
Management of Hypothyroidism in Ayurveda 2

Continued from Previous Page 

Table 5.13 showing the symptomatic relief percentage:


The Most Common Symptoms
Observed in 32 pt's





Weight gain/unable to loose weight










Easy Fatigability










Cold Intolerance





Hair Loss





Slowness of memory, intellect
and thought















Gaseous distention





Hoarseness/slowness of voice





Menstrual Irregularities





Oligomenorrhoea /Amenorrhea










Muscle cramps and weakness





Muscle stiffness and aching





Dry Skin





Coarse, brittle, dull hair





Puffiness of the face, hands, feet





Slow Reflexes









The over all relief percentage

The TSH levels became normal in the fresh 16 cases, showed a p value of 0.0174, statistically significant. In 2 patients after withdrawl of the drug no recurrence is noted even after 6months. In the chronic cases that are already using the allopathic drug Thyronorm, the drug was gradually replaced with the trail drug. The TSH levels were maintained during the replacement time.

Out of the 32 recruited cases 6 cases shown marked relief. These 6 cases were fresh cases. Moderate relief was observed in chronic cases and in those thyronorm withdrawal cases. 4 cases with long duration showed mild relief. Complete relief and no relief were not observed in the present study.

Table 5.14 showing the result of overall treatment:

Relief No. of Patients Percentage
Complete Relief 0 0%
Marked Relief 6 18.75%
Moderate Relief 22 68.75%
Mild Relief 4 12.50%
No Relief 0 0%

Hypothyroidism doesn't have any characteristic symptoms. There are no symptoms that people with hypothyroidism always have and many symptoms of hypothyroidism can occur in people with other diseases. Hypothyroidism is sometimes referred to as a "silent" disease because early symptoms may be so mild that no one realizes anything is wrong.

Kanchanara Guggulu6 (Sa. Sam), a well-known Ayurvedic drug is selected for this trail to evaluate its efficacy on hypothyroidism. The trail was conducted on 32 patients from the Govt Ayurvedic Hosp, Erragadda; Analysis was made to assess the results in relation to various factors. 

It is a well-known fact that the disease Hypothyroidism is more common in women than men, probably because hormonal imbalance acts as a trigger for thyroid problems. Women's bodies have a delicate balance of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, which can be upset when the body is under stress and not receiving enough support. And also estrogens increases the concentration of TBG and of total T3 and T4 levels. In the present clinical study also out of 32 patients 30 were female and 2 of them were male.

Hypothyroidism can develop at any point in the life span. It is more common in adults. In this clinical trail age incidence is high in the 2nd and 3rd decades, 80% of the cases were found in this age group. It may be because the medical Practitioners and the patients are now more aware of this disease than in the last few decades.  

Actually the women, especially those older than 50, are more likely to have hypothyroidism. But the symptoms of hypothyroidism are often subtle, or people believe their symptoms are due to stress, depression, or "getting older," or may frequently mistake for other conditions; it is not unusual for someone with hypothyroidism to go undiagnosed, sometimes for many years. And also because the symptoms of hypothyroidism and menopause are so similar, hypothyroidism may easily be missed. 

 In the recent years peculiar changes in the cultural and social areas forcing the human beings to arenas of tremendous stress. It is becoming more prevalent in the modern society and upper socio economic classes. As thyroid gland is one of the sensitive glands in the body it stimulates to stress easily the incidence is high in this group. Whereas iodine deficiency hypothyroidism is associated with lower/poor socio economic classes due to poor nutrition. 

The disease is seen more in 1. Kapha prakriti predominants, 2.Mamsa, Medo sara predominants, 3. predominantly Non- vegetarians; 4. Those who consume more saturated fatty diet, 5. Whose BMI is above 20. 

These all come under one umbrella "the sedentary life style". 

Heredity plays a role in both under active and overactive thyroid; Recent studies show that 20% of the diabetic daughters area at the risk of developing thyroid disorders. In the present trail 50% of the patients had a family history of autoimmune disorders like DM, hypothyroidism, psoriasis etc.

