Feb 22, 2025
Feb 22, 2025
Workshop # 1
To fall or not to fall?
This is the dilemma.
For one such as I to embark
and bite the chilling breeze
is a formidable task.
Will I land safely
or be cast into an ocean of torment?
The fetter that once was life
keeps me hanging desperately
on the branch of similar hopes...
To float carelessly down to the uncharted stomping grounds below.
Down I go,
a swift gale is the hand that holds me
Opening my sails
and I feel alive once more.
Yet I am getting closer,
still closer
to the jungles that await below.
I land with a slight jolt.
"Not bad for the first flight", I judge.
Perplexed, I look around quickly,
and again I am lifted
up, up, ... and away!
But what happens
when the hands loosen their heavenly grasp?
Will I be laughed upon by my relatives
having not come this far,
or will the amazons be
my utopian escape from reality?
I know not the answer to these questions.
I am just reveling in the ride given to me
freely by the hands of the wind.
The hands of my newly found friend.
Workshop # 1
A Heady Cocktail by Meenakshi Madhur
Chrysalis by Sivasundari Bose
Green 'n' Brown by Mallik Bulusu
Hands Holding Me by Joseph Allen Hardy
It's as Green as the Grass Can Grow by Frank Sheehan
Last Hope by Shveta Kabra
Nature and Life by B.K. Swaminathan
Nature has a Lot to Give by Ambika Bhatt
New World Order by Suniti Chandra Mishra
Survival Technique by Pavalamani Pragasam
The Gemini Twins by Maalok
The Lady Lily by Hecletia
Time by Dr. Soumya Panigrahi
Timeless Growth by Sonali Khusal
Transformation by Rajender Krishan
More by : Joseph Allen Hardy