
Human Trafficking: The Tragic Social Evil

Today December 1, is World AIDS day and on this day, I want to throw light on a dark and murky world'.the world of Human Trafficking.

'Traffickers violate the basic human rights of victims to be free from sexual abuse, exploitation and slavery. The sexual servitude experienced by those trafficked for prostitution intrudes into and violates a human's privacy and personal integrity.'

Let me tell you, I live in the UK and hence I am talking about human trafficking within the EU. But the situation is appalling and atrocious in every part of the world; South America, US, Europe, Asia, Australia, Middle East, Russia and Africa.

In a landmark judgement, the first of its kind in the UK, an Albanian gang was awarded a prison term of 18 years in jail for illegally smuggling 63 young women (some as young as 13) into the UK for prostitution. 

While these terrified young women were beaten, tortured and forced to sleep with upto 50 men everyday, their captors earned anywhere between '15000 to '18000 a day.

According to estimates by the United Nations and the the Organisation for security and Co-operation in Europe and the European Commission some 500000 to 700000 women and children are trafficked annually by global criminal networks. There are about 20000 women in London alone, who are smuggled from eastern European countries. 

Albania is the county most involved in the sex trade and a primary trafficking point, with women and children being lured to go to the West with false promises of marriage, jobs or education. Once an all-powerful communist police state is now a country beyond the rule of law. The price of a girl trafficked can be between $2,500 and $4,000, with up to $10,000 being paid if she is a virgin. They are bought and sold like chattels to satisfy perverted sexual appetites, to provide slave labour, or, worst of all, to be 'harvested' for their organs and body parts so that the rich can live at their expense.

Most trafficking victims are in intensely vulnerable situations; they come from very disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds, may not speak English, may be illiterate, have been subjected to severe forms of violence and abuse and suffer from ill-health.

Human trafficking should stop. It is a disgraceful and shameful stigma on a modern day 21st century society. It is ironical that even with increase in education and literacy amongst people worldwide, women trafficking is the fastest growing business in the world and more men are visiting brothels than ever before, paying for sex.

I would not class 90% of these women as prostitutes because they are forced/cheated into it. Men should get this into their head; to have sex with a woman without a consent is classified as a rape. So anyone who has had sex with one of these innocent girls has actually raped her.

Perhaps it is almost impossible to stop this tragedy; but at any rate the infamous wretches who trade in it may be intimidated by publicity being given to their acts, and the indignation of the public being roused in consequence. What can we imagine more dreadful than kidnapping a confiding unsuspecting girl, in some cases we may say child. I repeat, what can be more horrible than transporting a girl, as it were, by false representations from her native land to a country of strangers, and condemning her against her will to a life of the most revolting slavery and degradation, without her having been guilty of any offence against an individual or against the laws of the land?

Think about it. And if you feel strongly, spread the word.  


More by :  Rajesh Ramasubramanian

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Comment i liked it because it is the main thing to share with other. It helps to know how our country performing their job.

biki chaudhary
29-Jul-2014 08:35 AM

Comment I just want to share very famous song line written by --Sahir Ludhianvi---
vo subah kabhi to aayegi, vo subah kabhi to aayegi
in kaali sadiyo ke sar se, jab raat kaa aachal dhalakegaa
jab ambar jhum ke naachegi, jab dharati nagame gaaegi
vo subah kabhi to aayegi

21-Mar-2014 07:08 AM

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