Mar 19, 2025
Mar 19, 2025
by Phishna
Can anyone explain why Religious Fundamentalism has become so popular at the peak of the Industrial Revolution? Wasn't the Renaissance, the rebirth of reason, the prime cause that led men to build a society based on reason, so why are men returning to superstition as their guide, what will be the effect in the world today? |
If man's survival depends of his ability to reason and create, then a religious or political movement of anti-reason must be an evolutionary dead end. Christian Fundamentalism dismisses the science of Evolution out of hand. It is a death cult that worships a fictional character that died on a cross to save man from the wrath of the father-god. With the rise of the fascist religious right in America, it is time to examine why Apocalyptic Fundamentalist Culture is really about the Evolution of Consciousness.
It is very important to fully comprehend the true motive behind Fundamentalist Christianity. For the preachers, it is a mind control paradigm keeping them in riches and power, but for the masses it something quite different. People are afraid of death and will seek out anyone with an explanation that will comfort them. The Age of Reason overtook myth explanations in the Bible and many people can not bear this fact, they feel that god lied, so they have escaped to the comfort zone of blind belief.
Fundamentalist Christians believe in the literacy of the Holy Bible as 'the inerrant word of god', removing any doubt from their mind that god could lie to them. This is an immature reaction no different than a child's reaction when learning that Santa Claus was made up story. The obvious truth is that god didn't lie because god didn't write the Bible, it was written by men, possibly inspired by truth, very inspired to control the minds of men. It was an unproved assumption all along that the Bible was the word of god and literally true.
The father of modern Christian Apocalyptism is the best selling author Hal Lindsey, who single handily created the modern interpretation of Revelations in his best selling vision 'The Late Great Planet Earth' with sales over 27 million copies.
The Significance of Hal Lindsey to Christian Zionism
"Hal Lindsey is undoubtedly the most influential of all Christian Zionists of the 20th century. Although rarely quoted by others, he has nevertheless been described by Time as 'The Jeremiah for this Generation', and by the New York Times as 'the best selling author of the decade.'1 His newest publisher describes him as 'The Father of the Modern-Day Bible Prophecy Movement,' and, 'the best known prophecy teacher in the world.' He is apparently one of very few authors to have had three books on the New York Times best seller list at the same time. "
No one should underestimate the effect Hal Lindsey on American politics, the rise of the New American Fascism is directly linked to the cultural indoctrination of HIS end-times mythos.
Fundamentalist Christianity is actually a fear based Satanic cult as I have explained in my previous paper 'Comprehensive Theory of God'. We can scientifically examine that if a cult promotes the fear of Satan, that cult is unknowingly worshipping the anti-god (Satan) in the name of God (Jesus). Lindsey's new book 'Satan is Alive and Well on Planet Earth' is all telling the truth of who is Satan. The web page promoting the book is shown below, the caption asks 'Where is he?'. HE is in the author of the book!
Satan is Alive and Well on Planet Earth ' Hal Lindsey
Where Is he? Where does he live? Hmm... Maybe some underground cult is hiding him. The cult hiding Satan is Christianity. If the prime attribute of Satan is the deceiver of men then we can clearly understand why Hal Lindsey is the closest example of Satan on the planet. If millions of minds believe Hal Lindsey's thesis, that thought energy is multiplied and is making his thoughts extremely potent. Hal Lindsey is playing the role of Satan without knowing it because HE is the one leading the masses astray. HE is holding god to his word and is creating a massive thought-form to bring end-times myth into reality. HE is creating the Apocalypse to save HIS EGO. (HE = His Ego).
Lindsey celebrates the victory of Bush's re-election. Here is Lindsey's headline published on his website 3 Nov 2004:
"In my opinion, this whole drama shows that God is still on the throne and that He has a further purpose for the United States in these last days' events. It is definitely grace for America and a chance to repent and turn back to the faith of our Fathers who sacrificed to establish this unique experiment in freedom and Judeo-Christian values that are woven into our foundation documents."
What Lindsey actually means by 'God is still on the throne' is that his thought form is still manifesting, it still has primacy in American politics. It's Lindsey's unwavering belief in the literacy of the Bible that is creating the Apocalypse. Hal Lindsey is holding God to HIS word. HE is manifesting THE WORD with HIS THOUGHTS. Lindsey believes God is involved in American politics and President Bush is his earthly representative. What Lindsey doesn't admit is that his influence amongst born again and Evangelical Christians is the key that brought Bush to political power. Based on these ideas, we can see clearly that Hal Lindsey's metaphysical puppet is President Bush and that Bush is enacting the Apocalyptic thought form, Lindsey will never admit this because he believes god to be separate from himself.
