Mar 13, 2025
Mar 13, 2025
Workshop # 1
Sights and sounds of life
flitter through the air
Senses reign supreme, the smell
of flowers grasping your nostrils.
Nature in magnificence
barely a cumulus amidst
A low haze of pollution
under clear delicious aqua blue.
Peace, calmness, serenity prevail
leaving an enduring sense
of perpetuity and significance.
Figures jump alive
Bright vivacious colors
An oil painting mimicking
a Technicolor dream. The creatures,
birds, butterflies levitate throughout.
They run, jump and flutter
with the ease and grace of Gods,
as if blessed with special
cognitions, insights, delights.
The spectrum is spectacular
Un-captured in vernacular.
The beauty of nature surrounds
Un-circumvented by bounds.
Pick flowers, pluck fruit
Hold it, caress it: a gem.
Love it, touch it, succumb
to angelic aura. Be dazzled
By heavenly properties, unfathomable.
Then, one special day, it coagulates
revealing itself in perfect majesty
You sense a distinctness
The uniqueness unmatched
Nor replicated on TV., or in movies
The solitary wonder of nature.
It's As Green As the Grass Can Grow.
Workshop # 1
A Heady Cocktail by Meenakshi Madhur
Chrysalis by Sivasundari Bose
Green 'n' Brown by Mallik Bulusu
Hands Holding Me by Joseph Allen Hardy
It's as Green as the Grass Can Grow by Frank Sheehan
Last Hope by Shveta Kabra
Nature and Life by B.K. Swaminathan
Nature has a Lot to Give by Ambika Bhatt
New World Order by Suniti Chandra Mishra
Survival Technique by Pavalamani Pragasam
The Gemini Twins by Maalok
The Lady Lily by Hecletia
Time by Dr. Soumya Panigrahi
Timeless Growth by Sonali Khusal
Transformation by Rajender Krishan
More by : Frank Sheehan