
Fifty Years of the Indian Republic

August 15, 1947 saw the birth of Independent India marking the beginning of the end of Colonial rule globally.  It was on 26th of November, 1949 that the Constituent Assembly adopted, enacted and gave to the nation the Indian Constitution with the following preamble: 

We, the people of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic and to secure to all its citizens: 

JUSTICE, social, economic and political;  LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation

in our Constituent Assembly this twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, do hereby adopt, enact and give to ourselves this Constitution. 

To a people beset by caste, class and gender oppression, the Constitution of India held out the hope of equality; to a country plagued by violence and the political exploitation of religious difference, it promised secularism and the rule of law. 

26th January 1950 was declared as the First Republic Day of India. Since then 50 years have elapsed and in spite of wars, political unrest, rising population, pollution, violence and poverty, India as a nation stands united and democratic. Majority of the credit for this goes not to the politicians but to the ordinary people of India who have maintained their democratic temperament. 

As Indians, let us pledge to uphold the promise of the Constitution and conduct ourselves in such a manner that we can be proud of our country, our heritage and proud to be known as Indians all over the world. We must be proud of our culture, traditions, customs, religions, languages, social norms and communitarian and the individual distinctiveness that makes up India a wonderful multi-cultural country.

At the same time, we should continue to work towards the most important cause of unification by becoming "Bharatiya" or Indians first and anything else next.  This simple unification can be the key to make India a super power within the next decade.

Jai Hind. 


More by :  Rajender Krishan

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