
NGOs, Subversive Activists and Foreign Funds - 4

For all the pseudo-secular NGOs operating in India with the help of un-audited foreign funds, Hindu national and cultural identities are neither relevant nor important. They recognize and respect only those regional identities which have been corrupted ' or cleansed for ever according to the evangelists' by the process of induced and fraudulent religious conversion.

Any Christian or Islamic NGO is essentially a hate propagandist. No amount of window dressing with affectionate words like 'love', 'brotherhood' and 'peace' can ever remove the inherent systemic flaws of hate and internecine warfare that stain their theological cassocks. All the efforts and activities of proselytisation by many of the religious organizations who work round-the-clock in India emanate from the venom of hate and fratricide embedded in their scriptures.

All the shady and nefarious activities of the anti-social and anti-national NGOs described in the book NGOs, Activists and Foreign Funds, Anti-Nation Industry edited by Radha Rajan and Krishen Kak also stem from the same evil ideological domain.

When our NGOs use the term 'secularism', which ought to denote the 'exclusion of religious considerations', It means only 'the appeasement of minority religions' in India. In the hands of Christian fundamentalists, words like 'liberty' and 'democracy' take on a different meaning. For them 'liberty' means the 'freedom to convert pagan people' and 'democracy' means the 'rule of the elite minority'.

Krishan Kak, one of the editors of this book relating to the misdeeds and criminal activities of NGOs operating in India with nefarious foreign funds, had completely exposed the anti-national activities of a former IAS officer called Harsh Mander. He wanted to deceive the nation through the mafia of mass media that he had made the supreme sacrifice of resigning from the IAS on account of the inner spiritual anguish following the so called genocide in Gujarat.

In the first edition of this book, Krishen Kak had given the facts and figures which can stand any judicial scrutiny to show that this officer was a layer upon layer of orchestrated fraud. Krishen Kak proved that Harsh Mander had cleverly lied to the nation with the full knowledge and consent of the main stream TV and Print Mass Media.

Long before the publication of the first edition of the book under review, Krishen Kak had sent an open letter to Harsh Mander on 25 July 2003 in which he stated: 'your national and international credibility as a champion of Indian secularism and as a fighter against social injustice is derived from your oft- repeated and much- publicised claim of 'resignation' from the IAS on moral grounds after the Gujarat communal violence. This act of yours had you hailed in the mainstream English-language 'secular' media as 'a man with a conscience'. Subsequently, this writer discovered and revealed that you had, in fact, not resigned at all from the IAS and that you were, and you are, aware that this is not a mere technical or semantic quibble.... That once this fact was made public you yourself ceased making the 'resignation' claim confirms your own consciousness of your duplicity'.

To make this complete, I would like to add dignity after Duplicity (!)if he had any at all!!

When the first edition of this book was released by Narendra Modi in New Delhi on 9 September, 2006, the Mafia of Pseudo-Secular mass media came out with half- truths, latent lies, patent lies, flowered and flowing falsehoods, tinged with malice, prejudice and hatred the very next day. The Indian Express came out with a factually false statement in its issue dated 10 September, 2006 to the effect that the book release function was held 'at the BJP headquarters'. To say the least it was preposterously abominable. The function was in fact held in an open ground on Ashoka Road, New Delhi and not in the BJP headquarters. Further neither Radha Rajan nor Krishen Kak has ever tried to conceal the fact that they are the fearless champions of Hinduism, Hindutva and Sanatana Dharma.

The Deccan Chronicle quoted Sandeep Pandey (one of the shady characters brought under scanner by Radha Rajan and Krishen Kak in this book under review) as saying 'as a principle we do not accept foreign funds.' The irony of the sordid story is that there is a whole chapter in this book dealing with the facts and figures of foreign funding obtained by ASHA and totally controlled by Sandeep Pandey. And yet The Deccan Chronicle chose to ignore it, if not to bury these facts and truths under the artificially created mound of debris of calculated Pseudo-Secular frauds and anti- Hindu falsehoods which is the normal vocation of the main line English Print Media in India, enjoying the unbroken patronage and benediction of the UPA Government in New Delhi.

