
Comparison Between Nations Necessary

In the modern world comparison between nations will serve as an eye opener to many for the socio-economic development of India with respect to China. Certainly, the obsolete socialistic ideas have spoiled Indian democracy to function without discipline fuelled by caste, corruption and politics crippling the efficiency of the government needing reforms in every field so that India can go ahead economically on a par with China. Like the business competition necessary for quality improvement of products, comparison and contrast between nations help to infer critical opinion necessary for achieving economic excellence of a nation.   


The Indo-Chinese relations are being normalized to make forward movements in matters of economy, tourism, culture and international politics. Territorial rivalry between India and China has turned into a healthy competition in economic development and unanimous cooperation in the fight against international terrorism.

Economic Measures

Without economic development no other development can be possible. Realizing
this fact earlier, China first settled its border dispute with Russia thereby converting Defense Expenditure into investments for its economic development, which was the key that geared up the upward swing of China's economy.

Consolidation of Territory

Except Taiwan, China has consolidated its borders. Terrorist activities in the Xinjiang province are the only headache that has prompted China to seek international cooperation to solve the problem of terrorism that has no boundaries. So, if this impediment is also surmounted, nothing can stop the stride of China towards becoming an economic giant of Asia.

Pros and Cons of Globalization

The socio-economic status of the people did not develop as was envisaged due to the failures of communism and socialism in Russia, its satellite States in Asia, East Europe, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Cuba and other countries of the world. So, those countries raised their iron curtains to try their efforts in the wide open green pastures of the world after getting pleased with the developments of the western countries. So many nations started making reforms resulting in the globalization of their economies.

Globalization of economy integrated many nations with the world market. Individual skills, entrepreneurship abilities and quality of goods were neglected in the socialist nations, whose projects failed due to workers' strikes, neglect of duties by their employees and widespread corruption everywhere. But globalization has encouraged competition, improved quality of goods and introduced work culture, which were previously lacking in many countries.

The main criticism regarding globalization is that it has made the rich richer and poor poorer. So, the displeased people of the socialist brand are raising hue and cry through the World Social Forum (WSF) without any alternative ideology for globalization now and then. This does not mean that globalization has solved all the problems of the individuals and society.

There are examples of many fraudulent companies that have come up exploiting the innocent people due to bureaucracy that thrives on corruption everywhere that has to be properly dealt with by the strong arms of vigilance with the cooperation of the government and people. The opportunities for jobs have increased for persons of high qualifications and entrepreneurial abilities because of globalization. There are pros and cons for everything in the world. So, as said by the President of France, Jacques Chirac that 'democracies need not be mere spectators of globalization, but it has to be tamed, controlled and taken advantage of by them.'


Traditionally there is competition between India and China in the exports of tea, silk and cotton goods to the world market. China has started globalization of its economy 25 years ago. India has entered into the globalization process only for the past one and half decades. Naturally China is economically ahead of India. Even in the brief period of globalization, India has become the top super power of Asia in IT, BPO and biotechnology because of its technical knowledge and working skill in the English language. Now, the trend is such that people come to India for ideas and go to China for implementation of ideas. So, India and China have become the World Centers for Service and Manufacturing Goods respectively.

Aim of China

Now the sole aim of China is to conquer economically the whole world by dumping its quality products at competitive rates everywhere. So, avoiding contradictory attitude, it cautiously approaches every country following independent foreign policy, which is similar to the non-aligned foreign policy of India based on 'Panchsheel' principles. Also realizing the use of English necessary for its developments in Software, business, science and technology, China has introduced it as a course of study in education for youngsters to compete in the world market. Globalization facilitates the nations that can cope with competition, work culture and quality. China easily fulfils these demands of globalization as it has a vast and cheap work force to cooperate and coordinate with its economic programs, having no political turmoil and disparities of any kind there.

Complexities and Changes

In India, as there is diversity in everything with complexities in every problem often aggravated by political parties and obstructed by government agencies under the direction of adverse unions, it has no comparisons in other countries of the world, being a world by itself! That is why, even after 60 years of independence India is not able to develop itself like France, Germany and Japan that were destroyed in the World War II. So, to change for the better, only by the introduction of quality education of international standard the gap formed by religious, regional, racial, linguistic, cultural and socio-economic diversities can be bridged first so that India can develop itself fast like China or South Korea. After that only India can compete with other nations excelling towards becoming a leader of the world in all respects.

Investments and Problems

Unlike India, Chinese administration is investor friendly today in providing infrastructure facilities and quickly granting permit licenses to foreign companies to run manufacturing units in that country. As too many manufacturing units have come up near Shanghai and other cities, China has been facing acute power shortage due to improper development planning by the government there. So, power supply has been diverted from the residential areas to industries to make production activities go non-stop, thereby depriving the people even the use of computers and TVs at home. In spite of this, energy crisis persist leading the manufacturing units to go for oil engines for power generation at the cost of their profit. It is hoped that the present power crisis can be over come soon as the centralized development programs continue there.

Infrastructure Development

In any country without regulation, flash floods caused by rivers cannot be controlled. Long ago, America had regulated Colorado River by engineering works for the convenience of navigational activities there. China has ventured on a $ 25 billion Three Gorges Dam project to control the vast havoc causing fast floods of river Yangtze for the generation of hydroelectric power needed for the gigantic domestic consumption as well as for navigation, irrigation and drinking purposes there. Taking this as a lesson India should immediately start the $130 billion Rivers Interlinking project needed for multipurpose using both the public and private sectors' cooperation so that India will not be lagging behind other leading countries in the world.  


More by :  T. A. Ramesh

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