Mar 16, 2025
Mar 16, 2025
True history has become an oxymoronic concept desired publicly by all but censored privately by the rulers. Though everyone wants to know the real truth about our own history very few show the extreme courage of wanting to record truthful history as such in black and white. Nobody and no nation can have cent percent glowing history and invariably the undesirable periods get distorted or unrecorded in the official versions. Quite surprisingly this is not the case with post liberation India. Almost all the ‘official’ historians of India exhibit a mysterious desire to record only the distortions, disasters and debacles of our nation. Aryan Migration Theory, Hindu Way of Life (not a religion) and Indian Pluralism (not tolerance) are some of the pet theories of these official historians who show no signs of professionalism or patriotism. A nasty phobia for history (let me call it ‘historiphobia’) seems to have afflicted a large section of Indians.
Professional historians must have no agenda other than pursuit of truth. They must be unaffiliated and must be willing to accept and record history as it is revealed while deciphering archaeological excavations and literature. But many of Indian historians and India’s historians do not fall into this category. Almost all of them are affiliated and their mindset is mortgaged to vested interests. They want history of India to reveal in a particular fashion and hence unwilling to record anything that does not follow the script. But far more damaging than their unwillingness to record undesired discoveries is their mysterious fear for exploration. More and more of evidence is piling up that calls for a re-writing of Indian history. But India’s official historians are afraid of any further explorations to confirm the revelations for fear of antagonizing a political leadership that is steeped in political correctness.
Afraid to Dig
There are vey few civilizations in the world that can boast of a longer period of history of any sort when compared to India. Egypt, Greece, Iraq, Iran and China are just a few of them. While the native and foreign archaeologists in Egypt are busy digging out the useless mummies in dozens, their Indian counterparts are ever afraid to dig. It is now confirmed by way of clues from literary works and some pilot excavations that the whole of India is a priceless archaeological marvel that is to be dug out. Under each of the monuments and victory memorials erected by the imperial and occupational forces, there lies buried several structures of antiquity that denotes a glorious history of India. Be it Ayodhya or Dwaraka, the layers of such historical evidences will no doubt overturn the currently official history to a large extent.
Max Muller, Macaulay and Mughals had their own reasons to do what they did with Indian history. All of them have contributed their might to spin out a version of Indian history that suits their own personal interests and that of their masters. But why should a liberated and free India stick on with those versions? We know for sure that Ramayana and Mahabharata are written by our own ancestors and almost all the places referred therein are in existence even today. Then who is preventing us from digging and unearthing the archaeological evidences that will establish our history once for all. There is no need of any conjectures and mythologies to keep us guessing always. And there is no need to defend all those illusionary atrocities that are attributed to our forefathers who are depicted as illiterate and uncivilized in current versions of our history. Some Islamic historians are even propagating that Indians were once followers of their Moosa Nabi!!!
Dig to Glory
The single excavation that can seal India’s glory once for all is that of Saraswati river which has now gone underground. Satellite imageries and pilot excavations have already established the existence of such a river and all that is now required is a determined task force to dig out the glorious past of our nation. A large amount of our Vedic literature has been put together in the fertile banks of this great river. Any archaeological excavations along its course have the potential to change even world’s history drastically. What is now claimed by many others as their own heritage can fall and the ‘Marconi-to-Bose’ change can happen in many other fields as well. The twenty first century can truly belong to India, if only our rulers show the determination and courage to dig. If ‘Chandrayaan’ has taken us to new heights, ‘Underayaan’ can take India to still greater heights.
It is said that there is nothing that we can invent that is not available in the Vedic literature. Aero-planes, satellites, nuclear warheads etc., are just a few of such prominent references. The whole world is in praise of our ancient rishis who are supposed to have developed these ideas and concepts in their mind and imagination alone. But are we cent percent about it? Can it be imaginary ideas that are found only in literature? We can be sure only if we explore history very much below the ground level. All previous civilizations got destroyed by earth quakes or tsunamis or similar natural disasters. But traces of glory and achievements of every civilization are left intact somewhere for someone to discover again. Our story may not be any different from this. The long years of our heritage could have saved some very useful information for our future survival as well.
India’s greatest achievement in terms of history & heritage is its uninterrupted continuance in the path of Vedic Dharma ever since its origin. While its contemporaries like Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Mexico have been weighed down or inundated by foreign religions, language and culture, and China by its own internal misguided revolutions, India has sustained its own religions and culture for the last several millenniums. The combined might of foreign occupiers could capture the minds of only less than a quarter of its human resources. India’s strengths and weaknesses as witnessed during its long history shall remain its unique features forever. But what will sustain our nation is the unbeatable strength of logic, rationality of concepts and allowance for reforms within Hindu Dharma, despite the degeneration of ‘historiphobic’ Indians who constitute a vast majority among its followers.
More by : J. Ajithkumar