Mar 19, 2025
Mar 19, 2025
by T. A. Ramesh
After the cold war, the development of a New World Order is in the offing due to the formation of the European Union and its extension towards East, the African Union and also the possible formation of other world unions on their models. This is a positive trend towards the formation of One World Union possibly by the initiation of UNO in the later stage.
But America's war in Iraq has divided the opinions of the nations in the world, in the UNO and the European Union. Unfortunately, America's too much haste in its preemptive war on Iraq has also broken the vision of the New World Order now.
So, realization should dawn upon everyone that peace, prosperity and progress can be achieved by the united efforts of all as each one is interdependent in the world for survival and sustenance forever. This means that only by harmonious human development love, knowledge, perfection, joy, peace and satisfaction could be achieved in life, which could be possible not by politics alone or religion alone or science alone but only by human culture, which connects science and literature, politics and religion, love and knowledge, beauty and truth, body and mind, and mater and spirit into one.
Without knowing this truth like man of one book, politicians and religionists are fighting with one another somehow to try to unite mankind by the imposition or preaching of their ideas in order to fulfill their ambition or missions in the world. Politicians or religionists like man of one book are subjective in their approach to social matters, which is uninteresting to the people and so, they are unable to succeed in their ventures. Therefore, leaders of human culture like the men of general knowledge having concern for all the matters of human interest
only can create interest in the people of the world with their objective approach and succeed creating One Human World at last leading towards the formation of One World Government by democracy.
Now the problem before everyone is how to set right the disorders of the world we see today and how to change the course of the world in the right direction. The solution is the creation of One World Order ' world government, world law and world security.
The probable moves for the creation of One World State will be:
The idea of One Europe should be achieved and the Russian Dream of One European Home can be achieved by uniting One Europe with Asia.
If such an effort is extended to other countries of the world with the initiation of USA and UNO, World Union can very well be achieved soon.
After discussing over all the matters and having a unanimous agreement by all nations the functions of the World State can be governed by the following measures:
a. Defense should be in the hands of the UNO;
b. One currency for the world should be adopted;
c. One language should be used for communication purpose;
d. And common laws for all the nations should be framed.
More by : T. A. Ramesh