Feb 28, 2025
Feb 28, 2025
Big powers gave their idiocy a name
By collective wisdom called Great Game.
Played only in Afghanistan's rear
By impaling it on a sharp spear.
All blew into the hole of the shard,
Claiming to hoist it by their petard.
Not all the muck and hot air
From the lion, eagle and bear
Helped to repair
The terrible tear.
It was always a failed state,
Now infecting its Islamic mate.
The mortality of an epidemic depends on the immunity, medical expertise and therapeutic armamentarium of the affected area. When the plague of rats hits an advanced, developed and sophisticated society and infests the corridors of power, then the harangued, disenchanted and wary population, withdraws, barricades and quarantines itself for protection by accumulating enough wealth, living in gated communities and refusing to vote!
To paraphrase a famous saying, what does it matter, whether the rats are Hindu, Moslem, Christian or Communists, they will bring plagues to the people, and are best gotten rid of, for the good of humanity.
More by : Gaurang Bhatt, MD