
Is Justice Blind?

Workshop # 17

What is the value of a single human life
in a judge’s sentence of a serial killer?
How many days do you subtract from
the life expectancy of the murderer
to pay for the extinction of his victims?
How many days per body do you estimate
before the killer should be eligible
for a parole hearing? Should he be eligible?
What is a parole hearing in aid of
that would justify consideration
of such an unholy candidate?
What’s the release date? How long does a killer keep
in a can? How do you refrigerate evil
when you can’t define or contain the germ?
What’s a bad person got that isn’t a disease?
Should it be quarantined? Can it be caught?
If it’s not a disease and the killer
is most at ease and organized and deliberate
in his acts, is not sick or deranged -
at least not in any accepted way
that could be called mental illness
and eliminate rational behaviour, will, and choice;
he is not neurotic or psychotic;
he is psychopathic ...
(Subtract empathy, add caution.);
he doesn’t want to be caught
so he’s got a kit and a script
(Add deliberation, malice aforethought.);
he is dangerous and devious,
deliberately deceitful and adept;
he has programmed himself
to various pseudo- and paraphylia;
cares not a jot for the lot of others,
only in how a body can be used and abused:
how long and at what temperature
and under what conditions do you
quarantine such a creature?
Bend or break, the body is expendable,
something to use up in a burning bush of malevolent
neural delight, whenever, however he likes.
What does sequential sentencing mean then?
What is your duty? How serve and protect ... ?
The guy would make lousy fertilizer!
What would grow then?

 Workshop # 17 

 Act! Oh, Goddess of Justice! by G. Venkatesh   
 Advocacy by Dr. Raj Vatsya   

 Against All Odds by Shernaz Wadia   

 Animal Farm Again by T. A. Ramesh   

 Before The Bench by Kamal Wadhwa   

 Blind Justice Symbolism by Rajha Rajesuwari Subhramanium   

 Blind to Hypocrisy by Jayaprakash Raghavan Pillai   

 Can Justice Reach India’s Toiling Masses? by Dr. Uddipan Mukherjee   

 Coomaraswamy’s Last Stand by Kamal Wadhwa   

 Encounter by Shernaz Wadia   

 Give Humanity A Chance by Rupradha Mookerjee   

 Gizzards by Afanwi Stella   

 How Long, Oh Goddess of Justice! by Dr. Kumarendra Mallick   

 In A World of Big Lies... by N. S. Murty   

 In Defense of A Committed Judiciary by Kamal Wadhwa   

 In(Justice) by Ramesh Anand   

 Is Justice Blind? by Nikhil Sharda   

 Is Justice Humane? by Shibsankar Bagchi   

 Is the Statue of Lady Justice Relevant in India Today? by Ganesh Joshi   

 Just Justice by Dr. Madhavi Godavarthy   

 Justice Delayed: Justice Denied by Bharat B. Trivedi   

 Justice Delivered by Janaki Janar   

 Justice for All by Mukesh Williams   

 Justice in Adversarial System by Dr. Raj Vatsya   

 Justitia Versus Justice by Ramesh Anand   

 Lady Justice by Ramesh Anand   

 Lady Justice’s a Pretty Nice Girl by Dipankar Dasgupta   

 Lost is Our Humanity by Rupradha Mookerjee   

 Miss Justice, a Villanelle by Steve Talbert   

 Mother Justice by Prof. Siva Prasad Peddi   

 On Her Blindness by G Swaminathan   

 Order by Dr. Raj Vatsya   

 Reform or Perish by Rajinder Puri   

 Reforming India’s Judiciary by Rajinder Puri   

 Rejoice! by Pavalamani Pragasam   

 Righteousness is Divine ... by Deepak Yadav   

 Self-realization through Internal Justice by Prof. Siva Prasad Peddi   

 Shall We? (Tyburn) by Ramesh Anand   

 She Laughs at It! (Senryu) by Ramesh Anand   

 Strength of a Woman by Yogita Tripathi   

 The Lady Justice's Lament by Ramesh Anand   

 The Lady of Justice by Supriya Bhandari   

 The Origins Of Justice by Gaurang Bhatt, MD   

 The President's Pardon by Jayaprakash Raghavan Pillai   

 The Public Prosecutor by Kamal Wadhwa   

 The Social Base by Prof. Siva Prasad Peddi   

 Universal Justice (NONET) by Ramesh Anand   

 Whatsoever (Limerick) by Ramesh Anand   

 Who Am I? by Dr. Shirisha Dabiru   

 Why? by Pavalamani Pragasam   


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