
Memories - Falling Leaves of Yesterday

Its afternoon time, but my day has just begun. The scorching heat outside has hardly tampered my busy schedule of having rest!!  As I move out f the bed to fetch the newspaper my mind starts recollecting the dream I had last night and may be which lasted all along with my sleep... was it because of the dream that I was so reluctant to wake up?? As I flip through different pages of newspaper, various scenes, from the last night dream, begin to connect. It’s like me putting together various pieces of a jig-saw puzzle..

Ohh is it really me... Yes I can see myself riding on my bicycle going as fast as I can to ... to... to... where am i going?? That’s certainly not in the frame... Suddenly I m along with all my friends fighting over a small Tiffin, next we all r emptying our pockets just to compensate the Tiffin boy...scenes are passing by very fast...The hot debate after losing the cricket match is still sad face, after I lost the hundred rupees note which I saved over to celebrate my 1st valentine day, now I c myself crying for not been able to fulfil my parents expectation in my board exams...The gloomy scenes don’t seem 2 end.. I m very emotional as I m leaving my old school and friends to go to a new’s my 1st day in the new school...I am tensed and a bit excited, I meet one of my very  old friend I lost few years back...the smiles r back.. Scenes r’s me receiving the certificate for topping maths examination...My parents are smiling because of me... i m overjoyed!! Its result time again...this time I don’t disappoint my parents...I m on 9th cloud...

Suddenly the scenes are in fast forward mode... Friend’s are leaving new ones r coming... My Love just left, and I was standing there helpless...smiles, gloomy faces, excitement, thrill, tears - all emotions r passing through me in space of a second... And suddenly I am now on my bike driving way too fast for comfort, but where am I going?? .. Clock just struck 1 and I am out of my thoughts... I solved almost the whole puzzle-put every piece to its place... but there is still one empty place...the last piece-the last scene... Where was I going?? I realize it was not the scenes that were passing was my LIFE that just passed by... It’s been a wonderful experience and i need to treasure every special moment... I need to go in past and collect all those memories and bring all those people together who have separated for some or the other reason..

Was this where I was going?? YES, certainly... I was going in my PAST to collect all those MEMORIES as they r the FALLING LEAVES OF YESTERDAY !!!!

More By  :  Mohit Bhalla

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