Unless you live in America you would have no idea on the popularity of the New Fundamentalism. Even Hal Lindsey's Apocalyptic best sellers were overtaken by the 'Left Behind' series with sales of over 76 million copies! Another born again preacher, Timothy LaHaye ( whose record breaking book series 'Left Behind' is about the rise of the antichrist. The twelve end-times book series 'Left Behind' have and even spawning two popular movies of the same title. (see:
Most Fundamentalist Christians believe they will be 'taken up into the air' in the so-called Rapture BEFORE the really big war, Armageddon, starts in the Middle East. The theory is that good Christians are going to avoid the Tribulation because they are going to blink out of this realm into hyperspace while all hell breaks loose on earth. Now some Christians are left behind because they were not true believers so they miss the Grand Exit, they don't get Raptured, they are 'left behind'. Myth is myth, no Christian is going to be 'raptured' and miss the Apocalypse. All Christians are 'left behind' no matter how much they wish otherwise for the simple reason that their collective thoughts are creating the Apocalypse in Iraq and thus are karmically trapped by their own energy.
The popularity of born again superstitious preachers heralds a new Dark Age as such thinking makes it's way into politics. A very bad moon is rising, the re-election of GW Bush and the popularity of the Iraq War amongst born again Christians is a perfect reflection of the influence that the religious fear peddlers and their Apocalyptic writings have had on the mindless electorate. Most born again Christians fervently believe we are in 'end-times', that time is running short for the 'saving of souls'. Such lunacy is why many Christians support the Iraq War as a last chance to save the Muslim heathen souls for Christ.
Emotional rhetoric by political demagogues can move the masses into war. In the nuclear age allowing fundamentalist leaders access to mass media is truly insane because of their immature reactionary consciousness, they WILL push the nuclear launch button because of their judgmental consciousness. We are rapidly approaching this reality, right wing televangelist preachers like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson have become very influential prominent Republicans. Robertson, the self proclaimed servant of Jesus, just called for the assassination of Venezuela's President Chavez.
Falwell preaches endless diatribes against homosexuality, making statements that recent hurricanes are God's judgment on immoral behavior. He wants America returned to Christian subservience:
If we are going to save America and evangelize the world, we cannot accommodate secular philosophies that are diametrically opposed to Christian truth ... We need to pull out all the stops to recruit and train 25 million Americans to become informed pro-moral activists whose voices can be heard in the halls of Congress.
I am convinced that America can be turned around if we will all get serious about the Master's business. It may be late, but it is never too late to do what is right. We need an old-fashioned, God-honoring, Christ-exalting revival to turn American back to God. America can be saved! -- Jerry Falwell, "Moral Majority Report" for September, 1984
In the 'Left Behind' book series, Lahaye revives cold war rhetoric that source of all evil is communism, so he fictionalizes that godless Russian atheist will rise to power as the infamous antichrist. In the movie 'Left Behind' the Antichrist looks remarkably similar to President Putin.
But it was self proclaimed born again Christian President Bush who invaded Iraq. Evangelical Christians will never admit the prime candidate for the deceptive antichrist is a Christian president. |
The current political insanity is being caused by those who refuse to give up the ghost of past thinking. Many ego based religious people are stubborn enough and perfectly willing to cause unbelievable harm to the world in order to force America and the world to accept Christian subservience. Fundamentalist Christians are the center of the Apocalyptic Culture and are the political backbone supporting born again Bush and the Neocon regime. Evangelical Christians are often referred to as the Armageddon lobby, they want to prove once and for all that the Bible is literally true, even if it means they have to help God start the Apocalypse. All because of the simple unknown about what happens after death.
Regardless of how much political power the religious right accumulates they will always represent reactionary consciousness. The Apocalypse is the termination of ego consciousness and ego's expression, religion, and it will be concurrent with the time of the conscious shift into a New Age of thinking. Seeing clearly that the current political landscape is the manifestation of willful Apocalyptic thinking made manifest, then we can fully understand that the Apocalypse is now, GW Bush the Antichrist, Hal Lindsey and Tim Lahaye the 'false prophets', and all the Christians were 'left behind' to experience the tribulation of their own making.
More by : Phishna