People with many autoimmune diseases have a higher risk for hypothyroidism. One patient suffered from Rheumatoid Arthritis and Diabetes Mellitus. Another patient was ASMA +ve  (Anti Smooth Muscle Antibodies) with chronic autoimmune hepatitis and Hasimoto's Thyroiditis and Vitiligo. Another was a case associated with Hyper Parathyroidism and Osteoporosis, Ca supplement was added along with the trail drug. 

Another case a 25 yr female c/o unable to attain menarche with hypothyroidism diagnosed as turners syndrome with streak ovaries, she was counseled properly as turners syndrome is highly impossible to treat and was given treatment for hypothyroidism only.  

Numerous medications can affect the thyroid. Some drugs given for non-thyroid conditions have the side effect of inhibiting production of thyroid hormone within the thyroid gland. If these drugs are taken in large dosages or for a long time, hypothyroidism may result. Nitroprusside, lithium, or iodides in the form of cough syrups, steroid and beta-blocker proponolol etc, and can induce hypothyroidism.

Among the 32 patients 2 patients had a history of using steroids and 3 patients had a history of using medications for depression and insomnia, 2 patients had a history of using immuno-suppressants. 6 patients had a history of hysterectomy. It may be because hypothyroidism, in the early stages presents with Menorrhagia, which may be easily misdiagnosed.

Another was a case of Juvenile Hypothyroidism, a 13 yr old boy with a BMI of more than 38 (wt 78kilos) with typical dull expressionless face, myxedamatous, thick, rough, cold doughy skin, hypercholestremia and delayed DTR's, deep slow voice and other symptoms. Unfortunately the case was a drop out.

The TSH levels became normal in the fresh 16 cases, in 2 patients after with drawl of the drug no recurrence is noted even after 6months. In the chronic cases that are already using the allopathic drug Thyronorm the drug was gradually replaced with the trail drug. The TSH levels were maintained during the replacement time. 4 patients were advised to continue the medication along with the allopathic drug, as they are at the perimenopausal stages, and the chronicity of the disease is high.

Coming to the results, 33% of relief was observed in those who complained of weight gain or unable to loss weight. Good results were observed in the fresh cases and who exercised regularly. But in the chronic cases that were habituated to sedentary life style no significant results were observed. In the patients who got relief there was 4/5 kilo of weight loss was observed in the three months duration. Exercise is especially important for weight loss among hypothyroidism sufferers.

Menstrual irregularities are the main symptom in hypothyroid patients, which brings them to the hospital. In among the 32 patients 50% of the patients complained of menstrual irregularities, most of them also complained of oligomenorrhoea. 87.5% relief was observed in these cases. In 2 patients who complained of infertility one had altered FSH levels and Anovulatory cycles, another patient complained of repeated abortions. In both of these patients infertility was not relieved in 3 months durations of the course.

Another main symptom constipation, poor appetite, gaseous distention was 95% relieved after the treatment, as the all the ingredients in the trail drug acts as Deepana and Pachana.

Vertigo, mood disturbances, easy fatigability, tiredness, lethargy, slowness of memory, intellect and thought were the early symptoms and marked relief was observed in these symptoms.

Parasthesia's, muscle cramps, weakness, muscles stiffness and aching were the main complaints of the chronic cases. 50-60% of relief was observed in these cases, as Guggulu acts as anti-inflammatory and analgesic.

15 patients complained of occasional voice changes like hoarseness; slowness of voice etc. 66% relief was noted. Hair loss was seen in 18 patients and 60% of relief was observed in these cases. Dry, rough skin is seen in 70% cases and half of the patients got relief.  35% of cases showed dry, brittle, lusterless hair. Brittle nails, recurrent attacks of infections were observed in many patients. 85% of the cases showed significant improvement in puffiness of the face, feet and palms.

One patient's only complaint was chronic rhinitis.

Cardiac and respiratory symptoms are rarely observed in 32 patients. One patient, aged 65yrs with Bradycardia, Cardiomegaly was seen. But it was under exclusion criteria. 

