways. 
  • South-east (Agneya) is the habitat of fire, the storehouse of energy.
  • South is the abode of Yama, the god of death.
  • South-west (Nairitya) is the abode of Putna demoness. 
  • West is the abode of Varuna, the god of ocean. It is also the direction of the setting Sun which gives infra-red radiation.
  • North-west (Vayavva) is the abode of air/wind, the invisible, but the most effective blessing for all objects in need of motion/movement for their efficiency.
  • North is the abode of Kuber, the god of wealth.

The so-called modern architects devote their energy and time only to details of foundation, elevation, superstructure, appearance (at times astoundingly grotesque). Their "science" seems to demand a contempt for the knowledge gained by Man thousand of years ago which sought health, wealth and happiness by attempting to be in tune with nature. 

We have already treated how we use the aforesaid knowledge for areas "Outside". Passing on to premises we begin with an aerial view of the site. One after another we will take up the periphery, the gate, inner open space. the entrance and finally the interiors.

It is like a Geographical approach. All maps, in fact provide an aerial view only. Look at the site plan. Examine the periphery and its relationship with the neighborhood. As to the surroundings we have to recall the considerations applicable to outside open areas. The same holds good here also. Which means that there should be no tall trees, high walls, high rise buildings etc. to the east and the north of the plot. Rivulets, ponds etc. are welcome. An electric pole or tree at north-east corner is particularly a great set back. No big pits are acceptable on any side of the plot. But all obstruction- tall trees etc.- are welcome to the west and the south of the plot. A temple facing the entrance is not desirable. So also are shops related to noisy mechanical activity, laundry, cobbler, carcass etc. A transformer is good near the south-east only.

Coming next would be description related to roads around the plot, the location of the gate, shape of the plot and its levels.

I trust the material put forth is absorbing and easy to follow and to put into use. It is subject to easy verification by observing the features at various sites. In case any point seems to call for any clarification, I will welcome doing the needful.


More by :  Aditya Kumar Varman

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Comment can you please throw some light on , what to do with plot having such obstructions as you mentioned above like an electric pole situated at east north corner of the plot , with one meter to spare with the plot .Are there any remedies to minimize the effects ??

girijesh mishra
07-Nov-2013 10:21 AM