
Fire Test for Sita

Without wasting any more time, eager to meet Sita, Rama (with his company) reached Ashokvan. Sita had heard about the battle between Rama and Ravana, and was expectantly waiting for victorious Rama to reach her. Joyous end to her suffering and grief was in sight. The sorrow was to be replaced with the joy of reunion.

Rama arrived. Emaciated but cheerful, Sita touched holy feet of her husband. The scene was too sublime; everyone watched with reverence flooding of Rama's feet with tears from Sita's eyes. Rama lifted Sita with tender love.

Then softly Rama spoke, "O Sita, you are the embodiment of tolerance and forbearance. Moreover, you represent purity at its highest. But you have lived under the shelter of Ravana. I know the fire of your chastity has prevented Ravana from even touching your nail. But I have my own limitations. As a king I am answerable to my people, and therefore, I would like you to prove you purity in front of all (publicly) so that in future people on this earth would not cast doubt - dare not put any blame - of infidelity on your noble character."

The Fire Test - Agni Pariksha

Thus addressed, Sita responded by saying, "O my lord, how true you speak! Yes, by your grace, Ravana could not - dared not - come near me. I am as pure as Fire. Hence I will prove purity of my character by passing through the raging fire flames."

Soon a huge fire was ignited. The flames reached high up in the sky. Everyone retreated two steps backwards. Sita approached the Fire and prayed, "O Fire God - Agni Deva -, this humble daughter of yours prays to you protect her if she is pure. But if Sita has ever thought of any other man other than Rama - in thought or word or deed, nay even in dream - O Fire God, reduce me to ashes. Of what use such a body to me that is corrupt!"

So saying Sita entered the raging flames. Everyone was tense except Rama, Laxmana and Hanuman, for they knew the truth. Sita was Shakti of Rama, she cannot be impure. No fire would hurt her. And true! Sita remained in fire unscathed and unharmed. The Fire God could do nothing in the face of purity of Sita. Soon the raging flames reduced themselves to ashes. Sita was standing there, her face shining with divine luster!

The whole scene changed to jubilant cry of 'Victory to Rama', 'Glory to Mother Sita', Long live Sita. Sita since then is ever worshipped as a Goddess of Purity, Grace, Tolerance and Suffering. Her name is taken before that of Rama; as Sitaram.

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More by :  Dr. C.S. Shah

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Comment Quite Emotional, but during all this we CONVENIENTLY forget that Sita and Ram were incarnation of God who were on earth to establish DHARM ...........

How can a DHARMIC DACORIAN law having Religious sanctity be declared an ADHARM , without Sita getting Physically involved in it............THINK..>>>>>THINK, then answer .

VALMIKI RAMAYAN contains lot of additions, alterations made subsequently and accepting the fact that Ramayan, Mahabharat, and all Puraans are also coded, the history that they contain, actually has to be culled out.

RAMCHARITMANAS written by Goswami Tulsidas Ji, also followed the same pattern except that it ignored altogether, the incident of disownment of Sita.

When Shri Ram took Avatar, all important events in which he was involved, as Human, would provide a Dharm. Agni Pariksha is one such event which Shri Ram established EITHER as DHARM or ADHARM…I WANT YOUR ANSWER ON THIS ISSUE.

Hindus by and large are afraid to accept Shri Ram as human incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Once we accept Shri Ram as Avatar, who came on this earth for establishing Dharm, we then have to start looking at all important events in which he was involved differently and to find what the Dharm was, which HE tried to establish.

Now the question is Why do you want to look for supernatural powers in history where NONE exists?

NOW the answer: GO and read full post after clicking on the link and you will know how Agnii Pariksha was declared as ADHARM.

Excerpts from the post:

‘King Ram REJECTED the results of Agni Pariksha and held that the only time when Sita was on her own, free to make her own decision, and under no duress, was when she was alone in Panchvati. Her decision to cross the Lakshman Rekha, without the use of any external force, can also be construed as her consent to go with Ravana. He also observed, that after his victory over Ravana, none of the action of Sita can be construed to be her own free decision and without any duress. He further said that it is true that, as a King, it is difficult to reject the result of Agni Pariksha, because it has religious sanctity, but he would like to go with People’s representative in as much that although Agni Pariksha required special skills, but those skills in no way certify the loyalty or chastity of the lady. He DISOWNED SITA AND TOLD HER TO GO WHERE EVER SHE DESIRED TO GO.

‘He also declared that hence forth Agni Pariksha will not be used for certifying or testifying the loyalty or chastity of a female. Use of Agni Pariksha will be deemed to be an act of ADHARM and NOT an act of dharm, he declared. He also declared that if ever he became a Chakravarti Samraat (one whose writ runs all across the globe), he would make sure that such dastardly acts are never performed by humanity in all ages and yugs. ‘


post URL : http://awara32.blogspot.com/2009/02/agni-pariksha-of-sita-facts.html

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Kulbhushan Singhal
16-Nov-2014 13:45 PM

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