Goiter was seen in 11 cases, the trail drug showed effective in acute and grade I Goiter. No significant results were observed in chronic cases. In one case of euthyroid and MNG (multi nodular goiter) since 6yrs, the recent nodule noted 3months back was reduced and other nodules become soft in consistency in the duration of 3 months.  

Thinning of the lateral thirds of the eyebrows (Queen Anne's sign) was noticed in one patient.


During the replacement of the allopathic drug, puffiness of the face, mood disturbances, feeling of heaviness, muscle cramps were noted in 4 patients. But it was adjusted by increasing the dosage of the trial drug.

Gastritis was another complaint seen in 2 patients, but it was negligible and was controlled after minimizing the dosage of Kanchanara Guggulu.


  1. The trail drug Kanchanara Guggulu and Shigru Patra Kwatha is found to be beneficial in recently diagnosed cases.
  2. Mild to moderate relief was noted in patients who are already using the drug thyronorm and it can be completely replaceable with the trail drug depending upon the rogi bala and rogibala. TSH levels and the clinical features should be carefully monitored.
  3. The patients who are in perimenopausal or menopausal stages, who has a chronicity of more than 10yrs, who has a history of autoimmune disorders it would be advisable to continue the medication along with the thyronorm.
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  1. Human physiology by CC Chuttarjee. Medical allied Agency, Calcutta, 1988.
    Applied physiology by Best and Taylor.
  2. Robbins textbook of pathology, Robbin.
  3. Human Endocrinolgy by Paul R Guard, Taylor and Francis, 1988.
  4. Endocrinology by Andrew lewy, Stafford lightman, Oxford University Press, 1997.
  5. Sarangadhara Samhita
  6. Nighntu Adarsh, Bapalal G Vaidya, Choukambha Sanskrit Series, Varanasi.
  7. Dravyaguna Vignanam By K Nisteswar, AP Literature Improvement Trust.
  8. Dravyaguna Vignan by JLN Sastry, Chaukhambha Sanskrit series.
  9. Charaka samhita
  10. Sushruta samhita
  11. Bhela samhita
  12. Kashyapa samhita
  13. Diagnostic tests in Endocrinology and Diabetis, Ed by P Boulax and LH Books.
  14. Essential endocrinology by Oxford University Press, 1966.
  15. Endocrine Patho Physiology, Hershman, JM Lea and Fibriger, 1998.
  16. Essential endocrinology Charles Brooks, Nicholas Marshal, Blackwell series, 3rd Ed.
  17.  Thesis: (Clinical study on the effect of kanchanara guggulu and shigru patra kwath on hypothyroidism by Dr. V.Vijaya lakshmi prasuna, PG scholar; Dept of kaya chikitsa under the guidance of Dr. Prakash chander; Professor and HOD; Dept of kaya chikitsa, Dr. BRKR Govt ayurvedic college, Hyderabad.)

Information provided in this article is for the sole purpose of imparting education on Ayurveda and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician.  


More by :  Dr. Lakshmi Prasuna, MD (Ayu)

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Views: 3658      Comments: 21

Comment Tried to find your contact and details to discuss further on my wife''s case.. Could not find any information about you anywhere.
Please share your Treatment centers address or your contact number or email address that I can take it up further.
This informations are only useful if we are able to get a treatment based on this.
Your research is great and wish everyone get a benefit out of it.

21-Jan-2015 05:28 AM

Comment Where can I meet your ayurvedic doc for hypothyroidism in Delhi. do you also see patients in Hyderabad?
Please send me address.
Thank you

11-Jun-2014 15:28 PM

Comment Dear doctor ...........

my tsh level is 8.4 and i want to treatment with you.....i was send you mail .....for this id.....plz help help me.......plz tell my where is your clinic and cell no.....?

06-Apr-2014 02:47 AM

Comment Dear DOCTOR;

Please inform the company Produce The following medicine address


ShigruPatra Kwatha

Truely Anil

05-Apr-2014 10:42 AM

Comment Dear Dr. Lakshmi

Please email me your contract number and address. My daughter 12 years old is having hypothroid with very very high TSH. Would like to contact you so that she can be treated. Apprecaite hearing from you soonest.