On 11 September, 2006 (2 days after the release of the first edition of the book), Krishan Kak sent an open letter to Harsh Mander in which he wrote as follows (published as part of Appendix 12 of the Vigil Book)

Dear Mr Mander,

You are in the forefront of the Right to Information campaign and are on record as required 'public accountability' from 'funded NGOs' ('NGOs, Activists and Foreign Funds: Anti-Nation Industry', Chennai: Vigil Public Opinion Forum, 2006:143). You also continue to be in the forefront of the 'secular' campaign for Muslims rights in Gujarat. The Deccan Chronicle today published an emotive response to the book, of which I am co-editor, and in the context of that book, the chronicle article, and your own stated position regarding transparency and accountability, I invite you set the public record straight in regard to your public persona, especially-....etc etc'

Likewise, on 20 November 20 2003, Krishen Kak sent an open letter to Karan Thapar as well who had referred to the 'Harsh Treatment' meted out to Harsh Mander in an article in the Hindustan Times Sunday Magazine.

On 18 December 2006, I sent a letter to Krishen Kak to ascertain as to whether he had received any reply at all either from Harsh Mander or Karan Thapar to the letters I have referred to above. Krishan Kak sent me a reply as follows:

Dear Shri Sundaram,

Thank you for your enquiry about whether I received any reply to my open letters to Mr Harsh Mander and Mr Karan Thapar.

As open letters, these were sent not just to Mr Mander / Mr Thapar and the addressees you see in the letters reproduced in the book, but copies were also distributed widely over the internet (including to Action Aid e-addresses all over the world). To date, there has been no response from Mr Mander or Mr Thapar.

Krishen Kak

After the release of the book under review on September 9 2006, there was also a report in The Deccan Chronicle on 10 September 2006 which contained many mis-statements. Radha Rajan sent a letter to The Deccan Chronicle (published as a part of Appendix 12 of the Vigil Book) questioning the preposterous claim of Sandeep Pandey. The report in Deccan Chronicle had quoted Sandeep Pandey as saying: 'First I am glad to be clubbed in the August company of Aruna Roy, Nirmala Deshpandey and Harsh Mander.... The accounts of ASHA are open for scrutiny and our website has details about the funds we spend and get. As a principle we do not accept foreign funds and even institutional funds from India. So the criticism that we are being used by foreigners who fund us is baseless'.

Radha Rajan challenged the response of Sandeep Pandey. To my query regarding the response of Sandeep Pandey, Radha Rajan has replied to me as follows:

Dear Shri Sundaram,

Vigil Public Opinion Forum was compelled to write the rejoinder to The Deccan Chronicle to nail Sandeep Pandey's lie that ASHA for education did not receive foreign funds.

As pointed out in the rejoinder, Chapter 8 of the first edition of the book titled 'ASHA projects: Where does all the money go' is only about foreign funds as attested to by ASHA's own website. And the clever device always used by these activists to deceive and fool is to pack a falsehood inside a truth so that the falsehood escapes notice of readers. Take Sandeep Pandey's reaction as a typical example of this ruse - 'So the criticism that we are being used by foreigners who fund us is baseless'.

Nowhere in the book have we alleged that Sandeep Pandey was being used by 'foreigners'. What we have alleged is that Sandeep Pandey's ASHA raises money abroad, in the US and in Europe ostensibly for 'charity' but that their website does not provide details about where and how the money was going.

The book also alleged that Sandeep Pandey's charity work, like that of many other similar activists featured in the book, was cover for his political intentions.

Sandeep Pandey and his friends in the book, predictably have not responded to these specific allegations nor have they been able to issue any credible or effective rebuttal to our allegations. The fact that these NGOs and activists have maintained stony silence even after being so completely exposed validates Vigil's expose of this huge money-spinning anti-nation industry.'

These foreign - funded NGOs and 'Peace' and 'Human Rights' activists continuously raise a raucous cacophony about communal harmony, secularism, pluralism and even democracy being in danger in India because of the sudden rise of 'Hindutva-Fascism'.

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Comment Even after they cought under video they will not answer to any body From very long time just after independenc this is the practice of critian and muslim And all the central govt directly or indrectly support this No change will there in this matter Provided we bycott the cristian school and have a common civil code

shailesh n vyas
29-Sep-2011 08:07 AM

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