
Should India Trust America?

Sino-Pak Nuclear Deal  

President Obama has approved the Sino-Pakistan nuclear deal whereby China will transfer two nuclear reactors to Pakistan. He has brazenly ignored America’s own repetitive warnings that nuclear proliferation might empower terrorists. The final clearance for the Sino-Pak deal will come only after the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) approves it. But after the US approval chances are overwhelming that NSG will also give its nod.

The NSG Guidelines require that proposed deals will not contribute to the creation of nuclear weapons. Potential recipients are expected to have visible physical security measures to prevent theft or unauthorized use of nuclear materials and transfer of information to a third party. In addition deals must also have International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards in place. The IAEA must satisfy itself that non-nuclear-weapon states are not illicitly pursuing nuclear weapons.

Does the proposed Sino-Pak nuclear deal satisfy any of these conditions? It has been authenticated by US intelligence agencies that China transferred nuclear technology to Pakistan; that China helped Pakistan detonate a nuclear test; that Pakistan’s rogue scientist AQ Khan confessed that he had proliferated nuclear know how and material to North Korea, Iran and Libya with the blessings of the Pakistan government; that spy satellite pictures of Pakistan exchanging nuclear material with North Korea in Pyongyang in 2001 were available; that Pakistan extended a full pardon to AQ Khan; that Pakistan refused to allow any international agency to interrogate AQ Khan; and that the US government approved this naked charade and expressed confidence in the Pakistan government.

Given the visible penetration of the Pakistan security apparatus by elements sympathetic to Jihadi terrorists not surprisingly many voices in the US have expressed alarm over the threat of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons falling in terrorist hands. In 2009 U.S. satellite images suggested Pakistan was increasing its capacity to produce plutonium required for atomic bombs. Last month on April 11 the threat about poorly-guarded nuclear weapons and material was discussed in an extraordinary two-day summit in Washington. Countering Pakistan Prime Minister Gilani’s assurances in the summit, Harvard University 's Belfer Centre for Science and International Affairs released a document titled Securing the Bomb 2010. It said Pakistan 's stockpile "faces a greater threat from Islamic extremists seeking nuclear weapons than any other nuclear stockpile on earth".  The Institute also reported that Pakistan 's second nuclear reactor, built to produce plutonium for weapons, showed signs of starting operations. A third reactor was under construction.

It is in this overall context that President Obama has approved the proposed Sino-Pak nuclear deal. One can sympathize with Washington for having landed itself in a situation that makes it a client state of Beijing. But given the gravity of dangers that still exist over terrorist access to Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, can the US approval of the deal be justified in any way? The threat arising from terrorists acquiring a nuclear weapon looms largest for India. In these circumstances can India afford to trust America?
Currently President Pratibha Patil is visiting Beijing. Chinese analysts concede that no tangible gains will emerge from the visit. But they affirm that the visit will improve the atmosphere. Ah yes, the atmosphere! Currently the atmosphere allows all and sundry nations to kick India at will. The latest doing it is Canada as in unprecedented diplomatic conduct it denies visas to Indians who have served “war criminal” security agencies such as the Indian army and the BSF. India has a government that allows this to happen. Therefore India must pay the price.
Who knows, one day India too may get a government that protects national interest and self-respect. Then the West may have to pay the price.


More by :  Dr. Rajinder Puri

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Views: 3580      Comments: 4

Comment Dogdom, Sharma, D'Costa, it's good you guys can speak your minds and deplore the present state of affairs, but please don't ever, ever, ever become cynical and lose hope. Things can change. Things will change. They will change sooner than what most people think.

31-May-2010 14:01 PM

Comment The questions that Mr. Puri has posed are a reflection of failed foreign policies of the successive Indian governments on one hand and a total lack of integrity among the politicians. The daily dose of news points only to the rampant corruption where everyone is involved. The basic tenant of Freedom which is self determination and self rule is totally lost with puppetry even at the highest level of governance.

Roy D'Costa
31-May-2010 09:32 AM

Comment I can't agree more with the above article.It will be foolish to trust America.America is the most selfish nation on this earth.It can sacrifice any country for its own intrest.It never believed India when it was being targeted by Pak terrorists.It awoke only when it became a victim itself but still it is arming Pakistan in a false hope that it can help them in Afganistan.India's foreign minister in UPA 2 has proved to be weakest foreign minister so far.He has completely failed wheh Indians were being killed in Australia and now he has failed again when respected Indians are being denied visa by Canada on the basis of absurd grounds. After that country insults Indians,some minister of that country says sorry & our hon'ble minister feels satisfied and says that matter is closed.How far V can tolerate such spinless ministers ? Unfortunately BJP has also lost its way and is busy in its own internal wranglings.Other oppositin parties are much we have no alternative than to pray GOD SAVE THIS COUNTRY.

30-May-2010 12:12 PM

Comment Very rightly said Mr. Puri 'one day India may get a government that protects national interest and self respect...' Before Independence we used to wish away the British in the hope of better governance, in the hope of a government by the Indians for the Indians-we are still hoping...

30-May-2010 10:28 AM

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