Mar 19, 2025
Mar 19, 2025
It took one person's comments to unite Indians the world over. Jade Goody's remarks just came as a rude reminder of the racism prevalent in the society. There was a huge uproar, votes poured in, diplomats got involved. Final result: Shilpa Shetty emerged as the winner of a 100, 000 Pounds. All India's rejoiced at their victory and went back into their slumber of ignorance.
In a society awe-struck by stardom, such a response was hardly surprising. Rationality takes a backseat in such a situation. The possibility of a publicity stunt or a gimmick to increase the TRP ratings of the show just doesn't seem to cut through the curtain of the "Bollywood fascination". A few racial slurs got all mouths talking. People who had not even heard of the show prior to the incident were glued to the television, the Indian cabinet discussed it and the British PM-in-waiting Gordon Brown, was made answerable for it.
It is astounding that a TV show could actually be responsible for almost causing a diplomatic accident or even undermining international trade talks.
After the hue and cry and a series of chaos, when the world got worked up over Shilpa Shetty's tears, getting two ministers even to urge action against the alleged racism, the government extended Goody an invitation to visit India to experience the country's "healing nature".
A prime example of the "white saab's" dominance. Indian's are willing to forgive a foreigner for racism but not one of their own, when a Dalit enters a so called high caste temple.
When our western counterparts are more welcomed into our shops than we are, the problem does not lie within the UK or US.
We are blind victims of racism, who refuse to realize that only if we get over our complexes and know that the brown skin can be superior to the fair, can we rise above shedding tears over on man; or in this case one woman's comments.
More by : Ishita Russell