Mar 19, 2025
Mar 19, 2025
Lo! Behold here a fragile flower flailing for succor! With arms raised and face turned heavenward, in piercing pain doth the maiden pour supplications to the powers above to come to her rescue. She sends desperate SOS signals to some gallant knight wandering about with a lust to help damsels in distress.
Oh! What a dire strait to find oneself in! How the heart bleeds to see the slender figure writhing with the back arched backwards! Can there be a more pathetic sight in the world? Is not the agony of a young female the cruelest thing on earth? Does it not instantly pull the chords of tenderness?
Hurry, ye brave warriors of the world to snatch this willowy girl from her watery tomb! Chivalry ought to gush like a spring in any gentleman's heart. Whose fleet feet shall come rushing hither to lift swiftly the gentle lady out of the eddy?
Even a tyrant will melt like ice at such an unspeakable trauma. Shame to the man who will not be moved by such palpable pathos! What creature he be who walks past untouched by such a critical predicament? A wretch must he be who is insensitive to this wretched victim of the whims of whirling current. Nay, our species has not witnessed such inhumanity ever since Adam and Eve came into existence.
But wait, I say. Let me see clearly. Is the black beauty really in distress? Do my eyes deceive me? Oh! My God! What an error of judgment! The lady is indeed ecstatic! She throws up her arms in boundless joy.
She has taken to water like a duck, a fish, a frog, an alligator or a whale. Yes, here bends a merry dolphin diving in and out of water in gay abandon.
The dame spins like a top in a mad circle of surging torrent. What childlike glee for the graceful mermaid! In blissful oblivion of surroundings blithely spreads the lass her wings like the feathered kind. The floods fill the fairy's heart with purest mirth, perceptibly. Oh! What a whipping frenzy of dipping deep in churning waters. The frolicking nymph delights in the vortex of her own making.
A lovely, lustrous lotus of the lake. A gleaming pearl springing out of the oyster. A high-strung bow bent with poignant passion, poised for powerful performance.
An adorable bathing beauty heedless of glares and gazes. A liberated, uninhibited woman of the new millennium reveling in riotous merriment.
Behold her brimming confidence! Read her overflowing power. The steady central point determining a marked circle.
No fetters, no shackles. No cares, no worries. The present moment is precious. Live it. Thrive in it. Welcome the spirit. Long live the perennial current's paradise!
More by : Pavalamani Pragasam