Mar 28, 2025
Mar 28, 2025
by Ramesh Anand
Workshop # 17
16th century
Went blindfolded -
To view the truth.
Her left hand
Held double-edged sword -
To drive home reason and justice.
Her right hand
Held set of scales -
To load the subject's 'two sides'
On them and decide the outcome
Based on the needle's direction.
21st century
Went wide-eyed -
To view the loophole.
Their left hands
Held double standard code -
To drive home corruption and injustice.
Their right hands
Held set of scales -
To load the subject's 'two sides'
On them and decide the payoff
Based on the needle's direction.
Justitia if gets life
In 21st century
Will be blindfolded -
To view the falsity.
Her left hand
Will hold double-edged sword -
To drive home disloyal's blood and justice.
Her right hand
Will hold set of scales -
To load the judiciary's 'loop holes'
On one side and based on the needle's direction
Destroy them to bring scales equal.
More by : Ramesh Anand