13-Feb-2014 06:27 AM

Comment Please email me your contract number and address. My daughter 12 years old is having hypothroid with very very high TSH. Would like to contact you so that she can be treated. Apprecaite hearing from you soonest.

13-Feb-2014 06:26 AM

Comment Dear Madam,

I am from Kerala. Do you have any branches in Kerala? In which state your clinic? I am suffering form lymphocyte thyroiditis. I would like to meet and start medicine form you. Or you can advice to do scanning or any lab test for your treatment, So, I can send that result for your kind consideration. I hope your esteemed help and support.

Thanking you

02-Feb-2014 04:49 AM

Comment Dr.Laxmi,

Dear Madam,

I am thank full to read and gain the knowledge about Thyroid.
From last six months I am searching the ayurvedic advise,medicine for Thyroid.

Now I am 47 years old , when I was 33 I got symptoms of thyroid that is hoarness voice, hair loss, I have taken medicine of homiyopethy and cure.

But from last one year I got other symptoms as per your thesis given here. And Dr. Suggested me , it should be Thyroid so go for thyroid check up.

I have not taken report. But all the symptoms are same as u written.

Shall I take the medicine suggested by u without taking report.

Pls reply.



Sangeeta Swaminathan
20-Dec-2013 09:58 AM

Comment Dear Dr. Lakshmi,
I am from Nepal, a medical student.Thanx a lot for granting us with such a wonderful thesis both on the terms of ayurveda and medical science..
Mam..I would like for your consultation..Its my humble request to provide me with with your contact number if possible or your clinical address.

29-Sep-2013 02:58 AM

Comment Thank you Dr. Lakshmi ,
I am very much thankful to you for your study , because it will help to ayurvedic graduates to treat hypothroidism patients.
Sanjive Kumar Srivastava

Dr.Sanjive Kumar Srivastava
26-Sep-2013 23:00 PM

Comment Dr. mam thanks a lot for given informations about tsh. I would like to contact you, please let me know your mobile no and clinic address and please suggests deit to reduce tsh level >155.

malti bajpai

malti bajpai
15-Aug-2013 04:59 AM

Comment Dear Madam

This is very useful information to who really suffering with thyroid.

How I can consult to you. Till now iam not used ant drug for thyroid. But my TSH level is 11.5.

Please send complete details.

P Lakshmi Narayana
22-Mar-2013 03:47 AM

Comment Dr,

Thanks for such a informative article on thyroid, I live in hyderabad and would like to consult you and my Thyroid case.

Rachna Jaiswal.

08-Oct-2012 04:07 AM

Comment Respected Dr Lakshmi,

It's a very good research paper. I want to do consultation with Dr. Lakshmi Prasuna, MD. Can you please give me your phone number and clinic address. I would like to consult you as I am suffering from hypothyroidism for the past 8 years.

Thanks a lot.

Charan Singh
18-Sep-2012 05:07 AM

Dear Dr Lakshmi,

I am from Malaysia. Can you please give me your phone number and clinic address. I would like to consult you as I am suffering from hypothyroidism for the past 10 years.

Thank you.

17-Sep-2012 08:13 AM

Comment it's a very very good research paper. if there is any research paper about psoriasis. i would like know about ayuved line of treatment in psoriasis with details of researches.

manjushree ingle
10-Sep-2012 06:34 AM

Comment I want to do consultation with Dr. Lakshmi Prasuna, MD. Please can you tell me what is her clinic address and telephone contact. I have to discuss the hypothyroidism with her.


Sohail Akhtar
20-Jul-2012 04:55 AM

Comment dear sir,

it is a very good article and i hope that you are continuing it

dr.saurabh hada
09-Sep-2011 02:20 AM

Comment Have there been any updates on the trial since this was first published?
Thank you

13-Aug-2011 18:18 PM

Comment It is very good case study

dr sowmya
12-Jun-2011 14:47 PM

Comment Dr. Prasun thank you for publishing this wonderful study. My heartly congratulations.
I am a general surgeon engaged in clinical research in Ayurveda and medicinal plants. This
I would like to interact with you pls respond to this email and provide your contacts.

13-May-2011 04:11 AM